Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board June 6, 2012 Bicycle Master Plan Update
Agenda BMP goal and policy framework Assessment of current BMP network and gap analysis methodology Summary of what we have heard to date (on-line survey and mapping tool)
Goal and Policy Framework Purpose of Briefing: – Provide an overview of the City’s existing policy framework for bicycling – Seeking direction on issues to focus on in looking at goal and policy updates (Task 3)
Comprehensive Plan Climate Action Plan Transportation Strategic Plan Modal Plans Operational Plans Sub-Area Plans BMP TMP PMP City of Seattle Planning Framework
27 Regional Growth Centers King County (17) Auburn Bellevue Burien Federal Way Kent Redmond (2) Renton Seattle (6) SeaTac Totem Lake Tukwila Kitsap County (2) Bremerton Silverdale Pierce County (5) Lakewood Puyallup (2) Tacoma (2) Snohomish Co (3) Canyon Park Everett Lynnwood 27 Regional Growth Centers Regional Land Use Strategy Regional Growth Centers2 7 Regional Growth Centers
Seattle Land Use Map Urban Village strategy – A number of urban centers and villages (tend to be commercial and mixed use areas) Additional key land use destinations (for bicyclists) in the city – Schools – Parks
Current Policy Framework Goals and Policies related to bicycling found in several documents – Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element – Bicycle Master Plan – Action Agenda Other more recent modal plans (Pedestrian Master Plan, Transit Master Plan) have incorporated a broader set of goals than the current BMP
Issues to Consider for Potential Updates to Goals Incorporate substantive topics – Land use connections (connections between and within neighborhoods and urban villages) – Facility types – Equity Type of goal statements – Include vision statement – Maintain target-based goals and objectives? Overall, maintain and update existing BMP goal/objective framework, or expand?
Purpose of Briefing: – Provide an overview of the gap analysis methodology to identify gaps in the bicycle network based off of the 2007 BMP recommendations – Provide an overview of the analysis used to identify opportunities for updates to the bicycle network – Seeking overall comments Assessment of current BMP and gap analysis methodology
Step one: Assessment of the Current Planned Network and Identification of Gaps – Crossing Gap – Network Gap – Corridor Gap – Condition Gap Gap Analysis Methodology Overview & Discussion Gap: Recommendations from the 2007 BMP that have not been funded or implemented.
Step Two: Additional Opportunities for System Evolution – Crossing Opportunities – Corridor Opportunities – Area Opportunities – Equitable Implementation Analysis Gap Analysis Methodology Overview & Discussion
Step Three: System Opportunities – New Facility Type Development – Network Development (Task 5) – New Policies (Task 3) – Prioritization (Task 4 & Task 6) – White Paper (Task 2)
BMP Update Survey Reponses June 6, 2012
On-line survey 2,520 responses received (as of today) Demographic breakdown: 63% male, 36% female, 1% identify as other than male, female or transgender 58% years old 34% years old 5% years old 3% 65 years and older 0% Under 18 93% White 6% Asian 3% Hispanic, Latino or Spanish 2% Black or African American 2% American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% Native Hawaiian of Pacific Islander
Some Early Results Which of the following factors do you think would do the most to encourage bicycling in the City of Seattle? – Install more on-street bicycle facilities and off-street paved trails – Improve street pavement conditions – Enforce laws applying to motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians Which of the following factors plays a role in why you do not ride a bicycle to your destination? – Weather – Time/distance to my destination – I have too many things to carry
Some Early Results What type of bicycle improvements would you like to see the City of Seattle spend money on to improve the bicycling environment in Seattle? – Install on-street separated facilities (buffered bike lanes, cycle tracks) – Install off-street paved trails – Improve street pavement conditions What are the most important destinations that you do or would like to ride your bicycle to? – My place of employment – Neighborhood commercial districts – Parks and other community amenities
Some Early Results Which of the following best describes you as a cyclist? – A frequent cyclist who rides in mixed traffic with automobiles on any type of street (50%) – A frequent cyclist who rides on arterial streets when bicycle facilities are present and on low speed, low traffic streets when bicycle facilities are not present (26%) – Interested in bicycling and rides on low traffic, low speed residential streets, but I am concerned about my safety when riding in mixed traffic with automobiles (13%) – I am a recreational or occasional cyclist and ride primarily on off- street paved trails (6%) – I do not ride a bicycle and am unlikely ever to do so (3%) – I do not ride a bicycle now, but might be interested if Seattle developed bicycle facilities that met my needs or made me feel safer (2%)
Question 1: Where do you currently ride?
Question 2: Where would you like to ride that you currently do not?
Question 3: Based on your experience, which Seattle streets are best to ride?
Question 4: Based on your experience, which Seattle streets are worst to ride?
Question 4: Where would you like to see future crossing improvements?
Other Outreach Efforts A Sampling of Past Events: Commute Seattle’s Bikes & Bagels Bike Works Bike Swap Summer Streets events Seattle Center’s Next 50 Mobility Fair UW Trail Party Seattle Greenways Organizers Stakeholder meeting Upcoming Events: Cascade Bicycle Club’s Bi Annual Bike Business Forum Seattle Pride Parade Parks Department Teen Life Centers (3) Focused Outreach