AusAID Update ISDR Asia Partnership Meeting Amari Watergate Bangkok 24 – 26 March 2010
>AusAID is the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia's overseas aid program. >The objective of the aid program is to assist developing countries reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development, in line with Australia's national interest. About AusAID
Where we work
What we do in DRR
Outcome 1: Disaster risk reduction is integrated into the Australian aid program >Integrating DRR into development programs will: Ensure development is ‘safeguarded’ from natural hazards Ensure development does not create vulnerability to natural hazards Make people / communities safer through the broader development program >Pilots in Indonesia, the Philippines and Pacific Infrastructure
Outcome 1: Disaster risk reduction is integrated into the Australian aid program >AusAID Philippines Program Education Infrastructure Metro Manila Recovery and Reconstruction Activities >Process: Training for all staff on integrating DRR, CC and Environment Meetings with all program managers Collaborative creation of an Integration Action Plan
>Integrating DRR into disaster relief and recovery >Padang earthquake hit on 30 September Committed $16 million for response, incl. AIFDR engineering assessments to support the building of safer future public infrastructure a ‘build-back-better’ advocacy campaign improve disaster preparedness and response by building a Padang disaster training and logistics depot Helping to rebuild safer schools and hospitals Outcome 1: Disaster risk reduction is integrated into the Australian aid program
Outcome 2: The capacity of partner countries to reduce disaster risk is strengthened in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action 5 Priorities for Action: 1.Make Disaster Risk Reduction a Priority 2.Identify, Assess and Monitor Risk 3.Build a culture of resilience through awareness, education & training 4.Reduce Risk in Key Sectors 5.Strengthen Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response
At National Level Enhancing Philippine Risk Assessment Capacity (AusAID-GA) - Enhancement of earthquake damage assessment model (PHIVOLCS) - Volcanic ash and severe wind modelling (PAGASA) - Spatial Database Management (NAMRIA) Enhanced Tropical Cyclone Module (PAGASA-BOM) Philippines-Australia Technical Linkages Program Slide 9 Outcome 2: The capacity of partner countries to reduce disaster risk is strengthened in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action At Sub-National Level Mainstreaming DRR and CCA in Development Plans and Processes (NEDA) At Community Level Project 143 – Strengthening Capacities of Communities on CBDRM (PNRC) Knowledge Management on CBDRM (OXFAM)
Outcome 3: Leadership and advocacy on disaster risk reduction are supported and enhanced >AusAID will be an advocate for greater prioritisation of DRR with UN, partner governments, other donors etc. >Supporting others to be advocates and leaders in DRR such as national ‘champions’ from government and civil society. >Advocating for greater prioritisation of DRR within the aid program.
>Policy coherence >Share knowledge / experiences (informal integration working group) >Joint Training >Development of joint tools for integration of DRR, CC, Environment into development and humanitarian programs >Joint Programming Outcome 4: Policies and programming for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation are coherent and coordinated
Review of DRR in AusAID >Last financial year 65% of DRR spending was in Asia, 11% in the Pacific, and 10% in Africa. >Majority of investments in Pacific are in disaster preparedness (HFA Pillar 5). >Investments in Asia are more evenly spread, still highest investment in preparedness (HFA Pillar 5). >Broadly a good spread, however highest investments in both Asia and Pacific are at national and community level.
Review of DRR in AusAID >DRR policy establishes a solid policy base to inform good programming practice. The policy has laid the foundations for a more strategic and comprehensive approach to DRR. >More work is required to shift conceptions of DRR from a humanitarian to a development issue. >AusAID staff require further training and capacity building on DRR. >A forum for AusAID staff to share lessons and successes across country programs is required.
For More Information… please contact: Jennifer Clancy, DRR Policy Officer, AusAID Lisa Staruszkiewicz, DRR Manager, AusAID Michelle Sullivan, First Secretary, Regional Programs, AusAID
Thank you!