The Reachout Partnership1 Justine Molyneux – CEO Lia Robinson – Head of Reachout Delivering employment solutions to individuals and families across Wirral
The Reachout Partnership2 The partnership supports individuals and families off welfare benefits into the labour market and ultimately sustainable employment. Our core objective is to identify client barriers and use effective multi agency work to break down those barriers to hand hold people into employment. Our core objective is to identify client barriers and use effective multi agency work to break down those barriers to hand hold people into employment. Involve Northwest – (Community Engagement) Involve Northwest – (Community Engagement) Wirral Change (BME) Wirral Change (BME) Advocacy in Wirral (Mental Health) Advocacy in Wirral (Mental Health) Remploy (Disability) Remploy (Disability) The Social Partnership (Drugs, Alcohol, Criminality) The Social Partnership (Drugs, Alcohol, Criminality) Inclusive Access (Personal Self Development) Inclusive Access (Personal Self Development) The partners have a collective experience of over 20 years delivering and working successfully with key priority clients across disadvantaged and underprivileged neighbourhoods.
The Reachout Partnership3 Partnership approach Delivery Model End to end support Information, Diagnosis, Signposting Pre- employment support Skills building Barrier removal Transition Into Work Job matching / searching Discretionary fund Job Retention & in work sustainability support Skills building & progression Targeted Outreach & Engagement
The Reachout Partnership4 Engagement methods How do we engage with unemployed clients? Door knocking Door knocking Localised work clubs Localised work clubs Saturday & evening work clubs Saturday & evening work clubs Localised bases Localised bases Community events Community events Resident association meetings Resident association meetings Text messaging Text messaging Word of mouth referrals Word of mouth referrals Local partnerships – NHS, GPs, Community Houses, Probation Service, Children's Centres, Youth Workers etc Local partnerships – NHS, GPs, Community Houses, Probation Service, Children's Centres, Youth Workers etc April 2011 – 2012, we have engaged with 3,689 clients. Over the past 6 years, we have proven that the two most effective routes of engagement with residents who are divorced from mainstream services is to simply knock on their doors or deliver local, accessible work clubs.
The Reachout Partnership5 Knowledge & understanding of our priority clients Confidence & beliefs Confidence & beliefs Mental health issues Mental health issues Child care Child care Fear (financial / capability / change) Fear (financial / capability / change) Intergenerational pressure Intergenerational pressure Low skills / experience Low skills / experience Health issues Health issues Prejudice from potential employers Prejudice from potential employers Debt Debt Language barriers Language barriers Post employment support / hand holding Post employment support / hand holding Same advisor throughout the journey Same advisor throughout the journey Transition from secure benefits to paid work Transition from secure benefits to paid work
The Reachout Partnership6 Barriers to employment Clients EMPLOYERS DELIVERY PARTNERS Lifestyle choice Unaware of services Postcode Skills Lack of confidence & stigma Confusion Fear of debt Benefit trap Skills shortage Value local employees Lack of social skills Job searching support Peer pressure/ role models Low level skills Benefit trap Confidence Barriers to training Workless culture WORKLESSNESS Benefit trap perceptions Confidence Transport Childcare Engagement
The Reachout Partnership7 Partnership approach Delivery Model End to end support Information, Diagnosis, Signposting Pre- employment support Skills building Barrier removal Transition Into Work Job matching / searching Discretionary fund Job Retention & in work sustainability support Skills building & progression Targeted Outreach & Engagement
The Reachout Partnership8 Performance Management This is what we have delivered to date (April 2011 – April 2012): 29 Employment Support Advisors / 10 Local community bases Individual Engagements 3,689 (Unemployed 2,677 / EI 1,012) Profile Priority Groups Disabilities BME212 Female789 Lone Parent195 Into jobs 1,074 Sustained in work 682 (26 weeks+) 63% (to date)
The Reachout Partnership9 Government’s Annual ROI Annual cost savings (based on 2010 client evidence) 100 IB claimants 97 Lone Parents 56 NEET claimants 470 Key Priority JSA claimants Total cost savings per annum = £5.5 million* Realistically: Based on our 72% retention rate for those clients that sustained in work = £4million (just under) The benefit calculations were all based on an average annual welfare benefits amount inclusive of : Housing benefits & council tax. This savings does not take into account the finical contribution of tax & NI put back into the economy. *Sources include current government welfare benefit & tax credit rates (CPAG) & Wirral Council 2009/2010.
The Reachout Partnership10 Why is this project successful? Our partnership offer a full package of integrated solutions to tackle all barriers to employment, generational unemployment and child poverty issues with the following unique approaches: Door knocking (encouraging proactive engagement) Door knocking (encouraging proactive engagement) Work clubs (localised community bases, specialist work clubs for priority groups 50+, women, young people etc) Work clubs (localised community bases, specialist work clubs for priority groups 50+, women, young people etc) Home visits (unique approach) Home visits (unique approach) Specialised advisors (in relation to all barriers to employment) Specialised advisors (in relation to all barriers to employment) Voluntary approach (non mandatory / no time restrictions) Voluntary approach (non mandatory / no time restrictions) Fully qualified, skilled & experienced workforce Fully qualified, skilled & experienced workforce Embedded productive infrastructure & resources Embedded productive infrastructure & resources 20 years of community confidence and trust 20 years of community confidence and trust Continuum of localised provision Continuum of localised provision Self marketing (Word of mouth - family & friend referrals) Self marketing (Word of mouth - family & friend referrals) Ongoing hand holding support (retention) Ongoing hand holding support (retention) Non-judgemental approach Non-judgemental approach Success built on reputation Success built on reputation