Matt Loveless Lisa Kuhnel
Keyboarding Sports Marketing Publication Design Career & Financial Management Business Math (Dual-credit) College Accounting (Dual-credit) Microsoft Office (Dual-credit)
In this course students work collaboratively to market, sell, design, layout, and finally distribute the 144-page, high school yearbook. Topics/skills addressed include: Teamwork Time Management Marketing Recordkeeping Digital Photography Graphic Design Use of Adobe InDesign © Use of Adobe Photoshop ©
This is a dual-credited course that gives students the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through TC3. The primary objective of this course is to teach students the basic principles of double entry accounting for service-type businesses.
This is a dual-credited course that gives students the opportunity to earn 4 college credits through TC3. Students learn the basics of the Microsoft Office Suite plus many useful applications for personal and professional use. 1 st Quarter - 2 nd Quarter - 3 rd Quarter - 4 th Quarter -
This is a dual-credited course that gives students the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through TC3. Topics addressed include: Banking Simple Interest/Compound Interest Installment Buying/Credit Cards Promissory Notes Depreciation Home Ownership Insurance Payroll
Business Math 87 college credits Microsoft Office 60 college credits College Accounting 57 college credits ____ 204 total credits
Six seniors are in the process of earning at least 7 college credits this year alone through business course offerings. Business Law is also a Concurrent enrollment course but was not offered this school year due to budget reductions.
This course is designed to provide the necessary day- to-day skills that students will need when they graduate, are living on their own and/or are working full-time. Topics addressed include: Career Exploration Resumes/Cover Letters Job Applications Job Interviews Budgeting Savings/Checking Accounts Bank Reconciliation
“Street Cents” is a stock market game through WSYR News channel 9 from Syracuse. Both CFM classes are currently participating in this competition along with 97 other classes from all over CNY. Each class received an imaginary $100,000 to invest into four stocks. No more than 50% of the money could be invested in one stock. Students researched and work together in each class to determine what their investments would be.
In CFM, we just concluded our career exploration unit. Students spent the past two weeks collecting data from interest surveys, value profilers, and other career-oriented assessments. Each individual was asked to prepare a 5 minute Power Point presentation. ◦ They were instructed to review their results for the class and provide detailed information about a matching career of their choice.
By Shalyn Watson Athletic Trainer
By Keisha Marie Lee Pediatrician
By Hannah Armstrong Sociologist
Lawyer By Kyle Bogardus