Decision Failure!! Don’t Try Try Success!! Don’t get it! Get it!
Addition 1)Line it up!!!
Subtraction 1)Line it up!! 2)Put zeros in the gaps. 3)If the top is smaller borrow.
Division Dracula must suck blood!!! Divide Multiply Subtract Bring down
Square Numbers 1 x 1 = 1 2 x 2 = 4 3 x 3 = 9 4 x 4 = 16 5 x 5 = 25 6 x 6 = 36 (Dirty Tricks) 7 x 7 = 49 (Porcupine) 8 x 8 = 64 (He ate and ate till he was sick on the floor!) 9 x 9 = 81 (Use your fingers) 10 x 10 = x 11 = 121 (one two one) 12 x 12 = 144 (knock on the door)
Prime Numbers 1)Is it even? (Apart from 2) 2)Does it end in 0 or 5? (Apart from 5) 3)Is it in the 3 timestables? (Apart from 3) 4)Is it in the 7 timestables? (Apart from 7) If the answer is no to all of the these the it is prime!!
Multiples The timestables for a number. Eg: Multiples of 30 1 x 30 = 30 2 x 30 = 60 3 x 30 = 90 4 x 30 = 120
Doubling 1)Split it up 2)Double 3)Add EG: = 496 (Split it up) (Double) (Add)
Halving 1)Split it up 2)Halve 3)Add EG: = 124 (Split it up) (Halve) (Add)
1)Does it get bigger or smaller? (÷ = smaller/ x = bigger) 2)By how many spaces? (Depends on how many 0’s there are eg: 10 by 1 space, 100 by 2 spaces etc) 3)All the numbers must stay together as they move up or down the …………………………..
Percentage of a number
Fraction of a number 1)Divide by the bottom, times by the top. EG: 3/5 of ÷ 5 = x 3 = 45
BODMAS 1.Brackets 2.Order 3.Divide 4.Multiply 5.Add 6.Subtract (Must be done in this order)
Ratio (ADaM) Add, Divide and Multiply. For every 2 green paint there is 3 red paint. Altogether there are 125 pots of paint. How many are green and red? 1)Add (Add the ratios, = 5) 2)Divide (Divide the answer into the total 125 ÷ 5 = 25) 3)Multiply (Multiply the answer by the original ratios, 2 x 25 = 50 green, 3 x 25 = 75 red)
Area and Perimeter 1) Area = L x W = A 2) Perimeter = Add ALL the sides up.
Rounding Look at the number after the number you are rounding to. If it is 1, 2, 3 or 4 then leave the number as it is. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 then add 1 onto the number. 23.4=23 (To nearest whole number) 56.8=60 (To nearest 10) 142.5=100 (To nearest 100)
Basic Algebra If the number is beside the letter, remember to multiply. EG: x = 4 3x + 7 = (3 x 4) + 7 = = 19
Conversion of Units of measure If you are not sure of the conversion go for Eg: 1kg=1000g 1Litre=1000ml 1km=1000m 1m=1000mm Apart from that remember: 1m=100cm 1cm=10mm
Equivalent Fractions What ever you do to the bottom do to top, whatever you do to the top do to the bottom. x2 ÷3 EG: x2 ÷3
Co-ordinates Along the corridor and up the stairs. X axis = across (like a cross) Y axis = up and down (Y to the sky) (3, 4) = First number is always the X axis. Second number is always the Y axis.
Reflection (with tracing paper) 1)Draw mirror line (In full!) 2) Draw shape 3) FLIP!!!! 4) Line up mirror line. 5) Draw over shape. Or Draw, flip, Draw
Rotation (with tracing paper) 1)Draw shape 2)Identify and draw rotation point (Very important!) 3)Rotate the desired amount (Eg: Clockwise 90 degrees) 4)Draw shape in new position.
Translation (with tracing paper) Shape does not rotate, get bigger/smaller, it simply moves. 1)Draw shape and a point on the shape. 2)Move the shape across and/or up of down to new position. 3)Redraw in new position.
Fractions/ Decimals/ Percentages FractionsDecimalsPercentages ½0.550% ¼0.2525% 1/ % 1/ % 1/50.220% 1/ % 1/ %
Regular Polygons Regular = All sides the same/ all angles the same. SidesRegular ShapeAngle sizes 3Equilateral Triangle60 degrees 4Square (Regular Quadrilateral)90 degrees 5Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon Octagon
Degrees in a triangle There are 180 degrees in a triangle.
Straight line There are 180 degrees in a straight line.
Full Circle There are 360 degrees in full circle.
Averages Hey diddle diddle, the medians the middle, You add and divide for the mean, The mode is the one that you see the most, And the range is the difference between. (The biggest and the smallest)
Different Triangles Triangle TypeProperties Right angle triangleHas one right angle (Why can’t it have 2?) Equilateral triangleAll sides and angles (60°) are the same. Isosceles triangleTwo sides and 2 angles the same size. Scalene triangleAll sides and angles are different.
Different Quadrilaterals (4 sided) QuadrilateralPropertiesExample Square Parallel: 2 sets Perpendicular (right angles): 4 Lines of symmetry: 4 Angles: 4 Right angles Rectangle Parallel: 2 sets Perpendicular: 4 Lines of symmetry: 2 Angles: 4 Right angles Rhombus Parallel: 2 sets Perpendicular: 0 Lines of symmetry: 2 Angles: 2 acute/ 2 obtuse Parallelogram Parallel: 2 sets Perpendicular: 0 Lines of symmetry: 0 Angles: 2 acute/ 2 obtuse Trapezium Parallel: 1 set Perpendicular: depends if there are ant right angles of not. (use protractor) Lines of symmetry: Depends on shape (use mirror to see)
Different Types of angles QuadrilateralPropertiesExample AcuteLess than 90° ObtuseMore than 90° but less than 180° ReflexMore than 180° Straight line180° Right angle90° (Use a protractor to check if it a right angle or not!)
Line Graphs 1)Always use a ruler! 2)Write on the increments between numbers.
Time 1)Remember 60 minutes = 1 hour. 2) Use a number line to work out differences between times. EG: 8:35 12:07 9:00 12:00 +25mins +3 hrs +7mins = 3hrs 32mins 8:35 11:35 11:55 +3hrs +20mins or Add 3hrs 20mins to 8:35.
Negative Numbers 1)Think of a Thermometer… EG: Difference in temperature between London 12°C and Moscow -4°C is? Or… Add on till you get to 0 from -4 (4), then add on from 0 to 12 (12) and add the 2 answers = 16
Lowest Common Multiple(LCM) What is the smallest number in these numbers timestables? EG: 6 and 20? 1)Do the timestables for the biggest number and see which one is in both their timestables. 20, 40, is a multiple of 6 and of 20. So the LCM is 60.
Highest Common Factor (HCF) What is the biggest common factor that fits into the set of numbers? EG: 8 and 12? Factors of 8 = 1, 8, 2, 4. Factors of 12 = 1, 12, 2, 6, 3, 4.
Ordering Fractions
Reducing Fractions 1)If you can half both the numbers do so. 2)Find a factor of both the numbers and divide the top and bottom by this number. 3)If there is no other common factors, apart from 1, you are done.
Measure with a Protractor 1)Always ask yourself first, “Bigger or smaller than 90°?” 2)Make sure the centre of the protractor is lined up with the angle with one of the lines along the zero line.
Draw an angle with a Protractor 1)Always ask yourself first, “Bigger or smaller than 90°?” 2)Draw a straight line. 3)Put the centre of your protractor at the end of the line, along the zero line. 4)Work round to correct angle size (Remember, “Bigger or smaller than 90°?”) 5) Put a dot a the angle size. 6)Join the end of the line and the dot.
Probability 1)Always write down probability as a fraction. This will help you answer the questions. NumberProbability of Selection 12/9 25/9 31/9 4
Pie Charts
Inverse Operation