A Sustainable Residential Design Project Project 16 DS 413: Design Studio 413 May 9, 2012
Coded Floorplan/Siteplan
3D View
1: Sustainable Site 1A: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention – prevent soil loss, sedimentation from moving into streambeds or storm sewers, and air pollution from occurring due to matter released during construction. 1B: Site selection – not built on farmland, land within 100 feet of wetlands, undeveloped land, etc. 1C: Community Connectivity – located within half a mile of dense neighborhood population. 1D: Alternative Transportation – parking capacity for carpools. 1E: Heat Island Effect – reduce the effect of heat islands by having 75% of roofing and pavement that supplies a high solar reflective index.
2: Water Efficiency 2A: Water Efficient Landscaping - plant species native to the area. (buffalo grass, 2B: Water Efficient Landscaping – no potable water used for landscape irrigation. 2C: Innovative Wastewater Technologies – reduce use of potable water by using water conserving toilets. 2D: Water Use Reduction – reduce potable water consumption by using low flow toilets, faucets, and showers. 2E: Water Use Reduction – use gray water system the uses harvested rainwater or recycled water from sinks and showers to flush toilets.
3: Energy and Atmosphere 3A: Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems – all HVAC systems are installed, calibrated, and perform according to the owner’s specifications. 3B: Minimum Energy Performance – use energy star appliances for highest possible energy performance. 3C: Fundamental Refrigerant Management - no CFC-based refrigerants in HVAC system. 3D: On-Site Renewable Energy – use solar panels to supply at least 2.5% of the buildings yearly energy use. 3E: Enhanced Refrigerant Management – don’t use refrigerants that emit compounds that deplete the ozone layer.
4: Materials and Resources 4A: Storage and Collection of Recyclables – recycling area accessible to all occupants. 4B: Construction Waste Management – recycle construction material for use for other products. 4C: Regional Materials - use materials extracted within 500 mile radius for building. 4D: Rapidly Renewable Materials - use raw materials that take 10 years or less to regrow following harvest (linoleum, cork, wheatboard, wool, cotton, bamboo). 4E: Certified Wood - use 50% FSC wood.
5: Indoor Environmental Quality 5A: Environmental Tobacco Smoke – not allowing any smoking inside of the building. 5B: Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring – ensure safety of occupants by installing permanent monitoring systems that sets off an alarm if ventilation system varies by 10% or more. 5C: Low-Emitting Materials - use low-emitting paint, carpet, and adhesives. 5D: Controllability of Systems – a minimum of 50% of occupants can control lighting and thermal comfort. 5E: Daylight and Views – 90% of all work areas have a direct line of sight through windows.
6: Innovation and Design 6A: Ice Storage/Reduce Peak Electrical Usage – use chillers designed so that they run at night during off peak hours to produce the ice that conditions the air during the day. 6B: Educational Building – educational materials such as books and a computer available in the building. Use green cleaning products. 6C: Innovation in Design - Use the highest absorptive ceiling for open plan areas, high STC panels, and sound masking, to achieve a superior acoustical performance. 6D: Innovation in Design – use low mercury lighting. 6E:Innovation in Design – use green cleaning products.