Civitas Workshop –Effective solutions for green urban transport 24 April 2012 Athens Alan Lewis, TTR on behalf of: Lars Elgaard Thomsen, Public Transport Authority of North Denmark
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg 24 April Athens Lars Elgaard Thomsen Outline 1. Public Transport Authority of North Denmark 2. Aalborg and its traffic challenges 3. ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg 4. IT Architecture 5. Today's challenges 6. New strategy on passenger information
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Public Transport Authority of North Denmark (the north Jutland region) Responsible for planning and administration (including e.g. quality and use of ITS). The municipalities/region order traffic and service level. NT organizes the traffic and ensure proper coordination Buys the traffic from private companies through public tendering (EU regulations) Include 2 local train lines, 400 buses, 25 private bus contractors and 32 million passengers per year Special transports for e.g. disabled people, hospitals and specialized schools. Combined trips carried out by 600 taxis and mini buses: trips per year 24 April Athens Lars Elgaard Thomsen
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg 24 April Athens Lars Elgaard Thomsen Facts Total population 200,000 inhabitants City population 120,000 inhabitants Municipality area: 1,144 km 2 Road network: 2000 km
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Aalborg and its traffic challenges The urban city area is divided by the Limfjord Only 2 road connections cross the fiord Bottleneck and vulnerable infrastructure Local traffic as well as regional and interregional traffic The city of Aalborg
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Traffic situation Rising congestion on main roads in peak hour Congestion in inner city, on bridge and approach roads to bridge. Not only in peak hour. Congestion and size of peak hour fast rising. Ageing population High number of urban dwellers High car dependency
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Relatively heavy use of bikes Decreasing numbers of children cycling to school Decreasing numbers of passengers in Public Transport Increasing number of cars in inner city Modal share in Aalborg
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg 24 April Athens Lars Elgaard Thomsen ARCHIMEDES projects in Aalborg Bio-diesel demonstration in buses and postal service vehicles Green tourist shuttle bus Travel smart card testing Online traffic information Improved parking information system Bicycle campaign for schools Commuter travel plans Safer environment for soft modes Speed reduction zones Bicycle commuter route 190 city bikes Car sharing and car pooling campaigns BYPAD – Bicycle Policy Audit Environmental zone Eco- and safe driving Real time travel planning on the mobile phone Information screens in buses Congestion monitoring and reduction
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg 24 April Athens Lars Elgaard Thomsen Real time travel planning on the mobile phone Travel smart card Online traffic informationInformation screens in buses
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg IT Architecture – Basic philosophy Fully integrated system Small replaceable standard modules Open standard interfaces, protocols and data formats Standard hardware – Standard software – standard operating system No monopoly and freedom of choice within the market Best performance / price ratio 24 April Athens Lars Elgaard Thomsen
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg IT Architecture – Core elements Bus PC’s in all buses Real Time Information at terminals, train stations, super stops, inside buses, on the Internet, SMS, WAP Compact terminal – IT controlled Bus priority at intersections Travel Card in all buses Infotainment in all buses Mobile services Personalised homepage for traffic information 24 April Athens Lars Elgaard Thomsen
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Compact terminal Bus priority AVL -server BusPC PubTrans GPRS / WLAN Realtime Timetables Travel Card Operation monitoring We have the full infrastructure but especially our information towards the customers can constantly be improved. Today bus passengers expect that public transport uses all common channels for information. We want to give the passengers the best possible but it’s difficult always to follow the latest technology. New opportunities comes every day In the mobile area developments happpens very, very quickly Many different operating systems for phones and PCs No direct integration with others traffic operators
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg From the specification in 2007/2008 until now many things have happened concerning smart phones and the possibilities. NT started with an App and this winter we launched a new HTML-5 version Real time travel planning on the mobile phone
24 April Athens Lars Elgaard Thomsen Still have the same basic system but in the future: Providing data (good and reliable ) and then let other make the services in cooperation with other transport companies or by private companies. Delivering timetable data and realtime data to the national travel planner and then have open, standard interfaces, API and other channels supporting different solutions for passenger information Displays Homepages Smartphones IT Architecture – New strategy Next: Correspondence security Travel guarantee
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Event Date Location Speaker Thank you! Alan Lewis, TTR on behalf of: Lars Elgaard Thomsen