Welcome to your new class Beech
Curriculum Overview Greenway First & Nursery School CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK CLASS:- Year 2 Beech 2011/12 Outline Year Plan Autumn 1 2 Spring 1 2 Summer 1 2 English Narrative- Stories with familiar settings & Traditional stories Non-Fiction – Instructions Poetry Non-Fiction - Explanations Poetry Narrative – Stories by same author Poetry Non-Fiction –Information text Non-chron.reports Narrative -Extended stories Maths Counting, partitioning, calculating, shape, data handling, measure, number facts Counting, partitioning, calculating, number facts, shape, measure, identifying relationships Counting, partitioning, measure, calculating, number facts, shape, relationshiups, data handling Science A Changes Materials Electricity Light Forces Changes Variation Of Habitats Plants in Local Environment Keeping ourselves healthy /Growth Food Technology Making houses Vehicles Around the World Tiawan textiles Art Fire Painting Colour Mixing Changes Looking at an artist Collage Painting Around the World History Fire Fire of London Changes Machines George Stephenson Changes Geography Pirates Map work Contrasting localities Around the World Taiwan ICT Journeys Talking and sharing Changes Starting Research Around the world Getting Creative PE Games Gymnastics – apparatus Dance games Gymnastics – floor Dance Country dance Olympic games (athletics) Music DurationPulse & Rhythm Changes Pitch Instruments & Symbols Around the World Music Appreciation Composition RE Journeys Signs & Symbols Special PlacesReligious Leaders PSHE New Beginnings Health Getting on/falling out Anti-Bullying Going For Goals Keeping Safe Self-esteem Money Local Environment – Link to Science Relationships Changes
Class routines Start time 8:55 – 3:15pm. - If you are unable to collect your child contact the school by 3:00 All school uniform needs to be named (including pe kit) A coat is needed at all times as we will go outside in all weathers Indoors footwear must be black plimsolls or shoes (no crocs or slippers) PE kits need to include: - T-shirt in the house colour of your child - Jogging trousers - Trainers for outdoor PE
Diaries - Please use the diary for: informing us of doctor etc appointments communicating any issues that arise(please also inform the office) - Ensure that if there is a note that your child gives the diary to the teacher when they arrive in class - Diaries need to be handed in every Thursday - Diaries will contain the targets for your child
Homework - Literacy homework Reading books will be changed every Thursday. Spellings will be given out every Friday and they will be tested the following Thursday. Literacy and Maths homework will be alternated each week. It will be given out on a Friday and given in on a Wednesday.
Contributions – please supply a box of tissues each term. Items for the office - All admin that needs to go to the office, please give to the class teacher in a named envelope. - All hard copies of letters are kept in the entrance foyer and on the notice boards outside Willow and Nursery If your child has any medical/physical condition that we are not aware of please let us know. If you should have any situations that arise that could affect the emotion of your child please also inform us. E.g. moving house, illness of close relatives, parent travelling and being away from home. Please name water bottles and bring them in daily
Class representative – Each class has a representative to help the teacher organise parent help during the year and to sort the social side of your class. If you change your mobile phone number or address then please let the office know (if you have not given either of these to the office please do so asap). Dates to remember - 20 th September Parent helper meeting 9:00 and 2: th September Beech Cake Sale - 19 th October Read Write Inc. evening