Template presentation
EDF Energy’s Upstream Approach to Stress at Work Management, Resilience and Wellbeing Dr Margaret Samuel CMO EDF Energy
Upstream OH Prevention/Protection – H&S Management System Proactive intervention – Physio + ESP Promotion of good health - Wellbeing Strong Union support Upstream OH Prevention/Protection – H&S Management System Proactive intervention – Physio + ESP Promotion of good health - Wellbeing Strong Union support Downstream OH Patching up Treatment Rehabilitation Ill health retirement Downstream OH Patching up Treatment Rehabilitation Ill health retirement Ambitions Attitudes and Behaviour
Why focus on Occupational Health? HSE Statistics 2008/ million suffered primarily work related ill-health (WRIH) 415,000 due to stress and 225,000 due to back pain 29.3 million working days lost to accidents and WRIH Many more than accidents 24.6 million days to work related ill health (11.4 m to stress/mental ill health and 3.5m to back pain) 4.7 million days lost to accidents
Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Stress Management Standards Demands The demands of people's jobs (relating to workload, work patterns, working environment) Role The extent to which people understand their role in the organisation and do not have conflicting roles Support The support provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues Control How much control (or how much say) people have in the way they do their work Change How organisational change is managed and communicated Relationships at work
STRESS: EARLY SIGNS Intermittent days off work Signs of fatigue Irritability, snappiness, low tolerance Difficulty coping with new demands Withdrawal; loss of social contact at work Mistakes Forgetfulness
STRESS: THE END POINTS Headaches Skin rashes, eczema Eye strain Cardiac signs Gut disorders Hyperventilation Back discomfort Muscular spasms Immune system Depression/anxiety states
Stress is a transitional state between optimal wellbeing and ill health Stress signs Subjective Fatigued Irritable Reduced resilience Overwhelmed Optimal Wellbeing Objective Energised Sense of control Partitioning Resilient Performance Pressure
EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME Confidential self-referral and OH referral service Available to all employees Three treatment sessions – confidential Further sessions on request to Management through OH Feedback to OH on referral types Close supervision and liaison on case management Specific support for ‘dependency’
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Evidence based Focused treatment Developing personal coping responses Treatment aimed at relapse prevention Modifying perceptions and attitudes that underlie anxiety and mood changes
Managers Occupational health and the ESP – a strong partnership with the company Health & Safety Reps Human Resources ESP & Occupational Health ESP & Occupational Health Employee
Percentage days lost due to mental ill health as percentage of total sickness
Percentage off work at time of referral to Employee Support Programme
Percentage of Employee Support Programme referrals showing work- related circumstances
The Change Curve Time Unaware Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action Employees have a sense that something needs to be done but not what, how or why. Employees starting to become aware of what changes are needed, where EDF Energy want to be, and how to get there. Employees understand the change and are reaching their own conclusions with respect to the necessity and feasibility of the change and the effect upon them. Employees understand the desired environment and have a more detailed understanding about how the organisation intends to reach its goals. They will be concerned about how the change is likely to affect them.
RESISTING Denial Defensiveness Re-group Avoidance ACCEPTI NG Explorati on Resolutio n Adaptatio n Planning ADAPTING TO CHANGE Performance Pressure
Change management aims to:- help managers understand the personal effects of change enable managers to take their teams through a change project whilst minimising risks of psychological ill-effects build resilience and team cohesion
Stress and resilience management training aims to help managers gain more clarity about what stress is and their ability to recognise the signs of stress/low resilience take stress out of a difficult situation, helping to empower an employee to solve a problem rather than blame them open a conversation with someone who may be showing stress signs know when to refer an employee or themselves to OH or the ESP and how to make a referral increase their own resilience and coping mechanisms
Resilience Absorbs the pressures Lessens wear and tear Preserves well-being and energy
Resilience Index and Resilience Enhancement Programme Simple to use – can be completed in a few minutes Shows employees:- where they are on the pressure/performance curve the strength of their 5 key resilience building blocks, colour coded green, orange and red for easy interpretation leads directly into the 5 self development modules
Support Control Balance Physiology Attitudes Pressure Energ y 5 Building blocks of Resilience
Well-being at EDF Energy Support & Care Psychologic al Physical Well-being at EDF Energy CONNECTED RESILIENT FIT
Key healthy lifestyle initiatives include Psychological well-being The Employee Support Programme Stress & Resilience Awareness Workshops Resilience Enhancement Programme (Pilot) Physical well-being Opportunity for health education during every consultation with OH Physiotherapy provision and work hardening classes Fitness units, advice on exercise programmes and planned virtual fitness programmes Healthy eating campaigns in conjunction with catering Weight loss advice Smoking cessation classes and advice on stopping smoking Alcohol and drug awareness programmes and educational material Health screening opportunities through OH and wellbeing kiosks Health fact sheets on the Intranet But this work needs to be ‘joined up’ and more widely promoted………….!
A Positive Workplace Visible senior leadership Accountable managers throughout the organisation demonstrating the right attitudes and behaviours Engaged employees System of monitoring and measurement to ensure continuous improvement in Occupational Health & Safety Empowers employees to care of their own health
A Positive Workplace Attention to both mental and physical health improvements Consults and engages with employees to develop a simple menu of activities and options with wide appeal for their particular demographics Job design that recognises ‘good work’ principles such as strong relationships, fairness, flexible working, meaningful work, etc. Encourages early intervention when things go wrong, not just to prevent accidents but also work related ill health – the ‘slow accident’