LOGO Spring and Leasure Time Creaed by Larisa Vovkotrub Katerynopilska school 2
Company Logo Spring Is Green Why spring is so beautiful? Choose the right answer: Flowers start to grow It is snowy and frosty It is hot and sunny
Company Logo The Weather In Spring It is warm and sunny It is windy and chilly It is rainy and cloudy
Company Logo play hide-n-seek go for a walk ride a bike roller skate play hopscotch play football What Do Children Like Doing in Summer? Activities
Company Logo Summer Activities Hide-n-seek HopscotchRide a bike
Company Logo Summer activities Play football
Company Logo Summer Activites Go for a walk Text 1Text 4
Spring Activities Roller skate Company Logo
Company Logo Spring is Have fun Flowers Warm Sunny Beautiful
Resources Англійська мова: підручник для 2 класу Українська мова навчання. Автор (-и): Несвіт A.M. видавництво: Генеза Рік: 2012 images.yandex.ua›картинки діти навесні Company Logo