Molecular Haematology I Globin Disorders Dr Edmond S K Ma Division of Haematology Department of Pathology The University of Hong Kong
Thalassaemia First described by Thomas B. Cooley in 1925 The term thalassaemia was first coined in 1932 based on the Greek word (thalassa) meaning the sea
Prevalence of thalassaemia in Hong Kong Chinese -thalassaemia5% -thalassaemia3.1%
Prevalence of thalassaemia in Hong Kong Chinese -thalassaemia (-- SEA ) -thalassaemia deletion90% -thalassaemia codons (-CTTT) 0 45% IVSII-654 (C T) 0 20% nt-28 (A G) + 16% codon 17 (A T) 0 8%
Carrier detection Antenatal screening –Obstetrical Units of the Hospital Authority –Maternal and Child Health Centres –Private sector Pre-marital and pre-pregnancy testing –Family Planning Association Community based thalassaemia screening –Children’s Thalassaemia Foundation
Detection of thalassaemia Red cell indices (MCV, MCH) Determine iron status HPLC analysis Hb and globin chain electrophoresis Detection of HbH inclusion bodies
Laboratory diagnosis of thalassaemia by HPLC
Haemoglobin electrophoresis
Detection of HbH inclusion bodies
New approaches in diagnosis of SEA deletion: gap-PCR for SEA deletion
New approaches in diagnosis of SEA deletion: detection of -globin chains in adults
-globin gene mutations Deletional (common) -- SEA - 4.2 Non-deletional (rare) Hb CS Hb QS codon 30 deletion Hb Q-Thailand Hb Westmead 2 codon 31 2 codon 59 Others
Prevalence of thalassaemia in Hong Kong Chinese (MCV < 80 fL) -thalassaemia (-- SEA ) -thalassaemia deletion90%
Single -globin gene deletion and triplicated -globin gene Prevalence –6% for – 3.7 and – 4.2 Hb 13.6 ± 0.12 g/dL (11.8 – 15.6) MCV 83.0 ± 0.33 fL (77.9 – 88.1) MCH 27.2 ± 0.16 pg (24.1 – 29.7) –1.5% for anti-3.7 and anti-4.2 Hb 13.5 g/dL, MCV 85.5 fL, MCH 28.7 pg
Single -globin gene deletion (- ) and triplicated -globin gene ( ) configuration
Molecular diagnosis of -thalassaemia Clark & Thein, Clin Lab Haematol 26: ; 2004 Deletions –Gap PCR –Southern blotting Non-deletional mutation: on specifically amplified 2 or 1 genes –Restriction digest –ARMS-PCR –ASO –Direct sequence analysis
Multiplex PCR for 3 commonest -thalassaemia deletion LIS1 control -2 gene SEA deletion 3.7 kb deletion 4.2 kb deletion
LIS internal control (2350 bp) -α 3.7 (2022/2029 bp ) α2 (1800 bp) -α 4.2 (1628 bp) -- SEA (1349 bp) water αα/-- SEA ladder -α 3.7 /-- SEA -α 4.2 /-- SEA αα/αα blank Multiplex PCR for 3 commonest -thalassaemia deletion
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) The principle of RFLP as shown is used to diagnose the different types of -globin genotypes relevant to -thalassaemia. Gel Smaller fragment Larger fragment Key restriction enzyme sites probe region
16kb 10.5 kb 14.5kb 12.6 kb 7.0 kb
Multiplex ARMS for the 3 commonest non-deletional 2-globin gene mutations Internal control (930 bp) cd30(ΔGAG) (772 bp) HbQS (234 bp) HbCS (184 bp)
Reverse dot blot Chan V et al, BJH 104: 513-5, 1999
Multiplex mini-sequencing screen Wang W et al, Clin Chem 49: 800 – 803, 2003
Molecular screening of non-deletional -globin gene mutations by denaturing HPLC Guida V et al, Clin Chem 50: 1242 – 1245, 2004
Thalassaemia array Chan K et al, BJH 124: 232 – 239, 2004
Thalassaemia array
-thalassaemia phenotypes -thalassaemia trait Aymptomatic Hypochromic microcytic red cells High HbA 2 Variable HbF Genotype: simple heterozygotes for -thalassaemia alleles
-thalassaemia phenotypes -thalassaemia major Onset < 1 year Transfusion dependent Many complications Markedly HcMc RBC Nucleated reds Majority HbF Genotypes: homozygous or compound heterozygous for -thalassaemia alleles
-thalassaemia syndromes
Defining disease severity Age at diagnosis Steady state or lowest haemoglobin level Age at first transfusion Frequency of transfusion Splenomegaly or age at splenectomy Height and weight in percentile
Why study genotype phenotype relationship? Genetic counselling Management decisions
Genetic factors affecting disease severity Nature and severity of -globin mutation Co-inheritance of -thalassaemia or triplicated -globin genes Genetic determinant(s) for enhanced -globin chain production
Mutation detection by dot blot hybridization
Detection of five -thalassaemia mutations by ARMS Panel 1: 1-6 1:-28 Heterozygote 2:-28/71-72 Compound Heterozygote 3:Codon 17 Heterozygote 4:Codon 43 Heterozygote 5:100 bp DNA Ladder 6:Reagent Blank Control Panel 2:7-8 7:IVS Heterozygote 8:Reagent Blank Control Internal control Internal control
Southern blot hybridization with -probe
PCR-based mutation detection -multiplex PCR -thalassaemia PCR
The spectrum of -thalassaemia alleles in Chinese
Genotype phenotype correlation in 0 / 0 thalassaemia
Genotype phenotype correlation in 0 / + thalassaemia
Homozygous 0 / 0 and compound heterozygous 0 / + thalassaemia
Clinical phenotype of + / + thalassaemia
Clinical phenotype of HbE / -thalassemia
Molecular pathology of -thalassaemia
Thalassaemia intermedia: family study 1
Thalassaemia intermedia: family study 2
Thalassaemia screening using MCV and MCH cutoff
Co-inheritance of -thalassaemia determinants significantly ameliorates the phenotype of severe -thalassaemia Yes 0 / 0 homozygotes + two -globin gene deletion or non-deletional -globin gene mutation + -thalassaemia homozygotes or compound heterozygotes single -globin gene deletion No 0 / 0 homozygotes + single -globin gene deletion
Co-inheritance of -thalassaemia determinants significantly ameliorates the phenotype of severe -thalassaemia Points to note: Molecular heterogeneity of -thalassaemia and -thalassaemia alleles results in wide range of clinical outcomes Small numbers of patients in each category Variations among different populations (e.g. in Thai patients -thalassaemia ameliorates severe -thalassaemia only in the presence of at least one -thalassaemia allele)
Co-inheritance of -thalassaemia in severe -thalassaemia
Conclusion The co-inheritance of (-- SEA ) -thalassaemia (SEA) deletion ameliorates the clinical phenotype of 0 / + but not necessarily 0 / 0 -thalassaemia in Chinese patients
Co-inheritance of -thalassaemia in severe -thalassaemia Implications 1. Detection of SEA deletion in couples at risk of offspring affected by 0 / + -thalassaemia (~ 8 / year) 2. At prenatal diagnosis, a genotype of 0 / + -thalassaemia + SEA deletion is predictive of thalassaemia intermedia, but the same cannot be said for 0 / + -thalassaemia alone or 0 / 0 -thalassaemia + SEA deletion
Triplicated -globin gene in -thalassaemia heterozygotes Observed in 15% of thalassaemia intermedia, not seen in thalassaemia major Presentation in adulthood May also be associated with a phenotype of thalassaemia trait
Triplicated -globin gene in -thalassaemia heterozygotes
Distinction from simple -thalassaemia heterozygotes –Presence of red cell abnormalities –Circulating normoblasts –More anaemic –Higher HbF levels Explain the inheritance of families in which only one parent is thalassaemic
Triplicated -globin gene in -thalassaemia heterozygotes
Genetic basis for phenotypic variation in the Chinese Severity of -thalassaemia mutation 0 / 0 severe 0 / + 2/3 severe; 1/3 intermedia 0 / +++ intermedia / + intermedia (mild) Concurrent -thalassaemia SEA deletion ameliorate 0 / + only but not necessarily 0 / 0 Triplicated -globin gene in -thalassaemia heterozygotes Often associated with thalassaemia intermedia phenotype
Genetic basis for phenotypic variation in the Chinese Determinants of HbF production –XMnI G -promoter polymorphism: inconsistent effect –Familial determinants of high HbF remains to be defined
Effect of XMnI G -promoter polymorphism
Genotype phenotype correlation in 0 / 0 thalassaemia
Genetic determinants of high HbF
A -HPFH: nt -196 C→T SubjectSex/AgeHb (g/dL) MCV (fL) MCH (pg) HbA 2 (%) HbF (%) HbH bodies α-genotypeβ-genotype IndexF/ Negativeζζζαα/ζζααβ 41/42(-CTTT) /β A Elder brother 1 M/ Negativeζζζαα/ζζααβ 41/42(-CTTT) /β A Elder brother 2 M/ Negativeζζζαα/ζζααβ 41/42(-CTTT) /β A Elder Sister F/ Negativeζζαα/ζζααβ A / β A DaugtherF/ Negativeζζαα/ζζααβ 41/42(-CTTT) /β A Son of elder brother 2 M/ Negativeζζαα/ζζααβ 41/42(-CTTT) /β A Note: All subjects are negative for XmnI G γ-polymorphism
Genetic modifiers of single gene disorders Primary modifiers Secondary modifiers Tertiary modifiers
Hyperbilirubinaemia Jaundice Gall stones
UGT1A1 mutations and hyperbilirubinaemia Uridine-diphosphoglucuronate glucuronosyltransferase –UGT1 gene : 12 isoforms with alternative first exons –UGT1A1 contributes most significantly to bilirubin glucuronidation –Mutations in coding region and promoter
UGT1A1 alleles in Chinese Hsieh S-Y et al, Am J Gastroenterol 96: , 2001
Detection of UGT1A1 polymorphisms UGT1A1 promoter genotype –direct sequencing of PCR product Gly71Arg mutation at exon 1 –PCR restriction analysis of MspI cleavage site
143bp 119bp 24bp M W h W W W W H h h W W H Homozgyous (TA)6 Homozgyous (TA)7 Heterozgyous (TA)6/(TA)7
Prevalence of UGT1A1 polymorphisms (TA) 7 = 25 cases (19.6%); G71R = 34 cases (26.8%) MajorIntermedia (TA) 7 homozygous 02 (TA) 7 heterozygous14 (2)9 (1) G71R homozygous42 G71R heterozygous24 (2)4 (1)
Predictors of bilirubin level
Predictors of gall stones
Genetic haemochromatosis and iron overload in -thalassaemia Homozygosity for HFE alleles C282Y and H63D –predisposes to iron overload in -thalassaemia Prevalence in Chinese patient cohort AlleleFrequency C282Y0% H63D1.3% S65C0%
Transferrin receptor-2 (TFR2) mutations and iron overload Homologue of transferrin receptor with 48% identity and 66% similarity Common affinity for diferric transferrin Lack of affinity for HFE protein
Transferrin receptor-2 (TFR2) polymorphisms Allelic frequency PolymorphismPatientsControlp-value exon 5 I238M 7.1%4.7%0.24 IVS CA24.5%22.2%0.54
TFR2 polymorphism and iron overload in transfusion independent -thalassaemia intermedia
Genetics of osteoporosis in thalassaemia Heterozygous (Ss) or homozygous (ss) polymorphism of COLIA1 gene: ↓ BMD –Perrotta et al, Br J Haematol 111: 461, 2000 VDR BB genotype: ↓ spine BMD than bb genotype –Dresner Pollak et al, Br J Haematol 111: 902, 2000 VDR FF genotype: shorter stature and ↓ BMD –Ferrara et al, Br J Haematol 117: 436, 2002
Conclusions Disease severity explainable by nature of -thalassaemia mutation and interacting -thalassaemia Problem of discordant phenotype in 0 / + Genetic modifiers may play in role in modulating phenotype (especially complications)