Brentwood of Palatine Condominium Board Meeting Treasurer’s Report Security Lockers / locks CPTED Requirements Labor needs Yard Sale 30/30 Executive Session
Brentwood Liabilities Landscaping $3, Insurance $ Carpet Cleaning $ Peachtree Parking Stickers $ Delta Maintenance $ Loan $ 4, Total $15,106.22
Cash Position as of 6/1/2009 Operational account = $19, Reserve Money Market = $13, Total = $21, $32,445.32
Assessments by cash May $52, Laundry $3,486.24
Monthly Expenses
Resource Options Carry over Community Service labor options – Use of Police supervised labor during summer. Possible tasks include Sweeping parking lot, staining & securing fence, Trash pick up, power washing, landscaping, painting… Off duty Police for Dedicated Property Security - $67.00 hr. Likely shift availabilities 11pm – 1am, 12am-2am. Weekends? Random, targeted application could be very effective and affordable.
Lockers / Basement Locks – Keys Deadline – Locker Clean out complete – Repairs / Numbering will take place by June 19 th – Mailing packet will go out which will include unit / locker assignments, information on new keys. – Outside, rear basement locks will be changed by June 19 th.
CPTED Requirements for certification: Landscaping (Compliant) Lighting (Any needs will be defrayed to allow for budgeting) Community Social (Will be last step prior to certification) Secondary Unit locks / Unit security All Unit windows / sliding doors are required to have secondary locking mechanisms installed Unit door strike plates must have 3” minimum screws Decision must be made on how to ensure 100% compliance Waivers ? 3 rd party contract ? Association staff ?
Labor Requirements – Service call volume, combined with routine, scheduled maintenance duties consume most of full time staff position. – Current part time staff not available to meet project needs. – The need for additional staff has always been clear. – Seasonal projects for this summer alone will require 65 labor days (one person, 8 hrs per day) – Winter snow removal can be extensive, and employee may or may not be more cost effective than contract labor resourses.
Summer project list – Completed or in process
Summer Projects - Open
Yard Sale The Brentwood Yard Sale was held May 29 th – 31 st More than $ was collected (some items remain to be pawned or donated to charities) Hat’s off to Rebecca for the many long days of commitment and effort, and thanks to all those who helped out. All monies have / will be used to improve the appearance of our community. On the following slides are some photos of the yard sale, as well as the direct and stunning landscaping improvements made so far from the proceeds.
Taking those items in and out of storage each morning and evening…. Thankfully, a few residents always seemed to be there to help.
The benefits of all that effort
Accomplishments / Challenges Last 30 Days Added to our reserve – Twice (Richard) Basements / Lockers cleaned (Rebecca, Pat, Staff) Yard Sale (Rebecca) Purchased / Planted flowers (Rebecca / Pat) Began cleaning hallway carpets (Contracted) Charge backs to Unit Owners for maintenance (Completed work orders / invoices / Activity logs made this possible Began landscape work (RB Enterprises, Staff, Rebecca, Pat) Enlisted volunteer support from among residents. Next 30 Days Continue to drive open projects (Pat, Staff) Prioritize hallways for cleaning, patching, painting (TBD) Violation inspections / Notices (Pat, Rebecca, TBD) – carry over Schedule concrete repairs (1457, 1481) – carry over Continue to work on collections (Richard) Compile non-compliance registration notices, mail to Owners with fines. (Pat, TBD)
Next Meeting July 8th, 2009