FHWA LTAP/TTAP Update Technology Partnerships Programs 2012 LTAP/TTAP National Conference: Grapevine, TX
LTAP/TTAP Program Update Jeff Zaharewicz LTAP/TTAP Program Manager
Program Overview Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century Act (MAP-21) Transportation Performance Management Moving ahead with Every Day Counts LTAP/TTAP program direction Federal Aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies
MAP-21 Highlights Mike Burk Director Technology Partnership Programs
MAP-21 Authorizes program through FY2014 (Sept. 30, 2014) Current law in effect through FY2012 (Sept. 30, 2012) Most provisions go into effect FY2013 (Oct. 1, 2012) Provides average annual funding at FY2012 levels (plus minor inflation) Ensures two years of solvency for Highway Trust Fund Contains no earmarks
MAP-21 Themes Supports aggressive safety agenda of the Department Simplifies and focuses the Federal programs: National Highway System, Interstate Maintenance, Bridge Programs are now the National Highway Performance Program Retains SAFETEA-LU Programs: Surface Transportation Program, Highway Safety Improvement Program, Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Provides increased funding flexibility to states Accelerates project delivery and promotes innovation Establishes a performance-based Federal program
Highway Safety Improvement Program ($2.4B) Doubles size of existing program Maintains current structure; adds requirement for regular update of the strategic highway safety plan No high risk rural roads set-aside unless safety statistics worsen Secretary to establish measures, and States to set targets for number of injuries and fatalities (and number per VMT)
Tribal Transportation Program ($450M) New statutory formula for distribution among tribes (to be phased in over 4 years) Various set-asides continued or created: Up to 6% for BIA and FHWA project management & oversight Up to 2% for transportation planning Up to 2% for priority program for improving deficient Tribal program-eligible bridges Up to 2% for safety projects on Tribal lands
Research and Technology Deployment
Training & Education Programs Reauthorized LTAP/TTAP National Highway Institute Eisenhower Fellowship Program Transportation Education Development Program Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program Freight Capacity Building Provisions -- Section 504(e) core programs provide funding for workforce development at 100% Federal share
Training & Education Changes SAFETEA-LU funding:$26.7M MAP-21 funding:$24.0M Newly authorized program with MAP-21: Four Centers of Excellence Transportation Safety Rural Safety Project Finance Environment
MAP-21 LTAP Provisions Clarifies SP&R funds as being eligible as LTAP match Identifies core program funds under Section 504(e) (workforce development) as eligible for LTAP match Provides specific reference to 50% federal share for LTAP (100% federal share for TTAP existed)
Next Steps Communication Webpage Summary Presentation(s) Fact sheets and Q&As Implementation October 1 “phase-in” of funding Transitional Procedures Follow-on guidance and regulation Provides specific reference to 50% federal share for LTAP (100% federal share for TTAP existed)
Transportation Performance Management Tashia Clemmons FHWA Office of Asset Management
EDC II Outreach Fall 2012: Shortening Project Delivery Strategies MAP-21 Spring 2013: 21 st Century Solutions
EDC II Initiatives Fall Summits Reducing Project Delivery Time Programmatic Agreements Locally Administered Projects Reducing Construction Time 3D Modeling for Construction Means and Methods Accelerated Bridge Construction Intelligent Compaction Innovative Contracting Design Build CMGC Alternative Technical Concepts Spring Virtual Summits Reducing Project Delivery Time Geospatial Data Collaboration Safety High Friction Surfaces Environment Level of NEPA Documentation Mobility First Responders Training
LTAP/TTAP Program Direction
Our Collective Priorities Continue the Strategic Focus on Safety Increase the role of Technology Transfer Enhance the key partnerships and relationships
Continue the Strategic Focus on Safety Goal: Achieve the fullest possible integration of roadway safety into LTAP/TTAP “By strategically managing our safety efforts, we can bring greater alignment to our work and ensure we use our resources in an efficient and effective way. Safety has always been a cornerstone of LTAP/TTAP and this more strategic focus will enable the Program to provide even more effective services to our local customers and safety stakeholders.” --NLTAPA Endorsement Statement, August 2011
Joint Safety Program Highlights FHWA and NLTAPA better understand the state of the program FHWA and NLTAPA prioritizing activities and resources effectively Safety thoroughly integrated into 2012 Regional Meeting agendas Continued FHWA Office of Safety and Resource Center training and technical assistance provided
Increase the Role of T2 Status: Technology transfer is an intrinsic part of LTAP/TTAP Technology deployment is an important element of MAP-21 Questions: How can LTAP/TTAP activities in T2 be more progressive and proactive? How can LTAP/TTAP efforts lead to more resources and opportunities?
Enhance the Key Partnerships Keeping in tune to the needs of the local transportation community Forging collaborative relationships with other FHWA technical discipline teams using the Safety group as a model Strengthening FHWA Division Office bonds with both LTAP/TTAP Centers and TPP Complementing efforts from stakeholder agencies at National and Chapter levels
FHWA LTAP/TTAP Clearinghouse Alison Premo Black Ph.D. Vice President of Policy & Chief Economist ARTBA
2012 Major Initiatives Update Reorganization to enhance the user experience Additional features for more interaction Update to include best practices in the industry
2012 Major Initiatives National Library: The library challenge Clearinghouse recommendations Benefits to Centers – Less staff time needed to maintain library – Updated resources Next steps
Federal Aid Essentials Project Rob Elliott FHWA Office of Technical Services Resource Center
Thank You, Grapevine!