KEYS TO SUCCESS NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 © 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators Encouraging Faculty Submissions National Council of University Research Administrators
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Presentation Outline Ball State Introduction & Program Highlights Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Introduction & Program Highlights Best Practices Audience Participation – Questions & Best Practices from their institutions
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators Sponsored Programs Office, Ball State University Justin Miller, Director Sarah Lee, Proposal Manager Office of Research & Projects, Southern University Illinois Edwardsville Susan Morgan, Associate Dean Patience Graybill Condellone, Pre-Award Research Administrator, Coordinator of Internal Grant Programs Teri Gulledge, Pre-Award Research Administrator
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators Ball State University Profile Founded in State-funded institution of public education. Centralized research administration structure, with separate pre and post-award offices. SPO Staff: 11 / CGO Staff: 9 FY13 External Funding: $20.2M from 267 awards. FY13 Submissions: 532 from 300+ faculty Strategic Plan Goals: Increase external funding by 125% by FY17 ($32M), the number of submissions by 40% (707), and the number of proposal submissions with a sponsor request > $25,000 (229)
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Incentive Programs: SUBMIT The SUBMIT program encourages proposal development and submission, simply for submitting an external proposal. SUBMIT places funds into a “Research Incentive Account” (RIA) for research and professional- related expenses. Funds are on a sliding scale from $200-$1,500, based on the sponsor request ($15,000+). Annual budget: $125,000
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators Incentive Programs: SUBMIT Examples of Uses: Travel (popular!) Course release Student Wages Supplies
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Incentive Program: IDC Recovery If the funded project budget includes indirect costs, portions of the recovered IDC are returned to the PI, department, and college. These funds are deposited into the PI’s RIA and specific designated accounts in the name of each department, unit, & college. Allocation of these funds is made on an annual basis and are based on actual project account expenditures from the previous University fiscal year. The current model provides 5% to the PI, 10% to the department, and 25% to the college (only if the college exceeds their 4-year average of IDC recovery).
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Aspire Internal Grants Program The primary purpose of the Junior Faculty Research & Creative Arts grant program is to provide seed money for discoveries that will lead to further support from external funding agencies. All awardees are expected to prepare and submit a proposal to an external funding agency that is related to their Aspire proposal at or exceeding the award amount within two years of receiving the Aspire grant. Awards are for up to $10,000, of which $6,000 may be used for summer salary. Approximately 15 awards are made per year. Applications are first reviewed by SPO staff and then by the University Research and Creative Arts Committees.
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Aspire Internal Grants Program Additional programs for faculty include an “Ad-Hoc” program that provides funding to visit a program officer. Internal funds have also been utilized on a discretionary basis to fund travel to NSF Day’s, NIH Annual Meeting, etc. Each of these internal funding mechanisms is purposely geared to developed more competitive external proposals.
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Advance Proposal Development Program The Advance Program combines previously separate programs into one comprehensive program, designed to encourage and promote submissions to external sponsors by providing support during the proposal development process. The goal of program is to increase both the quantity and quality of competitive external grant proposals. As such, the Advance award supports a PI’s proposal development needs by funding dedicated summer time, AY release time, travel and/or supplies for expenses that will directly impact the development and submission of a competitive external grant proposal. Awards range from $5,000-$15,000 depending on the amount of sponsor request and type of activity. Approximately 10 awards are made per year.
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Non-Monetary Incentives Letters from the Associate Provost for Research are sent to each PI and co-PI recognizing each submitted, funded, and not funded proposal. An Annual Benefacta reception, recognizing faculty and staff from the previous year engaged in externally funded activity. SPO publishes an annual Research e- magazine as well as SPO Research Blog posts
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Founded in 1957 State-funded institution of public education Central Office located in the Graduate School with combined pre, post, and compliance: One Stop Shop 2 FTE Pre-Award, 1 FTE Compliance, 5.5 FTE Post-Award, and 0.5 FTE Associate Dean FY13 External Funding: $24.8 M from 180 awards FY13 Submissions: 260 submissions from 188 unique PI & Co-I faculty members (151 T/TT faculty out of 458) “Key Performance Indicators:” increase T/TT faculty submitting to 38%, increase T/TT faculty on active awards to 27%, increase submissions by 15%, increase active and new awards by 27%
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Recent Background Within the last 6 years – Stronger research hires – Increased expectation of scholarship for promotion & tenure – Most are active New Faculty— FY13 External Submissions and Awards Submissions: of 132 unique PI’s, 63% were Asst. and Assoc. Prof. Awards: of 120 unique PI’s, 46% were Asst. and Assoc. Prof.
5-Year Trend Data
Creating a Cultural Shift: “It takes a village.” Chancellor’s role Investment at Unit Level Faculty Ambassadors/ Mentors Innovative/Exciting Approaches* Publicity Collaboration among administrative units and with faculty Target Strength Areas -ICR -sharing unit trend data* -Assoc Dean group -ie., STEM Ed, health areas -finding clusters -targeted institutional RFPs -submissions mandate -work with Marketing -magazine -crowdfunding draws in community -Crowdfunding -Speed Networking
Multifaceted Approach Target New Faculty -orientation -lunch at mid-year -CAREER Internal Seed Funding -STEP -CARI and SURCI Networking -est. faculty at NFO -Speed Networking!* -research center fair -Mentoring Outreach/Training -Grant writing with outside speakers -Send PI’s to federal workshops -Professional Development/ Academic Career -Book club* -SIUE Researcher electronic news feed, blog, Twitter, FB, etc. -Online instructional videos* Recognition Funding Search Support -teach -canned searches -indiv. s -seek new sources: crowdfunding* -annual reception -First-e’s* -research magazine
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Success Statistics – Internal Programs STEP FY10 -12: – 121 internal awards ($1,269,700) – 111 external submissions – 33 external awards ($2,305,836) CARI FY12 (first year): – 2 internal awards ($11,376), 1 external award ($829,979) – Speed Networking 5 events since Fall 2013 (at least) 5 new teams formed through this One group is already working on an external award Another group is working on an internally funded project
NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 Best Practices Leveraging internal funding Target New Faculty Recognition Training & Development
KEYS TO SUCCESS NCURA Region IV Spring Meeting April 27 – 30, 2014 © 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators Questions? Comments? Best Practices from your 2014 National Council of University Research Administrators