High School Curriculum The BVSD example
About BVSD / 53 schools / 13 High Schools (includes alternative and charter schools) / 27,926 Students / 16.9 Pubil/Teacher Ratio (a little misleading) / 53 schools / 13 High Schools (includes alternative and charter schools) / 27,926 Students / 16.9 Pubil/Teacher Ratio (a little misleading)
Visioning the New Century Graduate: Knowledge & Skills Life Competencies Communication: Speaking and Writing Multicultural/Global Perspective Literacy: Reading Mathematics Thinking and Reasoning Technology Interpersonal Competency Government and Civics History Science Arts Life Competencies Communication: Speaking and Writing Multicultural/Global Perspective Literacy: Reading Mathematics Thinking and Reasoning Technology Interpersonal Competency Government and Civics History Science Arts
Visioning the New Century Graduate: Personal Characteristics Respect for Others Initiative and Courage Citizenship Responsibility Ethical Behavior Flexibility and Open Mindedness Self-Respect Respect for Others Initiative and Courage Citizenship Responsibility Ethical Behavior Flexibility and Open Mindedness Self-Respect
Curricular Areas Alternative Language Arts (ESL) Family and Consumer Science Health Education Language Arts Mathematics Music Physical Education Science Social Studies Visual Arts World Languages Alternative Language Arts (ESL) Family and Consumer Science Health Education Language Arts Mathematics Music Physical Education Science Social Studies Visual Arts World Languages
Standards / The State vs. The District
Comparison of Colorado and BVSD Content Standards Science Colorado Content Standards BVSD Content Standards
Courses offered to meet the Standards Physical Science Integrated Science Biology Earth Science Marine Biology Geology Physical Science Integrated Science Biology Earth Science Marine Biology Geology Chemistry Consumer Chemistry Physics Anatomy Astronomy Botany Global Science Chemistry Consumer Chemistry Physics Anatomy Astronomy Botany Global Science
Approved Texts and Curriculums / Text Books / Narratives / Activities/Equipment / i.e. Foss Kits / Text Books / Narratives / Activities/Equipment / i.e. Foss Kits
The Teacher / Organizes the units / Based on logical order / and availability of equipment / Develops lesson plans/activities for specific learning objectives / Provides assessment / Organizes the units / Based on logical order / and availability of equipment / Develops lesson plans/activities for specific learning objectives / Provides assessment
going beyond… / Accessing additional tools in the District Media Center / Accessing to the community (i.e. Guest lecturer, community gardens, field trips) / Making greater use of the web / Partnering with classrooms across the world / Applying for special grants / Accessing additional tools in the District Media Center / Accessing to the community (i.e. Guest lecturer, community gardens, field trips) / Making greater use of the web / Partnering with classrooms across the world / Applying for special grants
Lesson Plan / See example
CSAP Assessment / 9th & 10th - Reading/Writing / 9th & 10th - Mathematics / 10th - Science / 9th & 10th - Reading/Writing / 9th & 10th - Mathematics / 10th - Science
Websites / BVSD / CDE: / FREE: / NEA: html html / NEA Additional Resources: anlinks.html anlinks.html / BVSD / CDE: / FREE: / NEA: html html / NEA Additional Resources: anlinks.html anlinks.html