The Bicycle Auction Thomas S. Monson. Many years ago in Washington, D.C., an 11 year old boy went to a bicycle auction. auction That’s sound great.


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Presentation transcript:

The Bicycle Auction Thomas S. Monson

Many years ago in Washington, D.C., an 11 year old boy went to a bicycle auction. auction That’s sound great.

Every time a bike went up for sale the boy would bid one dollar. bid You only have one dollar ? Poor boy.

But every time, someone else would bid more money, so the boy did not get the bike. Five dollars. I win. Oh,no.

The auctioneer noticedauctioneer that the boy was most interesting in racer bicycles. Wow, so cool.

When the very last racer bicycle went up for sale, the boy again bid one dollar, but someone else bid eight dollars.

Then the auctioneer close the bidding by saying, "sold for nine dollars to that little boy over there!"

The auctioneer took eight dollars from his own pocket, and the boy pulled out his one dollar, whichconsisted of quarters, dimes,dimes, nickles and pennies.pennies

After they'd paid for the bike, the boy slowly started walking away with his new possession. He stopped suddenly.

The boy turned around, and with tears in his eyes, ran back and gave the auctioneer a big hug. Thank you.

This story is based on a vignette quoted in the article The Profound Power of Gratitude by Thomas S. Monson in the September 2005 Ensign magazine. Although this story reportedly appeared in a newspaper, I do not have an exact reference for it. Still, though, I'd like to think of it as a true story, since its message is so beautiful and poignant

The end

Auction n. 拍賣 They sold the furniture by auction. 他們拍賣了這套傢俱。 vt. ( 及物動詞 transitive verb) 拍賣, 把... 拍賣掉 [(+off)] They are going to auction the pictures at the end of the month. 他們將在月底拍賣這些畫。 bid vt. 拍賣中 ) 喊 ( 價 ), 出 ( 價 ); 索 ( 價 )[(+for)] He bid $300 for the oil painting. 他出價三百元買那幅油畫。

Auctioneer 拍賣商 Dim ( 美國, 加拿大的 ) 一角硬幣 Ten dimes make one dollar. 十個一角為一元。

Pennies 【英】便士 ; 一便士硬幣 [C] Please give me ten pennies for this tenpence piece. 請替我把這十便士換成十個一便士硬幣。 【美】一分 ; 一分硬幣 [C] Possession 所有物 ; 財產 [P] Her possessions could fit in one suitcase. 她的全部財物可以裝在一個手提箱內