By Cory G and Jake F
Description of our Project We bought our dream house, and we are going to live in it with Zoe (Cory’s Cat.) We also bought cars so we could drive around town. For fun, we bought a lot of electronics.
Category: Dream House We bought our Dream House in Birmingham. We bought it in Birmingham because one of us lives in Birmingham and the other lives in Beverly Hills. It is not to far to move. We did not buy it in another suburb city of Detroit because this house is the coolest house for a reasonable price in the area. ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Dream house1 $495, Bed3$466.00$1, Total $496,398.00
Category: Electronics ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Toshiba4$1,029.00$4, iPad1$ iPhone 52$400.00$ Ultrabook2$800.00$1, PortDVD2$167.00$ Beats2$352.00$ DS1$ NSMB21$60.00 Landline4$245.00$ Xbox1$ PS32$300.00$ PS3 Con2$23.00$46.00 XboxCon1$60.00 CODB021$25.00 Total $10, For our electronics, we wanted to get something we already didn’t have, and try out some new things. It would be fun to have little things to carry around and big things to sit in front of and play at parties. Our portable DVD player is for various vacations.
Category: Food Utilities We bought food utilities so we could store our food, keep it refrigerated, heat it, freeze it and silverware to eat it. ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Oven1$ CoffeeMa k1$24.00 Microwav e1$ Toaster2$324.00$ ToasterO v1$80.00 Fridge1$2, Grill3$1, Vending1$1, Silverwar e8$132.00$1, Plates20$130.00$2, Bowls Set1$20.00 Cups Set6$14.94$89.64 Total $10, Hey that rhymes!
Category: Backyard We wanted some things to put in our yard and have fun swimming, diving, skating, jumping, jet skiing, and just to sit back in chair and relax. We wanted stuff we don’t already have in our backyards, like a pool or a ice skating rink. And we can invite friends and have pool parties. ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Pool1$11, Shed1$ Diving Board1$38.95 Trampolin e1$ Ice Rink1$ LawnChai r5$823.00$4, Jet Ski2$214.00$ Wheeler2$475.00$ Blob1$1, Total $19,217.95
Category: Transportation ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Vanquish1$278, Bike2$150.00$ Dirt Bike2$2,224.00$4, Moped2$4,119.25$8, Kawasaki2$59,950.00$119, Cadillac1$52, We bought transportation to have fun and to spend some money. We could get a chaffer to drive us around town. The bikes are to bike to ice cream shops, and sit back and slurp peppermint ice cream sundaes with whipped cream and cherries. We can also have races and other things.
Major Categories Major CategoryUnit PriceTotal Price Transportation 463, $463, Dreamhouse 496, $496, Electronics 10, $10, Food 10, $10, Backyard 19, $19, We used $999, for our project. We will donate one of our last pennies to charity and save the other one for parking meters. We love donating. The lines are still there, but they are gray and we don’t know how to make them black.
Goodbye! Banana of Light Approved