Founded in 1918 in Missouri. “Phi Theta Kappa” stands for “wisdom,” “aspiration” and “purity.” The purpose is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students.
Local ◦ More than 1200 chapters. Regional ◦ Consists of 29 regions. International ◦ Over 2 million members. ◦ Located in Canada, U.S.A., Germany, British Virgin Islands and the Pacific Rim.
Scholarship ◦ Relates to the honors study topic. ◦ Tutoring, mentoring and recognizing scholarship. Leadership ◦ Developing leadership skills. ◦ Being a leader in the community, on campus and in Phi Theta Kappa. Service ◦ International service plan – Operation Green. ◦ Getting involved! Fellowship ◦ In all Phi Theta Kappa activities. ◦ Get to know one another.
Five star chapter development program. ◦ Encourages excellence. ◦ Promotes achievement. ◦ Develops stronger chapters. ◦ Enhances relationship with the community.
Keys to success ◦ Your chapter officers and advisor(s) review the Five Star Program requirements, determine a goal, and submit the Chapter Update Form online. ◦ Your chapter sets a goal for membership recruitment and develops strategies to meet this goal.
Keys to success ◦ Your chapter gains greater public awareness on campus by one or more of the following strategies: Distributing Faculty Awareness Flyers Posting Membership Benefits Brochures or Posters around campus Participating in “Phi Theta Kappa Week” in November Sending a press release on new inductees
Keys to success ◦ At the beginning of each membership recruitment campaign, the chapter advisor opens an enrolment period in PAM, the Personal Assistant Manager for Advisors at and designates plans for orientations, inductions and local membership fees. ◦ Membership Invitations are sent from a college administrator, preferably the college president, to prospective members.
Keys to success ◦ Your chapter conducts an informational meeting for prospective members prior to induction. ◦ Your chapter promotes membership acceptance by using one or more of the following strategies: Calling eligible students Sending them a reminder with link to Phi Theta Kappa Member Benefits Brochure at Allowing online membership acceptance Holding more than one informational meeting
Keys to success ◦ Chapter holds at least one induction ceremony each year, and members’ names and fees are submitted to Headquarters. ◦ Your chapter submits new officer names and addresses in PAM. ◦ Your chapter advisor and chapter president each have the Honors Program Guide. ◦ Your chapter provides a structured orientation for new officers, advisors and committee chairs at the beginning of each semester or quarter.
Keys to success ◦ Chapter meets at least once each month. ◦ Advisor submits the Chapter Annual Report to Headquarters. ◦ Your chapter’s bylaws have been approved and are on file at Headquarters. ◦ Chapter submits Five Star Chapter Update Forms online by May 31, September 30, and December 31.
Keys to success ◦ Complete all of the One Star requirements ◦ Chapter and/or chapter officers meet twice each month. ◦ Chapter conducts at least two membership recruitment campaigns during the year and opens a separate enrolment period in PAM at the beginning of each membership recruitment campaign. Members’ names and fees are promptly submitted to Headquarters.
Keys to success ◦ At least two chapter members research one issue or study question of the Honors Program Guide ◦ Chapter advisor and officers meet with college president or campus CEO to develop and discuss goals of the chapter.
Keys to success ◦ Complete the requirements for One and Two Star ◦ Based on chapter’s research, plan an Honors in Action project that includes leadership and service components. ◦ Map out the specific leadership roles and actions the project requires. Also determine leadership development opportunities that would benefit the participants. ◦ Determine the expert resources (individuals and/or organizations, businesses, etc.) for the chapter to coordinate with for the greatest impact.
Keys to success ◦ Work with another campus or community organization to implement the Honors in Action project. ◦ Chapter publishes a newsletter OR maintains a website OR submits chapter news to a publication. ◦ Chapter keeps track of its activities for historical purposes.
Keys to success ◦ Chapter implements a College Project which is determined by the chapter and college president or other administrator. Examples of College Projects include:College Project Mentoring incoming freshmen Hosting Honors Seminar Series for the campus and community Helping with college graduation Serving as college ambassadors
Keys to success ◦ Complete One, Two and Three Star requirements. ◦ Chapter representative attends at least one official regional meeting. ◦ Chapter is involved at a regional level in at least one of the following ways: Campaigns for regional office Hosts/assumes a leadership role at a regional meeting Participates in a Regional Honors in Action project Collaborates with at least two other chapters for an activity or event that is conducted online or in person
Keys to success ◦ Chapter shares their Honors in Action research with the campus or community. ◦ Chapter enters at least one category in their regional awards program.
Keys to success ◦ Complete the One, Two, Three and Four Star requirements. ◦ Chapter enters all chapter categories and at least one individual category in the 2010 Hallmark Awards Program. ◦ Chapter representative(s) participates in at least one of the following International events: International Convention International Honors Institute Entire Honors Seminar Series
PINNACLE The Pinnacle Award recognizes Phi Theta Kappa chapters and regions for successfully enhancing their recruitment and orientation strategies, as measured by the number of new members reported to Headquarters in a given year. Chapters will earn up to five scholarships of $45 each (covering International fees), based on increasing membership over the previous year in 5 percent increments. Regions that attain Pinnacle status will receive a $500 stipend.
PINNACLE Scholarships will be credited to the chapter's account as soon as each level of membership increase - 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% - is recorded at Headquarters. The chapter advisor and the chapter president will be notified by when scholarships are earned and awarded.
HONORS IN ACTION The Paradox of Affluence: Choices, Challenges, and Consequences Honors in Action project ideas vary in scope and may be adopted by individual honors students or Phi Theta Kappa members, or Phi Theta Kappa chapters. Each Honors in Action project description is the center of an undertaking that can provide opportunities for learning and growth in two, three, or all four of the Society’s Hallmarks. By combining scholarly inquiry and research with leadership to increase awareness and service to the community, an individual or chapter can make a difference regarding the issue explored or discovered by studying the topic.
"Copyright © 2009 by Phi Theta Kappa. All rights reserved. None of the official Phi Theta Kappa logos and emblems may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Phi Theta Kappa. Phi Theta Kappa has registered the name, logo and various titles herein with the U.S. Patent Office."