Laura Boothe Attainment Planning Branch Supervisor January 11, 2012
Used EPA’s modeling files 2005 mercury air emission files 2005 meteorology files EPA’s version of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model used for mercury deposition modeling Zeroed out North Carolina’s mercury air emissions to understand the impact of North Carolina’s air emission sources on North Carolina Ran model with clean boundary conditions to understand impact of the global air emissions on North Carolina
Based on EPA’s 2005 Data
Zero out run indicated ~16% of the mercury deposition in North Carolina is coming from air emission sources in North Carolina Clean boundary conditions indicate that 70% of the mercury deposition in North Carolina comes from outside of the 12-km modeling domain
Source Type 2002 lbs/year 2010 lbs/year 2016* lbs/year Reduction Electric Generating 3, % Other Point 1, % Total 5,3001,8441,50072% *2016 projected emission include EPA’s proposed Electric Generating Units and Boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Rules and planned shutdowns/fuel conversions
DWQ is developing a Mercury Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for North Carolina based in part on air quality modeling January 2012 Final draft TMDL completed Draft Implementation February 2012 Final draft TMDL available to public Request feedback March 2012 EMC informational item Stakeholder meetings