Chapter 18 RE Appraisal
Terms Appraisal:Estimate of Value of Something Capitalize: Convert Future Income into PV Valuation:Appraisers’ Step by Step Process Highest & Best Use: Use of land which will produce the greatest Current Value Rule: the back of a lot is worth 25’x200’] CMA Estimate price via sales & prospects Competitive Market Analysis
Market Value aka Fair Market Value Most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale the buyer and seller each acting prudently knowledgeable and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus Terms
Principle of Anticipation: Price = f(Anticipated Benefits to Buyer/Seller) Principle of Substitution: Price = f(Cost of Equally Desirable Substitute) Principle of Competition: Profits encourages Competition... Supply Plottage Value=Total > Sum(Small Lots) Terms
Define the Appraisal Problem Conduct a Preliminary Analysis Formulate Appraisal Plan& Collect data Estimate Highest and Best Use Estimate Land Value & Improvements Reconcile Results =Defined Value Estimate Report Conclusion of Value Uniform Standards Pro-Appraisal Practice
Transfer of ownership Financing or credit Compensation/Condemnation proceeding RE decision making Taxation Lease provisions Corporation to purchase employee home Reasons for the Appraisal
Highest price definition The highest price in terms of money which a property will bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus Principles of Appraisal
Sales Comparison (Market): Residential Cost (Replacement Value ) Residential (if < 3 sites) /Income Income Capitalization Income/Commercial Properties Three Approaches
Steps Identify all comparable sales Gather & verify data on these sales Select the most appropriate (3 is magic #) Adjust comparables for time and comparability Reconcile differ. values & Produce Best Est Enhancements: Matched pair: Find 2 properties that differ in one characteristic & calculate the difference OLS: P=a+b(baths)+c(closets)+d(appliances) Sales Comparison
Sales Comparison: Subject House
Sales Comparison: 3 Comparables
Sales Comparison: Final Adjustment
Reproduction Cost : The current cost of constructing an exact replica (Ideal) Replacement cost: Cost of constructing similar utility using current standard of material, skill, etc. (Reality) Cost Approach
Direct Construction of improvements (labor, contractor fees & materials) Indirect Appraiser, lawyers, accountants, financing, architect, etc Quantity survey: Add estimates of direct & indirect Unit in place: Estimate cost of putting components together (e.g.. all drywall, painting, etc Per square foot: Cost/Sq’ Types of Costs Methods Cost Approach Estimating Costs
Types of Depreciation Physical Depreciation: Wearing out Functional Obsolescence: Technology (halls, floors,etc) Economic Obsolescence: Neighborhood or highway moves Estimating Reproduction to market value: Value now=100K, Reproduce then =120K 20/120 = 17% deterioration Actual to Effective Life: Effective life=40yrs but 20 in actual=50% deprec. Cost Approach Subtract Depreciation
Cost Approach: Example
Gross Rent Multiplier Estimate economic rents on complex What they should rent for now Note: Some rents may be grandfather’d Check GRMs in the area GRM=Sales Prices(SPs)/Gross Rents (GERs) Use E[GRM] to get E(Price) for property eg.AvgSPs= $120K & AvgGERs=$10K : E[GRM]=12 Sbj=GER=$130 Therefore: Price=12*130=$1,560K Income Capitalization Approach
Capitalization= Conversion of NOI into estimate of PV or MV: MV=NOI/CR Cap rates=Relationship: Income & Value Techniques to determine Cap Rate: Estimate cap rates for comparables Check other investors: What do you expect? Bands of Investment: Like RE WACC Return on property must be enough to pay all financial claims & still give Equity E(ROR) BOI=W M* R M +W E *R E Income Capitalization Approach
Income Cap Approach: e.g.
Information: Income Properties Apart/Condo: Income&Expense Analysis:Apts, Condos, Coops (Chi:Inst. or RE Mgt) Office Bldgs Office Building Experience Exchange Report(WashDC:Bldg Owners&MgsA) ShopCtrs Dollars & Cents of Shopping Centers(Wash DC: Urban Land Inst) IndusPark Site Selection Hndbk (Atlnta: Conway) Hotels/Leis. Trends in Hotel Industry (Houston: Pannell, Kerr & Foster)
The Report Letter: 1-5 pages-When detail not important Form: Preprinted Forms:Govt & Institutions Narrative: Longest & Formal: When Clients need to know complete details & methods