Great Places to Work Status Report & 2010 – 2012 Accomplishments March 19, 2012 Sam ConnallyTracy EellsMordean Taylor-Archer Vice PresidentVice Provost.


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Presentation transcript:

Great Places to Work Status Report & 2010 – 2012 Accomplishments March 19, 2012 Sam ConnallyTracy EellsMordean Taylor-Archer Vice PresidentVice Provost Vice Provost for Human ResourcesFaculty Personnel Diversity & Int’l Affairs

Vision of a Great Place to Work  The University’s vision reflects a mandate that the University of Louisville become a “preeminent metropolitan research university” by the year  Faculty and staff give life to our vision and are the means by which we fulfill our teaching, research, and public service mission. 2

Vision of a Great Place to Work  Faculty contribute to student success in the classroom, generate knowledge through research and creative endeavor, and translate knowledge into practical solutions that improve the lives of the citizens of our city and state.  Staff employees help make this work possible, both in providing direct support to our academic and research activities, as well as through the myriad ways their work supports University operations. 3

Vision of a Great Place to Work  Making faculty and staff concerns a priority is what our Great Places to Work Initiative is all about.  The University is committed to a continuing and systematic evaluation of work life issues – in collaboration with the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, CODRE, and COSW – to improve the quality of work life at UofL. 4

Chronicle of Higher Education Great Colleges Survey  Chronicle of Higher Education Great Colleges to Work For Survey is Scorecard Metric for GPTW  2020 Goal: Improve Overall Employee Satisfaction from 62 to 75.  2012 Goal: Improve from 62 to 65 in 2012  Improve participation rate from 40 to 50%  2012 GPTW Survey is Mar 19 – Apr 13  Will include Classified Staff in addition to Faculty & Professional Staff. 5

Assignment of Responsibility  To ensure continuity in our GPTW Initiative, the Provost has assigned responsibility for co- chairing the GPTW Initiative to the institutional officers with operational responsibility for policies and practices that most directly impact the work life of faculty and staff. 6 Sam ConnallyTracy EellsMordean Taylor-Archer Vice PresidentVice Provost Vice Provost for Human ResourcesFaculty Personnel Diversity & Int’l Affairs

GPTW Steering Committee  Chairs & Co-Chairs of GPTW Committees  Chair or Vice-Chair of Faculty Senate  Chair or Vice Chair of Staff Senate  Chair or Vice Chair of Commission on Diversity & Racial Equality  Chair or Vice Chair of Commission on the Status of Women 7

2010 – 2012 Campus Climate Initiatives John Drees & Sharon LaRue  Promoted Chronicle Great Colleges Survey as key metric for UofL GPTW Initiative.  Promoted UofL Campus Climate Survey to supplement GPTW Survey.  Hosted Community Ice Cream Socials on Belknap & HSC (with over 2000 participants). 8

Campus Climate Initiatives  Summer Outdoor Film Series and Fall Family Picnic at Shelby Campus (2500 participants).  Office of Ombuds established & funded.  Received commitment for President / Provost to host campus-wide Open Forums each semester to enhance internal communications.  Received commitment for HR to review / re- energize employee suggestion and employee recognition programs. 9

2010 – 2012 Health & Wellness Initiatives Patricia Benson & Chris Cherry Davis  Expansion of Health Plan Subsidy for Get Health Now Participants increased from $240 to $480/yr.  Premium for on-campus health initiatives waived.  Level health plan premiums for four years!  Health Management Program Highlights  Disease Management Program Highlights  Elder Care Workshop Series

Health & Wellness Initiatives  Expanded health plan subsidy for part-time employees from $108/mo to 50% of FT subsidy.  Early adoption of Age 26 for children to remain on employee’s health plan.  Early adoption of women’s reproductive health care as preventive care (no co-pays, deductibles, or co-insurance).  Adoption of 2 ½ month extension on Flexible Spending Accounts (thru March 15). 11

2010 – 2012 Family Friendly Policy Initiatives Susan Duncan & Lisa London  Expansion of Shared Leave Program for Staff Employees (320 -> 480 hours).  Expansion of Parental Leave Program for Faculty & Staff from three to six weeks funded through Health & Wellness Program.  Suspension of tenure clock for birth or adoption.  Increased maximum point-in-time leave accrual from 44 days to 66 days for staff employees to promote leave use & avoid loss of leave. 12

Family Friendly Policy Initiatives 2012 Co-Chairs Brent Fryrear & Rachel Howard  Added domestic partners and their children to Family Medical Leave eligibility.  Modified FML policy to permit two employees to each take 12 weeks FML on birth or adoption (instead of sharing 12 weeks).  Recognized child birth as qualifying event for six weeks Short Term Disability (for all employees).  Added three months health insurance to Short Term Disability program (6 months total). 13

2010 – 2012 Professional Development Initiatives – Brandon Hamilton  Supported HR commitment to create Staff Development Program (with two FTE).  Introduction to Supervision  Customer Service Excellence  Performance Management Training  Disciplinary, Grievance, & Appeal Training  Supported initiative by Office of Faculty Personnel to provide leadership training to academic department chairs & other academic leaders. 14

Professional Development Initiatives  Faculty Grievance Policy revised.  Staff Disciplinary, Grievance, & Appeal policies revised.  Staff Performance Evaluation form revised & campus-wide training underway.  Unit Business Manager training developed & implemented campus-wide. 15

2010 – 2012 Total Rewards Initiatives Dennis Finnegan & Elana Nance  Supported President’s scorecard goal for all UofL faculty & staff salaries to average 100% of market value by  Faculty increased from 90% to 91.0% since 2009  Staff increased from 90% to 93.7% since 2009  Restoration of merit funding in  3.0% for Board appointed administrators; faculty with regular appointments; and contract faculty.  3.0% for Staff earning $40,000 or more.  $1200 (4.0%) for Staff earning less than $40,

Total Rewards Initiatives  Received Provost’s commitment to faculty salary equity study in  Received Provost’s commitment to staff salary equity study in Chronicle of Higher Education Great Colleges to Work For Survey added to President’s Scorecard  Received approval and $10,000 funding to develop “Total Rewards” website for employees. 17

18 A Time for Celebration and New Expectations  Thank you for your individual & team efforts.  How you can help:  Share our stories – GPTW Newsletter  Complete 2012 Great Colleges Survey  Submit program suggestions to GPTW Committees to help set our strategies for the next two years.