Location-Aided Routing (LAR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Young-Bae Ko and Nitin H. Vaidya Recipient of the MOBICOM'98 Best Student Paper Award
Problem A B E C XSD D C XSD C S D C XS t0t0 t1t1
Route Discovery Using Flooding A B C E XSD route request route reply
Location-Aided Routing Main Idea Using location information to reduce the number of nodes to whom route request is propagated. Location-aided route discovery based on “limited” flooding
Location Information Consider a node S that needs to find a route to node D. Assumption: each host in the ad hoc network knows its current location precisely (location error considered in one of their simulations) node S knows that node D was at location L at time t 0, and that the current time is t 1 Location services in ad hoc networks, refer to A survey on position-based routing in mobile ad hoc networks, M. Mauve, J. Widmer, and H. Hartenstein, IEEE Network, Vol. 15 No. 6, A survey on position-based routing in mobile ad hoc networks
Expected Zone expected zone of D ---- the region that node S expects to contain node D at time t 1, only an estimate made by node S
Request Zone LAR’s limited flooding A node forwards a route request only if it belongs to the request zone The request zone should include expected zone other regions around the expected zone No guarantee that a path can be found consisting only of the hosts in a chosen request zone. timeout expanded request zone Trade-off between latency of route determination the message overhead
Membership of Request Zone How a node determine if it is in the request zone for a particular route request LAR scheme 1 LAR scheme 2
LAR Scheme 1
LAR Scheme 2 S knows the location (X d, Y d ) of node D at time t 0 Node S calculates its distance from location (X d, Y d ): DIST s Node I receives the route request, calculates its distance from location (X d, Y d ): DIST i For some parameter δ, If DIST s + δ ≥ DIST i, node I replaces DISK s by DISK i and forwards the request to its neighbors; otherwise discards the route request
Error in Location Estimate Let e denote the maximum error in the coordinates estimated by a node. Modified LAR scheme 1 D (X d, Y d ) e+v(t 1 -t 0 ) Expected Zone
Evaluation Comparing Flooding LAR scheme 1 LAR scheme 2 Study Cases on Varying number of nodes in the network 15, 30, 50 nodes transmission range of each node 200, 300, 400, or 500 units moving speed consider average speed (v) in range 1.5 to 32.5 units/sec
Definition of Evaluation Metric DP: data packets data packets received by the destination RP: routing packets routing related packets (i.e., route request, route reply and route error) received by various nodes #Routing packets per Data packet
Varying the Average Speed
Varying the Transmission Range
Varying the Number of Nodes
# Routing Packets per Route Discovery
Impact of Location Error (I)
Impact of Location Error (II)
Variations and Optimizations Alternative Definitions of Request Zone increasing the request zone gradually? Adaptation of Request Zone Propagation of Location and Speed Information Local Search
More Recent Work on Forwarding Strategy & Work on Location Service see A survey on position-based routing in mobile ad hoc networks, M. Mauve, J. Widmer, and H. Hartenstein, IEEE Network, Vol. 15 No. 6, 2001.A survey on position-based routing in mobile ad hoc networks