E safety
Ads It’s always best to not click on ads when you see them, and it’s always a good idea to ignore them, but if there are too many you can always install AdBlock
Viruses A virus in a computer is a lot like a virus in real life, it can infect your computer in many different ways, however if it isn’t a serious virus, then it is very easy to get rid of. You should always install an antivius software on any computer to help prevent infection.
Sometimes you will get s from people you don’t even know, but if you get an from someone who you don’t know DON’T CLICK ON ANY LINKS. It could be a virus or a phisher, these are both deadly to your and your computer/phone.
Social networks Social networks such as facebook, snapchat, facetime, and others are all social networks, now going on them is fine, but anything you send can become public, and pictures can become public just as easily. So be careful.
Passwords You should never tell someone your password, but a good password is at least 8 letters long and has numbers and capital and non capital letters as well as symbols Example: ***_1337Orange1337_***
Hackers A hacker is someone who logs into your computer or account without you even telling them any details. If you get hacked seek support immediately and change your password.
Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is where instead of bullying you in real life, someone bullies you via the internet or a social network, cyber bullies are generally not nice people and you should either ignore them or if it happens too often report them.
Unknown users Don’t talk to people who you don’t know in real life or don’t trust but if you do, don’t tell them anything about you real life, you never know who they could be.
Scammers Scammers are people who send you s or links that looks like facebook or youtube or some other site where an account is required, however don’t enter your account details when it asks for it may not be the actual website and just a fake so that they can get your account details.
Security Always be careful when you leave your computer, don’t leave yourself logged in while the computer is idle, or install a password so that when you log out nobody else can get in.