Genetics and Our Lives How has the study of genetics affected us? What does the future of genetics hold?
Some human health problems are due to genetic disorders Cystic fibrosis Sickle-cell anemia Hemophilia Down syndrome Spina bifida Over one hundred others that are known
Advances in Genetics Breeding and hybridization of plants and animals. DNA fingerprinting. Cloning of plants and animals. Genetic engineering (aka “gene splicing”).
Cloning Clones are genetically identical. Plants clone easily (cuttings), but animal cells are much more difficult. Dolly the sheep (first mammal cloned). Identical twins are the only human clones.
How to clone a sheep: The making of Dolly ( ) Egg taken from a sheep. Nucleus removed and replaced with a nucleus of a mammary cell from a different sheep. Egg then implanted into a third sheep’s uterus. Six months later, Dolly is born. So who is the mother? Who is the daughter? Why was she called Dolly?
Genetic Engineering Selected genes are transferred from one organism to another. Sometimes called “gene splicing”. Can improve food crops. To make medicines. Cure human genetic disorders (aka gene therapy). Considered controversial by some. Who are we to play God?