CLARK COUNTYWORKSITES Camas, Vancouver, Washougal, Unincorporated Clark County 60 CTR Affected Worksites 43 in City of Vancouver 3 Worksites in Vancouver’s Downtown 7 in Unincorporated Clark County 8 in City of Camas 2 in City of Washougal
CONGESTION Congestion primarily impacts the southbound commuter to Oregon Congestion not a factor for the CTR affected worksites
PARKING 2 Worksites: Employees pay up to $60/month for parking 2 Worksites: Charge Nominal Amount 53 Worksites Have Abundant Free Parking
TRANSIT 3 (<1%)Worksites Located Downtown with several route options 11(18%) Worksites Located near routes with 15 minute headways 44 (73%)Worksites Located near routes with minute headways 2 Worksites No Transit
Transit Most commuters at the CTR worksites would require at least one transfer to use transit to work With the average VMT of 11 miles a commuter that needs at least one transfer indicates the bus ride can add up to 60 minutes or more to their commute which is prohibitive to using transit
THE TARGETS Jurisdiction 2007 Carpool (Or Highest) 2019 Target2007 Bicycle (Or Highest) 2019 Target Camas 10.3%12.3%1.5%3.5% Vancouver 8.3%10.3%1.7%3.7% Washougal 11.1%*13.1%1.2%3.2% Unincorporated Clark County 5.6% 7.6% 1.0% 3.0% NOTE: The percentages noted are subject to change based on updated information on aggregate report from WSDOT staff. These numbers also assume the other alternative mode shares will remain the same or increase as well Survey Results: 2017 employee surveys will provide feedback if we are making progress toward the 2019 targets. *Washougal’s base line is based on survey cycle as approved by WSDOT.
See CTR Map
REGIONAL OUTREACH: CARPOOL Discuss with each worksite’s ETC and management the target for the worksite Host a yearly carpool matching event at each worksite Strongly encourage each worksite have a carpool program and designated carpool parking
TARGET OUTREACH: CARPOOL Targeted carpool campaigns at five worksite core groups with 4 or more worksites within a 1-5 block radius Will also work with vanpool programs to establish a vanpool at these core groups Establish private/public partnership and create coupons/discounts for each core worksite group with local businesses to encourage employee participation Seek support and participation of upper management to encourage employee participation (i.e. CEO Challenge, Lunch with the Boss, etc.)
REGIONAL OUTREACH: BICYCLE Partner with local bike shops to provide Bike Maintenance workshops Partner with CVTV to film Bike Maintenance 101 with accessibility on website Promote regional bike campaigns Encourage ETC’s to identify cyclists at worksites and promote bike buddies to encourage new cyclists Work with local jurisdictions to help improve existing bike infrastructure NOTE: Due to insufficient safe bike access for CTR Worksites east of I-205 the regional outreach will be for worksites west of I-205
TARGET OUTREACH: BICYCLE (WEST OF I-205) Bike to Work Week: Target Downtown Core worksites to promote cycling Pedalpalooza – Actively promote cycling during the Portland Metro Pedalpalooza (June) BTA – Bike Commute Challenge: Take advantage of the BTA Bike Commute Challenge (September) & encourage worksites to form teams (reward for participation) Partner with Destination Downtown to increase cycling at worksites in/near downtown core