Welcome to Curriculum Night
Religion Catholic Social Teaching Principles: 1.Care for God’s Creation 2.Life and Dignity of the Human Person 3.Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person 4.Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers 5.Solidarity of the Human Family 6.Call to Family, Community, and Participation 7. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
Reading and Writing The Daybook units are structured around the Six Essential Strategies of Critical Reading and Writing: Making Connections Posing Questions Determining Importance Visualizing Making Inferences Synthesizing (using info.)
Reading Goal for students to become independent readers using: Group books Individual books Book reports (variety of genres) Reading to learn, not learning to read.
Learning the steps of the writing process: Brainstorm Draft Revise Edit Publish
Writing Emphasis Paragraphs expository opinion narrative descriptive Creative Story Writing word choice figurative language grammar punctuation
Spelling Sitton Spelling Program: Focuses on learning high-frequency words. Teaches spelling patterns – not lists of words to memorize. Example: by might find lion while
3 rd Grade Math Standards Multiplication and Division Fractions 2-D Geometry
Social Studies (Geography, History, Civics, Economics) Focus on communities (cities) and their development, beginning with the Pilgrims and early pioneers. Learn history of Seattle.
Use maps to explore a variety of communities and learn the fifty states Learn about geography’s impact on communities Study the culture of Japan
Science (FOSS Kits) Structures of Life – Observing characteristics of organisms Earth Materials – Exploring the properties of rocks and minerals Physics of Sound – Sound discrimination and how sound travels
Long Range Study (LRS) Research Skills Organizational Skills Presentation Skills Focuses on:
Social Skills Programs Second Step – Bullying prevention program. Talking about Touching – Personal safety program. Steps to Respect – Conflict resolution program.
Ida Culver Twice each month 4 kids from 3A and 3B Students walk with parent volunteer