EPA Funding Opportunities Tyler Cooley Air Division - Clean Energy & Climate Change Office U.S. EPA, Region 9 1 July 9, 2015
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Trucking Rail Agriculture Marine/Ports Public Fleets Construction & Distributed Generation 3
DERA Funding Allocation State Allocation (30%) State Allocation (30%) National Competitive (70%) National Competitive (70%) Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Grant Funding Assistance Programs 4 Rebate Program
DERA WCC projects: –Funded over $109 million & leveraged over $230 million –Over 7,000 engines retrofitted or replaced DERA funding authorization sunsets in 2016 without Congressional reauthorization 2005 to 2010: $200M 2010 to 2016: $100M 2015 Targeted Air Shed Appropriation: $10M –Includes San Joaquin Valley, Plumas County & Southern California (South Coast, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial Counties) 5
Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Funding Levels 6
National Clean Diesel RFP Generally released in Spring Available to state/local govt agencies and non- profit organizations (transportation/air quality) –Private fleet owners can be project partners 2015 DERA RFP – closed June 15 th –$2.1M for Region 9 projects –Focus on: Engines involved in goods movement, including freight & ports Poor air quality areas (NAA, NATA) Community engagement and partnerships Project sustainability –Awards expected to be announced in August 7
National RFP – Eligible Projects Grant funds can be used to pay for up to: –100% of verified exhaust control devices –40% of an engine replacement (repower)* –25% of vehicle/equipment replacements* 50% for drayage trucks* Replacement engines/vehicles must be certified to new emission standards (or be zero-emission) Cost share can be matched with other non-federal funding sources Cannot pay for infrastructure *requires scrappage 8
Clean Diesel Rebate Program 2012 (School Buses), 2013 (Non-road) 2014 School Bus Replacement Program –Clovis USD; Culver City USD; Enterprise Elementary SD (Redding);Southern Humboldt USD (Miranda);Town Ride Inc. (Arcadia) –Provided up to $25K/bus for up to five replacements Replacement bus powered by engine; or ZEV Old bus must be scrapped –School districts and private fleets with active contracts –Applicants randomly selected –9 month project period 9
Bay Area Air Quality Management District 2012 Reducing Truck Diesel Emissions at Bay Area Ports This project replaced twenty-nine model year 1995 to 2003 drayage trucks operating at the Port of Oakland with cleaner model year 2007 or newer trucks. Before and after photos of a truck replacement project Lifetime Emission Reductions 25 tonsPM 477 tons NO x 212 tons CO 30 tons HC Lifetime Emission Reductions 25 tonsPM 477 tons NO x 212 tons CO 30 tons HC Funding Sources Greatest Impact: West Oakland Community
Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District 2013: Refuse Truck & Agricultural Tractor Replacements This project will replace 4 heavy-duty diesel refuse trucks with compressed natural gas trucks running on renewable natural gas from food waste, and 8 heavy-duty diesel agricultural tractors with equipment that meets, or exceeds Tier 4 exhaust emission standards for nonroad compression-ignition engines. Lifetime Emission Reductions 2.5 tons PM 33 tonsNO x 15 tons CO 2.2 tons HC 2,150 tons CO 2 Lifetime Emission Reductions 2.5 tons PM 33 tonsNO x 15 tons CO 2.2 tons HC 2,150 tons CO 2 Funding Sources Sacramento Ozone Nonattainment Area $2,337,585
San Joaquin Valley Unified Pollution Control District 2014: Class 5/6 Truck Replacement Program This project will replace 48 model year 1991 to 2003 local delivery trucks, currently in operation in the San Joaquin Valley Nonattainment Area, with trucks powered by 2013 or newer engines. Lifetime Emission Reduction 16.7 tons PM 329 tons NO x 47 tons HC 193 tons CO Lifetime Emission Reduction 16.7 tons PM 329 tons NO x 47 tons HC 193 tons CO Funding Source
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