Helmut Koch THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September Focus on Active Mobility Mobility Management for Cities in Austria
Slide 2 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Why Cycling ? The fastest Means of Transport in Town! Travel Times in Cities Source: TRRL, Bracher 1990 door-to-door travel times in cities distance in km minutes bus metro bicycle walking car
Slide 3 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 High Potentials for Cycling 25% of all car trips < 2 km = 8 min Biking 50% of all car trips < 5 km = 20 min Biking 75% of all car trips < 7 km = 30 min Biking WINTER IN VIENNA 20% less car traffic !
Slide 4 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 The Austrian Masterplan Cycling National Strategy, published in 2006 Raising the Share of Cycling from 5 10 % (in everyday Mobility) within 10 years
Slide 5 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 The Austrian Masterplan Cycling Evaluation 2011 Austrian wide Share of Cycling 2006, 2011 and objective 2015 Sources: Masterplan Radfahren 2006[4]; Stilmobil 2010[1]
Slide 6 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Promoting Cycling is more than building cycling paths Motivation Information and Communication Improving Infrastructure and Service Improving Overall Conditions in Town
Slide 7 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Cycling in Salzburg Infrastructure
Slide 8 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Cycling in Salzburg Cycling friendly streets everywhere
Slide 9 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Cycling friendly streets everywhere
Slide 10 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Cycling in Salzburg Service
Slide 11 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Cycling in Salzburg The Mayor
Slide 12 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 The klima:aktiv Programme Climate Protection Initiative – Austrian Climate Strategy Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Four Fields of Action Mobility Management BUILDING & REHABILITATION RENEWABLE ENERGY MOBILITY SAVING ENERGY
Slide 13 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 klima:aktiv mobil Programmes 1.Mobility Management for Companies 2.Mobility Management for Cities, Municipalities and Regions 3.Mobility Management for Leisure and Tourism 4.Mobility Management for Schools and Youth 5.ECO-Driving Initiative
Slide 14 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 klima:aktiv mobil Cities and Municipalities Promoting Cycling Promoting Public Transport Innovative on-demand Services Creating public awareness Alternative propulsion Electrical-Mobility Promoting „shopping in town“ Mobility Centres Green Jobs
Slide 15 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 The Austrian Masterplan Cycling Institutional Framework Austria is a federal Republic with 9 States and Communities
Slide 16 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 The klima:aktiv mobil Stars more than klima:aktiv mobil Projects save t of CO 2 per year
Slide 17 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 klima:aktiv mobil Focus on Cycling Foto: Jotpunkt / aboutpixel.de All 9 States are klima:aktiv partners More than 112 bicycle projects Saving of Tonnen CO 2 -emissions / year 22 Mio. Euro national Funds for projects Creating green jobs NEW: incentives for bicycle-parking
Slide 18 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Foto: Ernst Rose/ pixelio.de Pedal Electric Cycle (=Pedelec) Electric motor assists when pedaling Motor assists up to 25 km/h Recharges when going downhill Range of kilometers without recharging Costs: Euro (for a good Pedelec) Energiecosts Pedelcs: 0,12 Cent / km Car: 7,0 Cent / km Pedelcs in Austria
Slide 19 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Pedelcs in Tourism Source:
Slide 20 THE PEP WORKSHOP Almaty September 26, 2013 Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Koch Komobile Gmunden GmbH Kirchengasse 3 A-4810 Gmunden Tel.: +43 (0) Fax: +43 (0)