School travel planning an engineer will love
School travel in Moonee Valley Need: A more planned and coordinated approach to active travel program delivery Better integration with capital works program Opportunity: Better Moves Around Schools program introduced 2011/12, this included support for school travel plans
School travel in Moonee Valley Project Objectives: Recommendations for school infrastructure improvements A capital works list for future budgets Audited walking and cycling routes and identified routes for each school
What we did EngagementTransport AuditSurveysDevelopment of Plan Implementation of Actions Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinated assessment of school travel conditions and behaviours Lots of school engagement!!
Transport environment audits Footpaths and crossings Street widths and design Vehicle parking conditions Cycle parking Public transport options Level and speed of traffic Observations of behaviours Interview crossing supervisors
Child surveys Different surveys to reflect ages of children: Prep – Year 2 Year 3 – 6 Secondary Surveys cover: Current mode of travel Travel preferences Key walking routes Identifiable barriers Suggestions for change
Parent surveys Travel decision making Influences upon that decision Identifiable traffic issues Assessment of child’s cycling ability
Results How children travel to school How children would like to travel
Assessment criteria to rank priorities Percentage of children: walking and cycling to school Being driven Catching public transport Parking conditions Separation of vehicles and pedestrians Traffic speeds Congestion Condition of footpaths Existing traffic calming infrastructure Rank priority works to maximise Active travel Safety Road use impact
Priority capital works list – and tracking
Outcomes and next steps Increased participation in active travel: number of schools and number of children Strategic approach to capital works and school engagement Implemented priority list works, highlighting 3-5 schools per year. Streamlined day-today issues around schools. Questions?