Class of 2012 Registration
Two term classes will now meet every day all year for 50 minutes One term classes will meet half the year (a semester) every day for 50 minutes You will have seven classes every day
Class Registration Required courses for Seniors: English 4 PE You will need 27 credits to graduate not 29
Should have passed as a junior: English 1, 2, 3 Speech (freshman year) Math (three years) Science (two years) Global Studies 5 terms of PE Dr. Ed./ Health/Consumer Education Keyboarding (freshman year) 24 credits total
Four-year colleges require: 4 years of English 3 years of math at least up to Alg. 2 3 years of science 3 years of social studies 2 years of foreign language or fine arts
Options to select: Check English 4 either R, CP, H/AP English Electives: World Literature Creative Writing Publications/Yearbook (See Mrs. Gugerty)
Math Options Current MathNext Year Applied GeometryGeometry Algebra 2 Advanced Alg./Trig. or Statistics or AP Statistics-H Algebra 2 HPre. Calculus H and/or statistics and/or AP Statistics-H Pre. Calculus HAP Calculus H and/or Statistics and/or AP Stats H *1 new class for seniors: AP Stats Must take COMPASS test at JJC for dual credit AP Stats or Calc.
Dual Credit Math AP Calculus will count as Math 170 Calculus I (5 credits), Math 139 Pre. Calculus II (4 credits) and Math 138 Pre. Calculus I (4 credits) at Joliet Junior College for a total of 13 college credits. AP Statistics will count as Math 128 Elementary Statistics (4 credits). Student must meet the Compass math pre-requisite to be able to earn JJC credit. The Compass test can be taken at the JJC Morris Campus. Students can take the AP classes without receiving JJC credit.
Science Options May be done for graduation by colleges want 3 years Biology - Take Chemistry 1 R (college prep class) or Exploring Chem/Physics (new class next year) Chemistry 1 R Take Physics, Chem 2 R or Anat/Physiology 1 Chemistry 1 H Take Physics H or Chem. 2 R or Anat/Physiology 1 Anat./Physiology 2 is available for students who have taken Anat/phy. 1
PE Must take 2 semesters PE Exemptions: College - Must take 4 Core classes Sport - Must take 3 Core classes and two sports (Poms/Cheerleading and Marching Band all year count as two sports) List sports on registration sheet. Core courses: (English, math, science, social studies, science and foreign languages) Athlete’s PE – coaches will let us know who is selected just select PE 4031/32 and list your sports.
Electives Social StudiesForeign Language Intro. to PsychologySpanish 1 Cont. World ProblemsSpanish 2 Recent US History (RUSH) Spanish 3 (JJC Dual Credit classes) Must have 4.0/5.0 GPA Spanish 4 H
Electives Continued ArtMusicBusinessFCS (limit 1)Ind. Arts Art 1 or Art 2 Hist. of Rock/Roll Word Pros. 2Child Develop.Drafting Art 3 or Art 4 Music Experience 21st Cent. Business Foods 1 or Food 2 Arch. Drafting Ceramics 1 or Ceram. 2 Key/MusicAccount 1 or Acct. 2 H Foods 3Metals Tech Ceram. 3 or Ceram. 4 BandEconomics or Sports Marketing Fashion Design 1 Adv. Metals 1 and/or Adv. Metals 2 *Intro. to Visual Art ChoirTech Apps.Fashion Design 2 Trans and Power Tech *New 1 sem. course Band Honors Bus. Law.Adult LivingWoods Tech. Choir Honors Co-opConst. 1 or 2 or 3
Foreign Language Placement Exam Check box if you have not taken a Foreign Language in high school AND have previous Foreign Language experience such as: * Foreign Language spoken at home * Foreign Language taken in junior high You will be offered a Foreign Language Placement Exam and may be offered the opportunity to skip a level.
College Foreign Language Requirements UniversityAdmissionGraduation Eastern Illinois UniversityNot requiredAll programs- 2 semesters of college language (can be met with 2 years of high school language) Illinois State University2 years of same language or 2 years of fine arts College of Arts/Science – 2 semesters of college language (can be met by 3 years high school) Bachelor of Arts – 3 semesters of college language (can be met by proficiency test) Northern Illinois University 2 years same language or combination of language, art or music Bachelor of Arts – 2 years at the college level (can be met by 4 years of high school) Southern Illinois University – Carbondale & Edwardsville Not requiredCollege of Liberal Arts – one year of college (can be met by proficiency exam) University of Illinois – Urbana 2 years of same languageCollege of Business & Liberal Arts and Sciences – up to the 4 th college level (can be met by 4 years of high school language) All other colleges – up to the 3 rd level (can be met by 3 years of high school language) University of Illinois - Chicago 2 years of one languageCollege of Business & College of Architecture – 2 semesters at college level (can be met by 2 years of high school) College of Liberal Arts and Sciences – 4 semesters at college level (met by placement test) Private and Out-of-state Universities Varies (usually 2 years)Varies by major
Co-op You must have a job/internship. Class meets 6 th hour and you are released for 7 th hour. You are graded by both your classroom performance and your job/internship. You must meet the standards during the school year or you may be removed from the co-op program.
GAVC Meets two periods every day all year. Must must currently have good attendance and be on track to graduate Most programs are worth 2.5 credits for the year If you drop GAVC after the 3rd day - your parents will be charged the cost of the course (approx. $2400) Can continue to the second year of a program or choose a first year of a program Some programs have an early bird session for second year students which starts at 6:50 am
GAVC Programs Auto Mechanics 1Computer Maintenance 1Cosmetology Auto Mechanics 2Computer Maintenance 2Electricity/Robotics 1 Fire Science 1Computer Apps. 1Electricity/Robotics 2 Fire Science 2Computer Apps. 2 Welding 1 Building Trades 1Criminal Justice 1Welding 2 Building Trades 2Criminal Justice 2Health Occupations 1 Early Childhood 1Early Childhood 2Health Occupations 2 Cosmetology: AM Session will run blocks 1-4 (worth 4 scheduling points) PM Session will run blocks 5-7 (worth 3 scheduling points)
Joliet Junior College Dual Credit - college credit as well as high school credit Must have at least a 4.0/5.0 to qualify. Costs: Approximately $300 for a 3 credit hour class plus the cost of books May have classes in the building that meet every day for the semester. (Psychology and Sociology). Maximum of three classes each semester for the school year. List course you are interested if not the in-house Psychology or Sociology.
Early Release/Late Arrival No Early Release or Late Arrival next year. No Teacher Assistant class
Study Hall You may select to have a study hall for one period. You can have a study hall one semester or all year. You will not earn a credit for study hall. You can select an elective class instead of a study hall.
The Extras Check the box if you are interested in a MCHS Early Bird class which will run from 7:00-7:50 am. (You will need to have your own transportation). This does not include GAVC Early Bird. Select 8 classes Check the box if you are interested in taking a summer class and list the class. Details will follow for both options.
Registration Summary Should have selected English and PE Select Electives from any of the following: Social Studies, Fine Arts, Language, Business, Family and Consumer Sciences, Industrial Arts, Study Hall or GAVC. The total of scheduling values will equal 7! (Eight classes if your are interested in the Early Bird option) Write down two other options under Alternatives that you did not circle. You may use the notes spot to write any comments for your counselor. Have one of your parents sign the registration sheet before you turn it in.
Due Date These forms will be collect the next week from your counselor out of your English class. If you don’t have English, they will be collected in February out of your English class. Talk to your parents and teachers on options. Have your parents sign the registration form. You will be mailed your course list in March. Make sure the list is correct. Choose wisely! The master schedule is arranged by your choices. Changing is difficult once the schedule is made. Course descriptions from the curriculum guide are on the webpage under the Guidance section. Join the Morris Community High School Guidance Group on Facebook to keep up-to-date with information!
Pick up for English Term 2 Mr. Kein – Monday, Dec. 6 Ms. Costello – Tuesday, Dec. 7 Mrs. Locke – Wednesday, Dec. 8 Ms. Bamonte – Thursday, Dec. 9 Ms. Struck – Friday, Dec. 10 Ms. Barr – Friday, Dec. 10 Mr. Courter – Friday, Dec. 10 Remember to bring your completed registration sheet!
Pick up for English Term 3 Mr. Courter – Friday, Feb. 1 Ms. Costello – Monday, Feb. 7 Mrs. Locke – Tuesday, Feb. 8 Ms. Struck – Tuesday, Feb. 8 Ms. Bamonte – Wednesday, Feb. 9 Mr. Kein – Thursday, Feb. 10 Ms. Barr – Friday, Feb. 11 Mrs. Gustafson – Monday, Feb. 14 Remember to bring your completed registration sheet!