1 MBChB – CURRICULUM Clinical Methods Semester 6 Gastroenterology
2 DOCTOR What is IBS? Do I have cancer? I can't lead a normal life I have this pain in my pain in myabdomen Where is the toilet? Can it be treated? Patient’s concerns
3 Psychologicalcomorbidity Seriousdisease Hidden agenda narcotics,laxatives,benefits Shall I refer? Recent stressful event stressful event Impaired daily function Drossman et al, 1995; 1997 Doctor’s concerns
5 History taking ± 80 % of diagnosis can be made by proper history taking Put patient at ease – patients always afraid of doctors Acquire patient’s trust
6 A: MAIN COMPLAINT 1. Mouth Mouth 2. Problems with swallowing Problems with swallowing Problems with swallowing 3. Nausea Nausea 4. Vomiting Vomiting 5. Eating habits Eating habits Eating habits 6. Weight Weight 7. Heartburn Heartburn 8. Gaseousness, bloating & flatulence Gaseousness, bloating & flatulence Gaseousness, bloating & flatulence 9. Abdominal pain Abdominal pain Abdominal pain 10. Bowel habits Bowel habits Bowel habits 10.1 Diarrhoea Diarrhoea 10.2 Constipation Constipation 11. Jaundice Jaundice
7 1. Mouth Mouth sores Breath Tongue & taste Teeth & gums Throat Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
8 2. Problems with swallowing Dysphagia – difficulty with swallowing Dysphagia – difficulty with swallowing Dysphagia – difficulty with swallowing Aphagia – no water or solids can be swallowed (emergency for obstruction) Odynophagia – painfull swallowing Globus pharyngeous (hystericus) – lump lodged in the throat feeling Phagophobia – fear of swallowing Infections – immune status dysphagia & odynophagia Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
9 2.1 Dyphagia (difficulty with swallowing) Water or solids Water or solids Acute or chronic presentation Acute or chronic presentation Where does food get stuck Where does food get stuck Nasal regurgitation Nasal regurgitation Simultaneous symptoms Simultaneous symptoms Chest pain, hoarseness, weight loss Hiccup – level of diaphragm Hiccup – level of diaphragm 2. Problems with swallowing Back to problems with Swallowing menu
10 3. Nausea Nausea in relation with meals Nausea for specific foods – fatty meals – gall stones With emotional stress Time – morning sickness pregnancy pregnancy raised intracranial pressure raised intracranial pressure Drugs Fever Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
11 4. Vomiting 4. Vomiting Vomiting with or without nausea Projectile vomiting ( raised intracranial pressure ) In relation with meals With emotional stress Drugs Fever Simultaneous bowel motions – none or Diarrhoea What does the patient vomit: undigested food undigested food blood (hematemesis or black coffee grounds) blood (hematemesis or black coffee grounds) bile bile Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
12 5. Eating habits Appetite increase or decreased 6. Weight Gain or loss Loss on purpose or spontaneous Loss gradually or recently Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
13 7. Heartburn When With or after meals With or after meals Evenings Evenings Whole day Whole day How often How often Alarm signs dysphagia dysphagia coughing spells especially at night coughing spells especially at night weight loss weight loss Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
14 8. Gaseousness, bloating & flatulence Aerophagia (swallowing of air) Belching (vomiting of air) & Flatulence Abdominal distention Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
15 9. Abdominal pains Associated with: Meals Bloating and bowel distention Specific abdominal area Cramps / deep pain Constant or intermittend Improve with passing of stools Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
Bowel habits What is your normal bowel habit Recent change in bowel habit Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
Diarrhoea Acute of chronic presentation (>4 weeks) Volume and frequency Volume and frequency Volume and frequency Day / night rhythm Day / night rhythm Day / night rhythm Content Content Colour, odour, consistency Tenesmus and pain (anus) Drugs (antibiotics en laxatives) Sexual activities (AIDS) Travelers Diarrhoea Weight loss Weight loss Weight loss Previous surgery Previous surgery Previous surgery Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
Diarrhoea Volume and frequency High volume, low frequency – small bowel High volume, low frequency – small bowel Low volume, high frequency - colon Low volume, high frequency - colon Day / Night rhythm Only during daytime – irritable bowel Only during daytime – irritable bowel Only at night (early morning) – diabetic autonomic neuropathy Only at night (early morning) – diabetic autonomic neuropathy Back to diarrhoea Main menu
Diarrhoea Content water water mucus mucus blood (hematochezia or black melena) blood (hematochezia or black melena) Food residue (undigested) Food residue (undigested) Float on water (fat malabsorption) Float on water (fat malabsorption) Back to diarrhoea Main menu
Diarrhoea Weight loss diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus malignancy malignancy psychiatric psychiatric hyperthyroidism hyperthyroidism malabsorption malabsorption TB TB AIDS AIDS Back to diarrhoea Main menu
Diarrhoea Previous surgery subtotal gastrectomy subtotal gastrectomy short bowel syndrome short bowel syndrome afferent loop syndrome afferent loop syndrome Ileum-resection Ileum-resection post cholecystectomy syndrome (bile acids) post cholecystectomy syndrome (bile acids) Back to diarrhoea Main menu
Constipation Individual variation according to eating habits Acute or chronic presentation Frequency – how many times per week Abdominal distention Pain – improvement after passing of stools Bloating and flatulence Consistency – hard pellet stools Straining (25 %)
Constipation (continue) Feeling of incomplete evacuation Blood per rectum – after, around or in the stools – red (hematochazea) or black melena stools Drugs Emosional status Weight loss Previous surgery Other diseases – Diabetes Mellitus, Hypothyroidism Back to MAIN COMPLAINT MENU
Jaundice Family history – Hepatitis B Occupation – doctors and laboratory personnel Transfusions and injections – Hepatitis B en C Tattoos and skin rings Alcohol use Travel history – Hepatitis Operations Sexual orientation – Hepatitis B en C Medication B: Systemic enquiry
26 B: SYSTEMIC ENQUERY 1. All other systems 2. Previous diseases 3. Previous operations 4. Current medication 5. Occupations 6. Socio-economic and habits