Web Tools Feature Transition with FOS and higher For improved segmentation of configuration capabilities vs. management capabilities, some of the traditional WebTools features have moved into both DCFM Professional and DCFM Enterprise with FOS and higher. Listed below are the capabilities that have moved: –Main Screen Topology Display Page –Zone Administration Convenience function from Tools menu Device Accessibility Matrix Analyze zone config Print zone database summary –Event Management Fabric Events –FCIP Tunnel configuration Since these capabilities will be part of DCFM, they will no longer reside in the switch and therefore the DCFM software must be loaded onto the management server that communicates with the switches. If using DCFM Professional, there are minimal server memory and performance requirements, while specific server requirements are necessary to run DCFM Enterprise (requirements in slide 4). The table on slides 2 and 3 provide a full list of all WebTools functions, indicating those moving to DCFM Enterprise and DCFM Professional. HP B-Series switches running FOS (8Gb or pre-8Gb switches) are EGM (Enhanced Group Management) enabled, and hence no additional license is required to run any of the features or DCFM as mentioned in the next two slides.
Web Tools Feature Transition with FOS and higher Feature Web Tools 6.1.0Web Tools Feature moved to DCFM Pro Feature moved to DCFM Ent General: Right Click options from Switch View Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Admin Domain (AD) filtered views Yes Main Screen Fabric Tree Switch Info tab Active Domain (AD) Context Switching Topology display page USB Management Yes No Yes Yes Yes Fabric WatchYes Zone Admin Basic Zoning (zone, zone configs, aliases,…) Cloning a zone Convenience function from Tools menu Device Accessibility Matrix Analyze zone config Print zone database summary Yes No Yes Admin Domain ManagementYes Name ServerYes Port Administration Trunking F_Port Trunking Management Long Distance Yes FCIP Tunnel configurationYesNoYes Performance MonitoringYes Blade ManagementYes License ManagementYes
FeatureWeb Tools 6.1.0Web Tools Feature moved to DCFM Pro Feature moved to DCFM Ent iSCSI Management Easy to configure wizard Verify/troubleshoot device accessibility Yes Event Management Fabric EventsYesNoYes Switch Admin User Management Active Directory support FICON CUP Tab PDCM Matrix Security Policies Tab (like ACL) Config upload/download ISL Trunk information IP Sec Policies Extended Fabric Management Routing and DLS Configuration Yes High AvailabilityYes FCR Management FCR Port Config Yes Diagnostics Trace dump FRU Monitoring Switch Status Yes Yes AG ManagementYes DCFM Proxy SupportNoYes Mace/Lance SupportNoYes Web Tools Feature Transition with FOS and higher
DCFM Enterprise Server Hardware Recommendations Operating System Version Installation Type SmallMediumLarge DCFM Professional Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition SP2, XP Professional SP2, Vista Business SP1, 2008 Standard Edition Server / Client2 Ghz, 2 GB RAM Dual Processor 3 GHz, 2GB RAM Dual Processor, Dual Core, 2.4 Ghz, 2GB RAM 2 Ghz, 1 GB RAM LinuxAS5, ES4Server / Client2 Ghz, 2 GB RAM Dual Processor 3 Ghz, 2GB RAM Dual Processor, Dual Core, 2.4 Ghz, 2GB RAM 2 Ghz, 1 GB RAM SuSE LinuxES10Server / Client2 Ghz, 2 GB RAM Dual Processor 3 Ghz, 2GB RAM Dual Processor, Dual Core, 2.4 Ghz, 2GB RAM 2 Ghz, 1 GB RAM SolarisSolaris 10Server Sun Fire V240 Server GHz or equivalent, 1GB RAM Sun Fire V240 Server GHz Sun Fire V240/V440 Server GHz Not Supported SolarisSolaris 10Client Sun Ultra 25 Workstation GHz or equivalent, 1GB RAM Sun Ultra 45 Workstation GHz or equivalent, 1GM RAM Sun Ultra 45 Workstation GHz or equivalent, 2 GB RAM Not Supported VMWare ESX Server 3.x Windows 2003 Server Windows XP Server / Client Requirements same as that of the Guest OS from above