Be Ready – JESUS will surely come! Revelation 1:7 - Behold, HE cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see HIM, and they [also] which pierced HIM and all.


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Presentation transcript:

Be Ready – JESUS will surely come! Revelation 1:7 - Behold, HE cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see HIM, and they [also] which pierced HIM and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of HIM. Even so, Amen.

Be ready – JESUS will surely come! The certainty of the LORD’s coming (Act 1 v 6-11, 1 Thess 4v 15-17, Rev 1v7) Acts 1 v 6-11 V6: Like today the disciples were preoccupied with the “Kingdom of Israel”. Today, that mighty be your job, family, business etc V7: The LORD said that “It is not for you to know the time or season which the FATHER has put in HIS own power”. Our LORD JESUS were simply telling HIS disciples that “ You are not the one in charge of events or your future”. It is our FATHER in Heaven who decides. V8: The LORD through the HOLY GHOST provided power for what GOD really wants us to do. V9-11: The angels said that “this same JESUS which was taken up shall come in the same manner”

The greatest impediments in living fully for GOD are: The love of a sinful life The over reliance on ourselves to solve our problems The total focus on immediate earthly things/needs One quote from the internet on how people feel today about serving GOD The message is simple–“do what God says and you’ll have no life. His reign is at worst about oppression, at best endless boredom. Either reject him or, if you really have to believe in him, just don’t waste too much time and energy on religion. Give the obligatory nod to God and go out and get a life.” Be ready – JESUS will surely come!

Where will it all end? What are the things that are preoccupying your time? 2 Peter 3v7: The Heavens and the earth which are now are reserved for fire Always consider your end. The devil will NEVER want you to believe that your life on earth will one day end.

Heaven – the Royal banquet Key Narrative: Matt 22v1-14 V2: The Kingdom of Heaven will be a Heavenly royal wedding –greater than any party that can be thrown here on the earth V2: It is a party with a purpose i.e. the marriage of JESUS and the Saints v3-4: GOD has made all the preparations and HE first sent messengers to those who were invited(Israel) V5: Those who were invited paid no attention and went to do their own business

Heaven – the Royal banquet Key Narrative: Matt 22v1-14 V6: They showed hostility to the messengers and even killed them V7: The King then took action and destroyed the murderers V8: Those invitees were now disqualified because of their attitude/response V9-10: The invitation was now made open to all (Jews and Gentiles), good and bad V11-12: The King examined the guests and found a man without a wedding garment V12: The man without the wedding garment(righteousness) was bound up/put into a place of weeping and suffering V14: Many are called but few are chosen

Practical steps in getting ready Let us look at what you should be doing i.e. not just talk about it. (i) Make a decision for eternity (the “we are still growing concept is a killer”) (ii) Choose your priorities – what are the most important things in your life? (iii) Change your attitude toward the things of GOD. The Church of JESUS is not a supermarket where you come with a shopping list of what you want and don’t want else you go and shop somewhere else! (iv) Understand that GOD does not just accept any service. In Gen 4v3-7. Cain gave GOD just an offering but Abel gave the firstborn of his flock hence Cain’s offering/service was rejected. (v) Realise that spiritual laziness/inactivity can prevent many from entering into GOD’s Kingdom (Matt 25v1-13: The ten virgins) (vi) Understand that you will account for your life: 2 Cor 5v10

Revelation 20:15 - And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Be Ready – JESUS will surely come!

1 Cor 2 v 9: Eye have not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which GOD hath prepared for them that love him: Heaven

May the LORD bless you as you keep HIS word Amen