Goals of Safe Routes To School Create opportunities and increase the number of children who actively commute to and from school which will... Enhance children's health and well being by adding physical activity to their day and help in weight maintenance. Ease traffic congestion in school zones and neighborhoods. Build a stronger sense of community within elementary.
National Research shows: National commuting rates suggest 14-19% of children actively commute to and from school (Ham et al, 2005). 35 years ago, 42% of children walk/bike to school In our nation, the majority of short trips are taken in cars. 25% of trips are less than 1 mile and 75% are taken by car (Frumpkin, 2002). 0.5 miles for children in grades K-5 is considered as feasible walking distance (D’haese et al., 2011).
About 1/3 of students were potential active commuters, living within 0.5 mile of school (Heelan et al., 2013). 40.2% of students living within a 0.5 mile of school was a commuted to school by car or bus. The potential active commuter lived 0.34±0.1 mile away on average
Results from Parents- March %- 35% of parents at each school completed the survey
Distance from child’s home to school * 59% of responders lived within ½ mile which is reasonable walking distance
Typical mode of arrival to and from school 17-25% of students are active commuting
School Arrival DistanceWalkBikeSchool BusFamily Vehicle CarpoolTransitOther Less than ¼ mile 24%6%0%65%5%0% ¼ mile to ½ mile 12%7%2%68%8%2%1% ½ mile to 1 mile 7%0% 86%5%2%0% 1 mile to 2 miles 0% 3%90%8%0% More than 2 miles 0% 20%78%2%0% DistanceWalkBikeSchool Bus Family Vehicle CarpoolTransitOther Less than ¼ mile 41%6%0%45%6%2%0% ¼ mile to ½ mile 19%7%3%55%12%3%1% ½ mile to 1 mile 12%0% 79%7%2%0% 1 mile to 2 miles 0% 5%85%10%0% More than 2 miles 3%0%31%63%2% 0% School Departure
Percent of children who have asked permission to walk or bike to/from school by distance they lived from school 30%-47% of children are active communing 19%-26% of children are active commuting
Top Barriers Reported by Parents: Barrier Percent of children who do not actively commute Percent of children who actively commute 1. Weather or Climate48%75% 2. Amount of Traffic Along Route 61%51% 2. Safety of Intersections and Crossings 57%53% 4. Distance48%56% 5. Speed of Traffic Along Routes 59%44% 6. Sidewalks or Pathways24%41% 7. Violence or Crime28%18% 8. Time10%29% 9. Adults to Bike/Walk With20%18% 10. Child’s Participation in After School Programs 8%24% 11. Crossing Guards17%12% 12. Convenience of Driving10%12%
How do we overcome and work through barriers? Safety of Intersections and crossings- Student/volunteer crossing guards Parent, neighbor, or staff volunteers What are current volunteers helping with? Amount of traffic along route- Research shows 40.2% of students were passive commuters living within ½ mile of school. This increases traffic congestion and safety concerns. Ironically, it is a primary reason why parents do not allow walking or biking to school (Heelan et al., 2013).
SRTS Potential 59% of students live within ½ a mile. 83% of students that live less than ½ a mile have asked to walk. 70% of parents think that walking and biking to/from school is fun or very fun 95% of parents think that walking and biking to/from school is healthy or very healthy 52% of parents said active transportation is encouraged or strongly encouraged at their school
Possible solutions: Create drop-off points that are supervised to allow children to walk to school in groups This in turn will decrease the amount of traffic around the school during drop off and pick up times. Student/volunteer safety crossing guards at intersections Walking School Bus Can lessen barriers associated with walking to school Active commuting with peers or adult supervision
Moving forward Developing partnerships to accomplish our goals Team with the great efforts of the wellness team Other partners to bring around the table? Strategies to Implement Possible Solutions Planning Back to School Kick off Developing Incentives