Strategic Social Media Marketing Tracy Tuten, Ph.D.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategic Social Media Marketing Tracy Tuten, Ph.D.

Social Media

Some Common Reasons for Doing Business with Social Media It’s trendy It‘s free It’s fast It’s Facebook

Social Media Social media are the means of communication based on interdependent relationships and cooperation among friends and associates Enhanced by the anytime, anywhere benefits of the Web and mobile technologies Built around online communities

The Evolution of Marketing Communications

It’s a Big Social World

A Starfish

A Prism

The Social Context

The Zones of Social Media

Brand Applications Across Social Zones

What’s your objective? Learn insights for new product development? Enhance awareness? Build brand equity? Encourage positive WOM? Provide customer care/service? Generate sales leads? Share sales promotions efficiently? Drive store (off/online) traffic?

Why Customers Interact with Companies in Social Spaces

What Might You Do? Community Publishing Entertainment Commerce Manage relationships Provide customer care in social channels Publishing Blogging (In House or Sponsor) YouTube videos Entertainment Foursquare Games Commerce Reviews, Sales Promotions, Services

Listening, Talking

Relationship Types Promoters (80-90% of positive WOM) Passives Detractors (80-90% of negative WOM)

36% of brand social interactions are complaints 50% of detractors complain because they want companies to learn from their mistakes 17% complain to embarrass companies publicly 26% share information online about products they use

Before You Start, Assess Are there linkages between direct strategy and social? What activities can be tied to social media? What resources can be directed to social? Is the organization prepared for social? Who are your customers? Are they social users? Who are your competitors? What social media activities are they using? What key trends may affect your decisions?

Social Segments In what online communities are people participating? What activities are they participating in? What role is social technology playing in their lives?

Why Be Social? Affinity impulse Curiousity impulse Contact comfort Immediacy impulse Altruistic impulse Validation impulse

Social Technographics

Which Social Zones? Can you use to offer value? Can engage the audience? What will the experience be? What do you want the audience to do?

If You Are Serious – Make a Plan Source: U.S. Army SlideShare “Social Media Strategy Template”

How Much Time Will It Take? Source: Michael Stoner

Ready to Learn More? Attend our panel this afternoon! Dr. Tracy Tuten

Social Media Stats 84% of B2B marketers use social media in some form. (Source: Aberdeen) The majority of marketers (59%) are using social media for 6 hours or more each week. (Source: Social Media Examiner) 83% of marketers indicate that social media is important for their business. (Source: Social Media Examiner) Companies that acquired customers from Facebook: B2C is 77% and B2B is 43%. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012) Retail is the top industry that has acquired customers through Facebook. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012) Auto-posting to Facebook decreases likes and comments by 70%. (Digital Buzz Blog 2012) Biggest user groups on Google+ are college students and software developers. (Remcolandia) 63% of Google+ users are male. (Remcolandia) The top interests on Pinterest in the U.S. include crafts, gifts, hobbies/leisure, interior design, and fashion designers/collections. ( Shoppers referred by Pinterest are 10% more likely to make a purchase than visitors who arrive from other social networks, including Facebook and Twitter. Theyll also spend 10% more on average. (Wayfair) Pinterest referrals spend 70% more than those from non-social channels. (Wayfair)

Types of Media Zone Paid Media Earned Media Owned Media Social community Ads Conversations, Shared content, Influence impressions, Likes, fans Controlled profiles Social publishing Endorsements, Branded channels Embeds, comments, shares, links, search rankings Corporate blogs, branded media sharing sites Social entertainment Social game ads In-game interactions Advergames, branded ARGs Social commerce Sales promotions Reviews/ratings Referrals Group buys Social shopping Social storefronts