International Linear Collider Program Management Committee of Visitors June 18, 2007 Paul Grannis ILC Program Manager DOE Office of High Energy Physics
FALC = Funding Agencies LC (R. Petronzio) LCSGA = LC Steering Gp Americas (M. Tigner) LCSG Europe LCSG Asia ALCPG = Americas LC Physics Gp (J. Brau,M. Oreglia) Europe phys/det Asia phys/det oversight regional interest accelerator detector/ physics key ART = Americas Regional Team (G. Dugan → M. Harrison) Asia RT (M. Nozaki) Europe RT (B. Foster) ILCSC = International LC Steering Committee (S. Kurokawa) GDE = Global Design Effort (B. Barish) WWS = Worldwide Study (Brau, Richard, Yamamoto) ILC Global Organization
FALC (R. Petronzio) LCSGA (M. Tigner) LCSG Europe LCSG Asia ALCPG (J. Brau, M. Oreglia) Asia phys/det ART (G. Dugan → M. Harrison) Asia RT (M. Nozaki) Europe RT (B. Foster) GDE = Global Design Effort (B. Barish) WWS = Worldwide Study (Brau, Richard, Yamamoto) DOE ILC Interactions Europe phys/det Discuss strategy Accelerator R&D/design budget advice Detector planning R&D budget advice review Advise on US specific issues DOE advice ILCSC (S. Kurokawa)
HEP ILC Objectives Accelerator: Oversee and support US ILC R&D and design activities by ART in collaboration with international GDE * Develop budget requests and priorities for US ILC R&D Evaluate and award university ILC accelerator R&D grants * Guide planning for a potential US site with LCSGA Develop materials concerning ILC for Office of Science, OSTP etc. Detector: Support and oversee US ILC detector R&D by ALCPG * Evaluate and award university/lab detector R&D grants * International: Participate in FALC on international ILC program discussion * * Joint with NSF; DOE lead
R&D Program through FY2006 Prior to FY2006, ILC R&D handled within Advanced Accelerator Development program. Through FY2004, ILC (NLC) budgets were capped at $19.6M; in FY2005 was $23.75M Late FY2005: GDE and ART formed & directors named. OHEP ILC Program Manager appointed. FY2006 budget $29.7M. Recommendation from ART director based on proposals and consultations with Laboratories; iteration with labs and OHEP. Due to recent organization of ART/GDE and DOE, substantial reserve kept to address needs later in the year. FY2006
FY2007 Budget process FY2007 ART plan was based on proposals from Labs (total requested was over twice President’s budget of $54M for non-detector R&D). Extensive consultation by ART director with Laboratories and GDE R&D Board, and interaction with OHEP, led to recommendation at $60M, then at $45M (Senate mark). Special panel of LCSGA advised on ‘Regional Interest’ budgets, and on accelerator/detector splits. FY2007 Continuing resolution until Mar Final ILC R&D appropriation was $42M. Detector R&D handled separately. Growing expenditures at FNAL for SC rf infrastructure (~$20M in FY2007) off the ILC budget First DOE/NSF review held in April Consultants called for integrated multi-year R&D plan, and asked for more structured oversight and planning.
Planning for FY2008 For FY2008 and FY2009 ART management & planning was restructured; Appoint WBS level 2 managers for each major machine subsystem to direct that work package R&D. Proposals from WBS managers to ART director for R&D plan and budgets. OHEP participation in planning meetings, evolution of recommendation. Significant input from Labs, and GDE R&D Board on global R&D priorities. FY2008 President’s budget opened new SCRF line ($23.455M) in addition to ILC R&D ($60M). Inclusion of program overheads at SLAC and FNAL required retune. ART modified recommendation on basis of President’s budget; ongoing discussion with OHEP to address programmatic concerns. May 2007 ART review panel endorsed the new management structure.
University grants A program of ILC grants to universities for accelerator R&D was initiated in 2002, aiming to stimulate engagement in ILC. A parallel program for detector R&D was also started. Joint oversight/review by DOE & NSF. DOENSFDOENSF FY03$412K$0K$400K$0 FY04$700K$0K$400K$93 FY05$700K$117K$650K$119K FY06$1048K$300K$700K$235K Detector Accelerator FY2007 is the last year of grants for accelerator R&D. In future, ILC specific work will be included in the ILC line budget, as recommended by ART. More generic R&D that has application also to ILC will be included as part of the AARD program. The detector R&D program is operated through an umbrella grant to University of Oregon. First review June 19, 20. The detector grant program will continue, and is expected to grow.
Backup information
Accelerator grants in FY2006 Ohio StateRad hard 500 MHz digitizer UC Berkeley, Notre DameRF beam pos’n monitors Cornell, SUNY AlbanySynch. radiation imaging BPM UC DavisRadiation damage studies MITBeam loss mitigation in klystrons Illinois, CornellInjection/ejection kicker magnets Cornell, IllinoisFast kicker prototypes Colorado StateLinac element girder movers New Mexico, NM StateEffects of coherent synch. rad’n CornellSimulation of linac, BDS optics Cornell, MinnesotaExpt, simulation, design for damp rings (Many grants have Lab partners)
WisconsinPhotocathodes for pol. electron source WisconsinHigh purity Nb for cavities NorthwesternAtom probe microscopy in Nb Old DominionPlasma etching for Nb cavities Michigan St, Texas A&MChemical polishing Nb studies William and Mary, Va TechElectropolishing studies CornellUndulator prototyping for e + polarization Northern IllinoisLongitudinal phase space monitor CornellDesign for CESR damping ring tests PennsylvaniaReal time simulator for low level rf 21 current grants Average grant ≈ $50K Accelerator grants in FY2006
University-lab partnerships The laboratories team with university partners on a variety of high priority R&D projects for ILC (sometimes augmented by DOE/NSF grants, sometimes on University or Lab MOU funds): FermilabMichigan StHigh pressure rinse facility, materials, cavity vendor development, TIG welding UICC damping ring fast kickers Cornell BCP and EP cavity processing, materials PennsylvaniaLow level rf Northern Illcooperative grad student research WisconsinSCrf materials NorthwesternSCrf materials ArgonneUIUC Damping ring studies Northern Illphase space manipulation in e- DR
University-lab partnerships SLACSo. Californiaelectron cloud simulations Texas A&Msecondary emission yields, e-cloud UC Berkeleycavity BPM energy spectrometer Notre Damecavity BPM energy spectrometer Oregonsynchrotron stripe energy spectrometer (+ various universities in UK, Germany, Japan) JLabWm & MaryNb surface treatment, EP processing Boston Univ.Nb surface treatment Old Dominionplasma treatment of Nb surfaces NC Statecrystalline characterization of Nb Univ. Virginiasurface impedance measurements of Nb
Iowa StateCerenkov luminosity monitor OregonExtraction line energy monitor Notre DameBPM based energy monitor IowaPolarimetry studies TuftsCompton polarimeter backgrounds Wayne StateIncoherent and coherent beamstrahlung YalePixel vertex detector R&D UC BerkeleyMonolithic pixel detector prototype U. WashingtonVertex detector mechanical structures HawaiiCMOS pixel detector Lousiana TechGEM-based tracking CornellMicro pattern gas detector for TPC Detector grants in FY2006
MichiganTracker alignment and simulations UC Santa CruzLong shaping time Si microstrip readout ColoradoSiD barrel reconstruction studies Kansas StateCalorimeter-based tracking for PFA PurdueThin silicon sensors for tracking CornellTPC signal digitization simulation Northern IllinoisScintillator based hadron calorimetry ColoradoScintillator forward calorimetry IowaPFA studies OregonSiW EM calorimeter test module U. Texas ArlingtonGEM based hadron calorimetry Northern IllinoisPFA algorithms and simulations Detector grants in FY2006
KansasEM calorimeter concepts for PFA Argonne Prototype RPC hadron calorimeter Iowa State4 th concept design PrincetonCalorimeter and muon ID U. WashingtonScintillator/Cerenkov calorimetry YaleElectronics standards Wayne StateSolid state photomultiplier development Wayne StateScintillator based muon detector Colorado State Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes 33 grants Average grant ≈ $35K Detector grants in FY2006
NSF/DOE position on University R&D activity “Both DOE and NSF recognize the high priority placed by HEPAP and the recent NRC EPP2010 report on conducting a vigorous R&D program that could lead to the ILC project. Both agencies currently fund university grants for both detector and accelerator research with applicability to the ILC. These programs have been modest but have grown over the past several years. “Both agencies respond to grants through the peer review process. They welcome proposals for which ILC detector or accelerator R&D is the whole or a component of the effort, as well as for generic research that may have some bearing on ILC issues. In addition, there is often some latitude within existing grant funds to consider new directions. The use of existing grant funds for ILC-related research depends upon the details of each proposal and grant holders are encouraged to speak with their program monitors on the appropriate extent of such activities.”