Christian County High School
~Our Mission~ Help each student to: Develop business, financial, and computer literacy Learn and apply leadership experiences Become aware of the many career opportunities in business and the technical skills required for each Demonstrate proficiency in various business-related competitions Become CAREER READY
What We Offer… Career Readiness Industry Certifications Career Majors Co-Op Program FBLA College Credit
Business Courses Accounting and Finance Foundations Advanced Computer Applications Business Law Business Management Computer and Technology Applications Entrepreneurship Financial Accounting Help Desk Leadership Dynamics Multimedia Publishing Principals of Marketing Sports and Event Marketing Travel and Tourism Marketing Word Processing Work Experience Business (CO-OP)
Career Readiness Any student eventually has a career as a goal. Thus, Career Readiness is for ALL students as each of the three skills -- academic, technical and employability -- are a necessary foundation on which students can build lives and be prepared to confront the inevitable changes life brings B-4D69-A5A0-AF0A7D729C92/0/CCRChart.pdf 032B-4D69-A5A0-AF0A7D729C92/0/CCRChart.pdf
College Ready: Must meet benchmarks on one of the following: College Ready ACT COMPASS KYOTE Career Ready: Must meet benchmarks for one requirement in Career Academic area and must meet one requirement in Career Technical area Career Ready Academic Career Ready Technical Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) ACT Work Keys (Applied Math, Locating information, and Reading for Information) Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA) Industry Certificates Bonus: College AND Career Ready must meet at least one from each area College Ready Academic Career Ready Technical ACT or COMPASS or KYOTE KOSSA Industry Certificates NOTES: (1) By meeting the College Ready Academic definition, the student does not have to take the additional tests of ASVAB or Work Keys for the bonus area. (2) For accountability purposes, the bonus shall not allow the readiness percentage to exceed 100 percent.
Career Majors and Career Readiness Complete a series of four courses to complete a career major Pass the KOSSA exam or industry certification r to become career ready
Administrative Support Career Major Computer and Technology Applications One Business Elective Advanced Computer and Technology Applications Accounting and Financial Foundations Career Readiness Test: MOS or IC3 or Adm. Support KOSSA
Accounting Career Major Accounting and Financial Foundations Computer and Technology Applications Financial Accounting One Business Elective Career Readiness Test : Accounting KOSSA exam ASK (Finance) or Quickbooks
Business Multimedia Career Major Multimedia Publishing Computer and Technology Applications Advanced Multimedia Publishing One Business Elective Career Readiness Test: Adobe (Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop) or IC3 or MOS or Multimedia KOSSA
Information Processing Career Major Computer and Technology Applications Advanced Computer and Technology Applications Word ProcessingBusiness Elective Career Readiness Test: Adobe or IC3 or MOS Or KOSSA
Business Management Career Major Computer and Technology Applications Accounting and Finance Foundations Business LawBusiness Management Career Readiness Test: ASK—Business Principals or Entrepreneurship/Management
Marketing Career Major Principals of Marketing Advanced Computer and Technology Applications Specialized Marketing (Sports Marketing, etc.) Business Elective Career Readiness Test: Marketing KOSSA Test
Industry Certifications IC3 MOS These industry certifications are recognized world-wide and will look great on a college application or resume
IC3 Certification Test Internet and Computing Core Certification Purpose of this Certification: Provide students and job seekers with the educational/training foundation to succeed not only in technical careers, but also in any field or job position requiring the use of computers.
IC3 Exam Structure Structured around 3 individual exams: Computing Fundamentals Key Applications Living Online
IC3—Computing Fundamentals Exam Covers subjects needed for: a foundational understanding of computing knowledge and use of computer hardware, software, and operating systems
IC3-Key Applications Exam Includes questions covering 3 applications: Word processing Spreadsheet software Presentation software Also includes questions on common features of all applications such as starting, opening, and saving files.
IC3-Living Online Exam Covers aspects of working in an Internet or networked environment. Includes: Basic knowledge of networks and the Internet. Skills with Electronic Mail and Web browsers. Skills required to find and evaluate information. Understanding issues related to computing and the Internet at home, school, and work. (Ergonomics, Security, Ethics, “Internet Rules”)
MOS Certification Microsoft Office Specialist World-wide, performance-based certification test Provides skill-verification tools that help to assess a person's skills in using Microsoft Office programs Demonstrates the ability to quickly complete on-the- job tasks across multiple programs in the Microsoft Office system.
Business Co-Op Program Learn about business first-hand as you earn money and high school credits Network with professionals and make life-long connections Students must complete 3 business courses PRIOR to the senior year to be eligible to co-op
College Credit College credit through Murray State University may be available for Advanced Computer and Technology Applications
FBLA Future Business Leaders of America Develop leadership skills Attend exciting field trips Participate in rewarding community service activities Compete at the regional, state, and national level $20 yearly membership dues CCHS FBLA Website JOIN THE FBLA FAMILY TODAY!
If you can dream it, then you can do it. ~Walt Disney If you can dream it, then you can do it. ~Walt Disney