Leadership Forum 4 19 November 2010
LEADERSHIP FORUM :30-9:00Networking 9:00-9:05Welcome and Overview (Brenda Cleaver, R/Associate Director, Organisational Capability) 9:05-9:40Director’s Update (David Riordan, Institute Director) 9:40-9:50Update Annual Plan 2011 (Brenda Cleaver, R/Associate Director, Organisational Capability) 9:50-11:00Session introduction: Robby Weatherley, Director Workforce Development Sydney Institute - TAFE NSW Building our Future Leadership Development Program participants – insights and perspectives. Panel discussion (Chair: David Riordan; Panel: Alison Wood, Jeffrey Crass, Carmel Ellis-Gulli, Tessa Bachmayer, Brenda Cleaver, Rob Cousins) 11: :30Morning Tea 11: :30Guest facilitator: Shaun Kenny, Facilitator, Phuel Consulting -Managing your Motivation 12:30-12:40Closing (Robby Weatherley, Director Workforce Development) :30Lunch and Networking
Leadership Forum 4 Director’s Update David Riordan, Institute Director
Leadership Forum 4 Update Annual Plan 2011 Brenda Cleaver, R/Associate Director Organisational Capability
Leadership Forum 4 TAFE NSW Building our Future Leadership Program – insights and perspectives
Developing highly skilled, confident and capable senior leaders who can lead TAFE into the future Program features
Future Leader Capabilities 1.Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.Strategic and Global Leadership 3.Sustainability through Business Results 4.Authentic Leadership – values based learning
Program Model Pre-program events MGSM Workshop & Residential Leadership Tools Presentations Coaching Review Celebration
Sustaining Leadership Development Sustaining Leadership Development Identify Future Leaders Identify Leadership Strengths Develop Capabilities Establish Networks Share Knowledge Mentor
Panel discussion - TAFE NSW Building our Future Leadership Development program /David Riordan, Institute Director (Panel Chair) /Alison Wood, Associate Director, Ultimo /Jeffrey Crass, Director, Design Centre Enmore /Carmel Ellis-Gulli, Director Randwick College /Robert Cousins, Director Sutherland College /Brenda Cleaver, R/Associate Director, Organisational Capability /Tessa Bachmayer, Manager Knowledge Systems
Leadership Development /Public Sector Management Program (IPAA) /2009 – Todd Packer, HT, Interior Design /2011 – Allison La Spina, R/Manager College Services Operations /DET Current and Aspiring Leader Program /2010 – Tristan Sweet, A/Manager, Student Admin, Student Services /Premier’s TAFE Scholarship /2010 – Tony Auciello, Teacher Hairdressing / - Kerry Little, HT Visual Merchandising
Leadership Development Program Nominations for membership on Leadership Reference Group Leadership Mentoring Program
Managing your Motivation /KEY LEARNINGS: The presentation is designed to create impact, and a desire in people to explore what it is they do when they are performing at their best To understand what the key attributes are of someone in their business who performs at a consistently high level Understand how we can control the way we feel by playing the “inner game” rather than allowing external experiences to drive our responses “There are risks & costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long range risks and costs of comfortable inaction” - John F. Kennedy