Federal MAP-21 Programs 1 Module 7 Safety Analysis in a Data-limited, Local Agency Environment July 22, Boise, Idaho
Learning Objectives Awareness of the federal MAP-21 Programs Changes Special rules Brief discussion of each program 2
Federal MAP-21 Programs Principal Programs: Surface Transportation Program (63.7% => $10.0 B) National Highway Performance Program (29.3% =>$21.8B) Specialty Programs: CMAQ ($2.2B set aside first before STP, NHPP, and HSIP) HSIP (7%=> $2.2B) Railway-Highway Crossing ($0.2B) Transportation Alternatives ($0.8B) Federal Lands and Tribal Transportation ($2B) Metro Planning ($0.3B) State Planning and Research ($0.4B) 3
Moving towards A more performance based philosophy Which relies more quantification Strong linkage between expenditures and quantitative outcomes A higher level of integration between the 4Es Through Strategic Highway Safety Plans Potential flexing of funds Three of the required performance measures are the same for NTHSA and FHWA reporting: Number of fatalities, fatality rate, number of serious injuries 4
Things to consider with Special Rules High Risk Rural Roads (HRRR) require consideration of the both the state and local systems. State and Locals will need to determine which rural roads will be considered as HRRR Section 1112 requires 200% of 2009 HRRR Funds to be allocated in the next fiscal year to HRRR if fatality rate on HRRR increases over a two year period Older drivers and pedestrians States are required to incorporate strategies into the next update of the State Strategic Highway Safety Plan if older drivers and pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries per capita for drivers and pedestrians over age 65 increases during the most recent 2-year period for which data are available 5
Federal “Principal” Programs Closely follows previous STP, with expanded eligibilities. 50% of funds to be sub-allocated based on population; remainder used in any area of State. Off-system bridge set-aside. Rural planning organizations, if any, must be consulted. New program funded at $21.8B. Combines functions of the existing NHS, IM, and Bridge Programs Enhanced NHS will include previous NHS, all principal arterials, STRAHNET, and intermodal connectors. Eliminates statutory mileage cap. TIP: Look for routes over and intersections with local network 6 National Highway Performance Program Surface Transportation Program Surface Transportation Program
Federal “Specialty” Funding Programs MAP-21 7 F L Access Program F L Transportation Program Highway Safety Improvement Program Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Regional Surface Transportation Program Federal Lands Recreational Trails Transportation Alternatives Enhancements Safe Routes to School Tribal Trans Program
Direct Safety Outcomes HSIP is core formula funded program in MAP-21 States target improvements from Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) with partners in Education, Enforcement and Emergency Response Set asides for H-RGC, SPR and TE (which includes SRTS) Some states may have High Risk Rural Roads set aside Additional eligible infrastructure projects” include: bike and pedestrian, sign retroreflectivity, older driver measures, wildlife mitigation, truck parking, and systemic treatments Activities and initiatives with SHSP partners are also eligible 8 HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) HSIP Annual Allocations Highway-Rail Grade Crossing (3-23%) Highway Safety Improvements Bike and Pedestrian Safety State Highway Safety State Planning & Research (2%) State Planning & Research (2%) Transportation Enhancements (2%) Local Highway Safety
Possible Safety Outcomes RSTP sub-allocated to qualifying MPOs RSTP funds are flexible for federal qualifying routes Check state policy on policy, schedules and local authority MPOs/localities and DOT collaborate to develop Federal Strategy to authorize project expenditures and commit to delivery MPOs with > 200k population are Transportation Management Areas (TMAs) who allocate CMAQ (and RSTP) funds CMAQ is for air quality nonattainment areas on eligible projects Check state policy on policy, schedules and local authority Tip: MPO must establish process to ID and prioritize projects – look for improvements where safety is also a factor 9 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Regional Surface Transportation Program
FLTP for projects that improve access within the Federal estate FLAP replaces and expands the Forest Highways program for projects that improve access to the Federal estate on infrastructure owned by States and local governments TTP for projects that improve access to and within Tribal lands Tribal High Priority Projects Program, a discretionary program modeled on an earlier program that was funded by set- aside from the Indian Reservation Roads Program 10 F L Access Program F L Transportation Program Federal Lands Tribal Trans Program
Possible Safety Outcomes MAP-21 established TA program A State may transfer up to 50% of its TAP funds to NHPP, STP, HSIP, CMAQ, and/or Metropolitan Planning Mostly former TE activities Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Landscaping and Scenic Beautification Historic Preservation Rehabilitation and Operation of Historic Transportation Buildings, Structures, or Facilities Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors and Conversion to Trails Inventory, Control, and Removal of Outdoor Advertising Archaeological Planning and Research Environmental Mitigation of Runoff Pollution and Provision of Wildlife Connectivity Adds “boulevards and other roadways largely in the ROW of former interstate system routes and other divided highways” – to be defined by FHWA Recreational Trails (optional) Transportation Alternatives Transportation Enhancements Transportation Enhancements Safe Routes to School (optional) 11
Sub allocation of funds 12
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Enable and encourage children to walk and bike to school (K-8) safely Emphasis on comprehensive programs with community support and partnerships Typically two types of grants: Infrastructure – Sidewalks, Crosswalks, Bike lanes, Trails, etc. Non-infrastructure- Education, Encouragement, Enforcement and evaluation activities. Applicants must create a School Travel Plan prior to applying for funds
State Funded Local Programs 14 Revenue Sharing Access Programs Access Programs Rural Rustic Roads Local Maintenance Payments State Grants LTAP/ T 2
Local Funding Programs 15 Revenue Sharing Access Programs Access Programs County/ Parish/ Township/ Rural Roads Partner funding program with state (e.g., 50/50 split) Locally administered projects New or upgrading roadways for: ■Economic Development/Industrial Access ■Recreational ■Airports ■Paving non-hard surface roads ■Rural, low volume (<1,000 ADT) ■Minimal safety issues
Local Programs 16 Revenue Sharing Access Programs Access Programs County/ Parish/ Township/ Rural Roads Formula dispersed for: Principal and minor arterials Collector and local streets Often application for: ■resurfacing ■intersections ■widening ■bridges ■Paving non-hard surface roads ■Rural, low volume (<1,000 ADT) ■Minimal safety issues State Grants LTAP/ T 2 Local Maintenance Payments
Locally Administered Project Federal Resources Introducing-“Federal-aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies” Website: Essentials for Local Public Agencies” 17
LAP Resources 18
Other LAP Resources State Local Assistance/County/Parish web pages State LTAP and T^2 AASHTO NACE NACO - e.g., transportation achievement awards aspx aspx APWA ITE – publications, webinars etc. Three FHWA – NHI Web-based modules Introduction to Highway Federal aid Introduction to NEPA Introduction to the Uniform Act (Plus other applicable web-based modules) 19
Summary: Module 7 Federal MAP-21 programs Move to more quantification of safety performance Targeted expenditure: expenditure & performance linkage Special rules Principal and specialty programs 20
End of Module 7 Questions? 21