definition of puberty Broad definition: The physical, psychological, and cultural changes that occur as the growing child transitions into adulthood. Narrow definition: The process by which an individual becomes capable of reproduction.
time periods of adolescent Adolescence is a unique developmental period it keeps changing! Everyone goes through changes at their own RATE Early adolescence – 11 to 13 years old Continues to be pushed earlier (9-10…) Middle adolescence – 14 to 17 years old Late adolescence (early adulthood) – 18 to 20 years old Continues to be pushed later (21-24…)
physical changes… Primary sex characteristics The body organs and reproductive structures and functions that differ between women and men. Related directly to reproductive cells. Gametes (Sperm and Eggs) Secondary sex characteristics Characteristics of the body that are caused by hormones, (testosterone and estrogen) develop during puberty, and last through adult life. Changes in genitals/breasts/voice Pubic/body/facial hair
changes… Rapid acceleration of physical growth Adolescent growth spurt 3.5 (girls) to 4.0 (boys) inches/year ½ adult weight gained during adolescence Changes in body composition Males waist lines shrink Females hips widen, body fat increases Emergence of sex differences in physical performance
roles of hormones Activational role (specific to puberty): Structural “remodeling” of brain Increase in sexual motivation Development of secondary sex characteristics
impacts of puberty Sleep patterns Family relations Social Changes Delayed phase preference 9 hours: 1 am to 10 am Family relations Transformation of parent-child bond Social Changes Peers may challenge your beliefs Making new friends, being accepted into new peer groups
impacts of puberty Self-esteem Moods Changing body image Changing sense of self Moods Increased stress + Increased sensitivity Fluctuation of moods Due to hormones or environment?
timing - individual factors Genetic factors Timing and tempo Environmental factors Nutrition Body weight Exposure to hormones/chemicals Family conflict Stepfathers
early maturation Boys Girls Early maturation positives Popularity, higher self-esteem Early maturation negatives Deviant, risk behaviors; more rigidity later Girls Popularity (cultural dependence) Lower self-esteem, eating disorders, emotions, deviant behaviors
late maturation Boys Girls Late maturation positives Higher levels of creativity, inventiveness Late maturation negatives Low self-esteem, low social competence Girls Thinner build Social withdrawal
Gender Identity What are some of the grounds of identity? Gender Ethnicity/culture Age group Vocation Political ideology Religious/moral values
What is gender identity? Adolescence – adulthood Function of gender roles Adolescence – adulthood Gender intensification Social/cultural pressures Peer pressures Parental pressures Biological pressures
Ethnic Identity What is ethnic identity? Identification Physical/psychological characteristics Cultural practices/beliefs
Other types of Identity Vocational identity Aspect of identity associated with career. Being a lawyer Being a janitor Religious identity Aspect of identity associated with religious belief system. Being a Christian or Buddhist Being an atheist Age identity Aspects of identity associated with age group. Being a teenager Being an elderly person
Identity and stereotypes Identities commonly incorporate/activate stereotypes Common characteristics associated with Being female Being Native American Being a plumber Being overweight Some characteristics positive, others negative.