Ricoh Electronics, Inc. Sustainability Promotion Office Tustin, California, USA A Global Leader in Environmental Excellence Zero Waste To Landfill Facilities-Total Participation
Founded: 1936 Headquarter: Tokyo, Japan Capital: $1.3 B (3/05) Net Sales: $17 B (3/05) Ricoh Group companies: 347 (3/05) Employees: 75,100 (3/05) Main Products Digital multifunctional copiers 、 Scanner 、 DVD+RW/+R 、 Printers 、 Digital cameras 、 Fax machines 、 Electronic devices 、 Digital printers 、 Printed circuit boards Ricoh Company, Ltd. Profile
Ricoh Global Production Sites Taiwan Ricoh (Taiwan) SRF/SRO(China) Dongguan Eleme (China) REI(USA) RIF(France) RPL (UK) RAI(China) RI(China) RCC(China) TRF(China) RIM(Mixico Zero Waste to Landfill activity are practiced at global production sites
Ricoh Electronics, Inc (REI) REI - a subsidiary of Ricoh Company, Ltd. Approximately 1,500 employees All sites certified to ISO 9001 & ISO Ricoh Industrial de Mexico (1 facility) Toluca Introduction REI California (7 facilities) Tustin, Santa Ana, Irvine REI Georgia (2 facilities) Lawrenceville
Zero-Waste-to-Landfill – Achieved Feb ‘01 100% Resource Recovery Tons
What Else Did We Gain ? Reduced Cost Reduced Environmental Impact Environmentally Conscientious Heart& Minds
Why did we become a Zero Waste to Landfill company?
〔 Source 〕 United Nations, Demographic Yearbook 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 United Nations, Population and Vital Statistics Report 2002 United Nations, World Population Prospects, The 2000 Revision, Volume 1:Comprehensive Tables Transition and prediction of world population Developing countries Developed countries 1.2 billion people 4.8 billion 7.8 billion 1.2 billion people billion people billion people billion people 0.8 billion people 1.7 billion people Increase 3 billion people Population
Background for why reducing environmental impact Developed countries environmental impact Developing countries Exceeds by 40% Developed countries Earth sustainable level Developing countries Developed countries 〔 Source 〕 (Foundation)The Institute of Applied Energy No.186 Monthly Society 2001 December Lecture materials "the present condition of the environmental problem and the expectation of the enterprise" (Ryouichi Yamamoto:Tokyo Univ. Center for Collaborative Research Professor Predicted wish level in 2050
Smart Way to Do Business Harmonious Coexistence of Environment, Business and People Sustainability Environmental Benefit Economic Benefit Social Benefit plu s Reduced Environmental Impact Increased Economic Benefit
Transformation Process Total Participation Our Recipe For Success 1.Objectives 2.Leadership 3.Benchmarking 4.Organization 5.Project plan 6.Training & Promotion 7.Use of 5R Concept 8.Verification 9.Continuous Improvement Introduction
Objectives & Requirements Recipe For Success 1
Objectives Discontinue Sending Waste to Landfills by March % Resource Recovery Level 1 Industrial Waste Level 2 Industrial Waste + General Waste Level 3 Industrial Waste + General Waste + Household Solid Waste Recipe for Success 1: Objectives
Audit Item Requirements 1 Zero Waste to Landfill Policy ZWTL Policy is established and communicated to all employees 2 List of Environmental Aspects Know your environmental aspects 3 List of Waste Streams All of facility's waste streams are identified (Monthly volume, $ value) 4 Utilization of 5R Principles Plan (time schedule), Facilities have a plan to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste. Action, 5R activities are evident. Result or progress. Results are identified and shared with the members. 5 Employee Awareness & Involvement Every employee understands the purpose of ZWTL program and their role in ZWTL program Employee involvement and participation are evident. 6 Waste Sorting Methods Waste is sorted, segregated and clearly marked. 7 Resource Recycling (Recycling Suppliers) Recycling suppliers are certified and documented Have a system to recertify recycling suppliers 8 Records Waste volume/pounds are recorded 9 Monitoring Waste trends (volume/pounds) are captured 1010 Internal Evaluation & Review System Waste trends are reviewed and evaluated against the plan Improvement actions are identified and planned as result of internal evaluation. 1 Continuous Improvement Activity Action plans are being carried out and the progress and results are shared/posted Basic Requirements of ZWTL Program
Leadership Recipe For Success 2
Top Management demonstrated their commitment to the project REI President Sean Nakanishi Leadership Recipe for Success 2: Leadership
Project Organization Recipe For Success 3
Business Groups Zero Waste to Landfill Organization REI President Project Chairperson Business Group Manager REI Zero-Waste-to-Landfill Project Promotion Leader Project Leader All Employees Recipe for Success 3: Organization Technology Team Promotion Team Green Purchasing Team Implementation Team
Benchmarking Recipe For Success 4
Numazu Facility Benchmarking with Ricoh Japan Corporate Environmental Policy Project Committee Members 5R Resource Recovery Examples Recipe for Success 4: Benchmarking
Project Plan Recipe For Success 5
Project Plan Recipe for Success 5: Project Plan
Training and Promotion Recipe For Success 6
Employee Training Reasons for Zero-Waste-to-Landfill System Requirements for becoming Zero-Waste-to-Landfill facilities Ricoh Japan’s example What each of us can do to help reach our goal Recipe for Success 6: Training & Promotion
Promotion Posters Changing the world one at a time We protect our Earth for our children of the world Recipe for Success 6: Training & Promotion
3 rd Place Winners1 st Place Winners2 nd Place Winners Desiccant Decoration Contest Employee Awareness and Involvement Recipe for Success 6: Training & Promotion
Employee Awareness and Involvement Kite Festival and Waste Sorting Training Recipe for Success 6: Training & Promotion
R-Eco-Kite Festival Recipe for Success 6: Training & Promotion
Use of 5R Concept Recipe For Success 7
5R Activities – The Core of ZWTL Program LANDFILL REFUSE Avoid buying anything that becomes waste RETURN Return packaging materials to suppliers REDUCE Reduce waste at the source REUSE Re-use everything possible RECYCLE Recycle any remaining waste streams Total Waste ID Know your waste Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
Identify Waste Waste Profiling Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
Partnership With Suppliers Green Procurement RETURNREUSERECYCLEREFUSEREDUCE Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
5R – Refuse Activity Before Styrofoam glued to the corrugated liner After No glue used, but snaps on type Results 1.No glue to buy and store 2.No drying time 1.Much easier to separate Styrofoam from liner 2.No more use of a knife to cut the glued joint RECYCLE Optimized Packaging Style & Recycle waste
5R – Reduce Activity REDUCE Improved Yields The 5R Concept Applied to Production Yields: Material Yield Improvement: Q Toner Material Yield Improvement: NF Toner Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
5R – Reduce Activity The 5R Concept Applied to Packaging Optimization: REDUCE Reduce Unnecessary Packaging Material Packaging cost Packaging time Freight cost Reduction of: Labor time for switching cans and cleaning leftover chemicals Water usage Packaging material cost Reduction of: 6 individual cases were put into a master carton… Chemical came in many small cans… …now in drums= …no more master carton = Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
5R – Reuse Activity Reuse Parts to Reduce Cost and Environmental Impact REUSE The 5R Concept Applied to Anything Reusable: Save the paper & paper core Reuse the paper & the core Kraft paper Paper core Returned empty cartridges Recycled cartridge Reusable parts Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
Certified Recycling Suppliers Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
5R Recycle – Waste Segregation Waste sorting bins in the production floor Unknown waste container Waste sorting bins in the office areaWell-marked waste sorting bins Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
5R Recycle – Waste Segregation Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
5R – Activity Display Recipe for Success 7: Use of 5R Concept
Resources Recovery Rate (%) Trend GeorgiaSanta AnaIrvine 2Tustin 1&2RIMIrvine 1 100% Resource Recovery 0 100% /0005/0006/0007/0008/0009/0010/0011/0012/0001/0102/0103/01
Verification Recipe For Success 8
Audit Item Requirements 1 Zero Waste to Landfill Policy ZWTL Policy is established and communicated to all employees 2 List of Environmental Aspects Know your environmental aspects 3 List of Waste Streams All of facility's waste streams are identified (Monthly volume, $ value) 4 Utilization of 5R Principles Plan (time schedule), Facilities have a plan to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste. Action, 5R activities are evident. Result or progress. Results are identified and shared with the members. 5 Employee Awareness & Involvement Every employee understands the purpose of ZWTL program and their role in ZWTL program Employee involvement and participation are evident. 6 Waste Sorting Methods Waste is sorted, segregated and clearly marked. 7 Resource Recycling (Recycling Suppliers) Recycling suppliers are certified and documented Have a system to recertify recycling suppliers 8 Records Waste volume/pounds are recorded 9 Monitoring Waste trends (volume/pounds) are captured 1010 Internal Evaluation & Review System Waste trends are reviewed and evaluated against the plan Improvement actions are identified and planned as result of internal evaluation. 1 Continuous Improvement Activity Action plans are being carried out and the progress and results are shared/posted Basic Requirements for ZWTL Program
Audit by Ricoh Japan, Japan- EPA Environmental Counselor Verification Data and Documentation 5R Processes Certificate of Recycling Methods Employee Awareness and Involvement Waste Profile Recipe for Success 8: Verification
RICOH wins the 2003 WEC GOLD MEDAL Ricoh Group received the 2003 WEC Gold Medal for International Corporate Achievement in Sustainable Development. This award is presented annually to recognize and honor a corporation that demonstrates preeminent leadership in sustainability and contributes to worldwide environmental quality.
Continuous Improvement Recipe For Success 9
Sustainability Development Program Harmonious Coexistence of Environment, Business and People Sustainability Environmental Benefit Economic Benefit Social Benefit plu s Reduced Environmental Impact Increased Economic Benefit Recipe for Success 8: Continuous Improvement
Sustainability Money and Aspect Savings Recipe for Success 8: Continuous Improvement
of best 5R practices Earth Connection Tour Internal Benchmark Recipe for Success 8: Continuous Improvement
Earth Connection Tour Comment Sharing + + : Opportunities for improvement Recipe for Success 8: Continuous Improvement + : Impressive improvements
Mexico, Reforestation … but what we planted in the children’s minds.” “The best thing is not what we planted in the ground …
Zero-Waste-to-Landfill Facility Come Visit Us Thank You