UC Berkeley and the Community National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA) Forum 2014 Town Gown Workshop Town and Gown: New Paradigms for Collaboration Track & Session No. XXX April 14, 2014, 10:15am – 12:00pm Presenters: Linda Morris Williams – Associate Chancellor, UC Berkeley Harry LeGrande – Vice Chancellor Student Affairs, UC Berkeley
Chancellor’s Community Partnership Fund
Chancellor’s Community Partnership Fund
Berkeley United in Literacy Development : Equity Through Literacy (2012) Primary Partners: Berkeley Alliance, Public Service Center Chancellor’s Community Partnership Fund
Cal Move-Out Program
CAL Move-Out Program 2014 Partners: UC Berkeley City of Berkeley Student groups: ASUC, CO-OPs, CalGreeks & more Landlords & tenants Reuse.org DR3: Divert, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Moveout.berkeley.edu
Public Service Center Publicservice.berkeley.edu
Cal in Local Government
Co-Curricular Programming Originally I thought VITA is just doing tax returns for people, but I learned that doing tax returns right can actually make an influence on people's lives. -Cal Student in VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
Bonner Leaders AmeriCorps
Richmond Excellence Serving Our Community at Berkeley
ACES: American Cultures Engaged Scholarship
Hope for the Bay Richmond High School Health Academy presents Improving Connectivity & Transportation to Richmond’s South Shoreline
outh Shoreline (Marina Bay) WhY-PLAN
Y-PLAN! and Richmond High School Step 4: Going Public Final Proposals
Richmond Bay Campus
Richmond Bay Campus Vision A state-of-the-art, inspirational and sustainable place to produce world-class collaborative science for healthy living and sustainable communities. A center of innovation for national and international academic, government, non-profit and industry partners. Solutions for 21 st century challenges in energy, environment, human health, and the global economy.
RBC in the Community – Shared Values Strengthen our institutional partnerships with the Richmond Community. Leverage UC Berkeley’s and LBNL’s (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) intellectual and institutional resources in ways that provide mutual benefit to the Campus, Lab and Richmond Community. Be an engine for economic development and innovation locally and regionally. Encourage partnerships for education, workforce development, and career readiness – PreK-Adult.
Creating a Partnership Commitment for RBC - Richmond Next steps: – Create a Community Partnership Commitment that provides a roadmap for UCB-LBNL collaboration with the Richmond community –Have hosted discussions around 4 community priority areas: Education Workforce Training Employment/Hiring and Procurement Long-term Community/RBC Engagement