Research and Development Department 25 May 2009
Organizational Chart R & D Department Research Mekong Development Instructional Media Program Services
1 Research Overall Objective: To implement GMS focused researches that will contribute to the effectiveness of MI Learning Programs and support policy formulation in the GMS Specific Objectives: To utilize research results as input to MI learning programs To strengthen the capacity of GMS researchers through trainings, workshops and other research forum To publish the research results and derive policy implications on emerging issues in the GMS
Major Activities MI Sub-regional Research Cycle - Regional Research Development and Methodology Training (25 May – 12 June 2009) - Research Implementation and Technical Assistance to MI-GMS Researchers - Mid -Term Research Review (21 September – 2 October) - Roundtable and MIRAC Meetings (22 – 24 March 2010) In-house Sub-regional Research MI Publications (MI Journal - Review of Development and Cooperation, MI Working Paper Series, and Policy Briefs) Organize and Coordinate Policy Dialogues, Conferences, Workshops, and Symposia
MI Publications Policy Briefs Policy Dialogue Proceedings Mekong Institute’s Publications Research Working paper Series MI Journal Booklet
MI-GMS Researches in Title of ResearchFunding Agency Countries InvolvedNumber of Researchers An Assessment of SMEs Development in the Eight Border Crossing Points of the GMS SDC, NZAID China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam 14 Public Health Service Delivery in the GMS Countries NZAIDCambodia, China, Lao PDR, Vietnam 4 Impacts of Infrastructure and Land Policies on Upland Minorities in the GMS RFMyanmar, Thailand, Vietnam 3 Socio-Economic Impacts of Contract Farming in the GMS RFLao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand 3
2 Mekong Development Program Objectives: To research on emerging economic and social issues in the GMS; To incubate unique, relevant and timely capacity-building programs to address regional needs; To diversify MI’s program portfolio in order to achieve long-term financial sustainability. Core Functions: 3Rs --- research responsive programs resources development
Major Activities Develop proposals for new learning and research programs Create strategic alliances with academic, research and private institutions Conduct secondary data research on GMS emerging issues, development trends and donor interests Explore funding opportunities/ a pro-active role in diversifying MI portfolio and spearheading new things with MI’s sustainability in mind.
3 Instructional Media Services Overall Objective: provide up-to-date information about GMS development and cooperation and facilitate the access of information by stakeholders and interested parties Maintain and improve collection of GMS Resource Center - Acquisition of materials related to four thematic areas - Cataloguing and classification Provide regular GMS Resource Center Services - Support to participants during the training program - In-house support - Public Users Webpage Maintenance - Update announcements/ongoing activities - MI’s Consultant database - Alumni database - PDF files of research outputs
GMS Resource Center
GMS Resource Center…cont. Collections - General Collection with more than 4,000 books titles - More than 1,500 audio-visual titles - 5 different titles (journal, magazine and newspaper) - More than 20 newsletters - Depository Library Program of ADB and IMF - MI Research Working Paper Series
GMS Resource Center…cont. Facilities - Computers - Clients with internet access - Multimedia viewing Printing and Scanning Service Hours Mondays to Fridays : 8.00 am – 12:00 pm 1.00 p.m pm
Thank You
Prof. Zhu Zhenming Yunnan Dr. Yaowalak Apichatvullop Thailand Six GMS Country Representatives Prof. U Myat Thein Myanmar Dr. Ngin Chanrith Cambodia Dr. Bui Quang Tuan Vietnam Mrs. Monemany Nhoybouakong Lao PDR MIRAC Members
Arnaud Leveau IRASEC, Bangkok Dr. Suchat Katima Director Ms. Maria Theresa S. Medialdia Research Manager MIRAC: Three International Research Advisors Dr. Christopher Gan New Zealand Prof. Dr. Masaya Shiraishi Japan MIRAC: MI Staff Representatives MIRAC Members