Advocacy in the Digital Sphere: Taking Control of the Digital Score The direction things are heading... a place we don’t want to end up in. Lisa Hooper Tulane University MLA Annual 2015 #musiclib2015 Denver, CO
Over 4.5 Million Customers.
Digital download only publishing
Trend No. 1 – economic indicators “Online sheet music substitutes are cannibalizing the industry’s revenue. However, the industry has begun to sell legitimate sheet music directly online, which is an increasingly popular service and growing revenue stream.” -IBISWorld
Trend No. 1 – economic indicators “IBISWorld estimates that industry revenue will decline at a 5.1% annualized rate to $344.9 million in the five years to 2013 [that’s down from $505.2 million in 2004]. However, a post- recession recovery in spending and the emergence of digital industry products are expected to lift revenue a slight 0.6% in 2013.” -IBISWorld
Trend No. 1 – economic indicators IBISWorld Nonetheless, sheet music publishers are bolstering digital sheet music sales by encouraging online retailers to promote ‘instant access’ of downloadable products. So far, licensing agencies are on track to take the reins on digital sales. For example, Harry Fox Agency has a deal with to license digital sheet music. The company also has an iPad application for sheet music. By making major investments in such infrastructure, sheet music publishers are promoting their digital products to provide consumers with convenient access in a way that better competes with other digital alternatives. So far, licensing agencies are on track to take the reins on digital sales.
Trend No. 2 – social indicators “among children 2 to 5 years of age who have internet access at home, more know how to play a computer game and use a smartphone than know how to ride a bike or tie their shoelaces. “as of 2012, millennials owned more than half of all tablet computers. “… about 20% of millennials check their smartphones at least every 10 minutes. In the US, it’s 40%. “Globally, one-third of millennials check their smartphones at least every 30 minutes. In the US, it’s more than 50%.”
Trend No. 2 – social indicators “Children’s experiences with technology and interactive media are increasingly part of the context of their lives, which must be considered as part of the developmentally appropriate framework.”
Trend No. 3 – nuanced approach The most profound change for my quartet has been the advantage of reading from the score at all times. Besides the superficial gains made in not wasting time figuring out who is playing what, the real benefit stems from all members of the ensemble using their experience and expertise towards an educated, nuanced reading of every detail in context of the complete music. The diversity of opinions on examining the very same details means that your time is spent on the true stuff of which an interpretation is based, and through the process of this work your shared vision of what needs to be achieved can be navigated in common understanding, in real time. Kris Tong Borromeo Quartet
Advocacy Elements 1. Purchasing models restrict long-term access and preservation. 2. Licenses limit access. 3. The user interface is only as good as the vendor makes it. 4. Pricing models that are out of this world. 5. Vendor provided MARC records are a mess.
Thank you. Lisa Hooper Tulane University