The Bike Rack By: Cameron, Grace, Tony and Steven
The Problem Ms. Whitmore is college student who uses her Mongoose XR250 mountain bike for all of her transportation needs. Her apartment complex does not provide a safe place for her to store her bike, which is currently kept in her small kitchen until she can find an alternative means.
Brainstorm/Research ?gclid=CPDE6M_Iv6gCFcW5KgodGRZQuwhttp:// ?gclid=CPDE6M_Iv6gCFcW5KgodGRZQuw atomicRack.phphttp:// atomicRack.php Stand Stand
Decision Matrix Criteria Ideas Acessabilit y DamageSpace Efficiency SimplicityAppealing Design Safety Totals 1. Gravity Stand Cabinet Posts Horiz. Ceiling Lift Single Bike Stand Bike Shelf Rank Scale Question Scale
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Buy It! Retail Price -$25 Where it is sold -Dicks -Wal-Mart -Most local bike stores Why? -Takes up less space than almost all other bike racks -Cheaper than other bike racks -Comes pre-assembled! -Made of stainless steal to keep that new rack look! -Light, easy to move and gets your bike out of the way!