Mr. Ovalle.  Read the “Alligator River” passage  Rate each character from least offensive (1) to most offensive (5)  Explain why you chose your number.


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Ovalle

 Read the “Alligator River” passage  Rate each character from least offensive (1) to most offensive (5)  Explain why you chose your number 1 and number 5 ratings.

 Ladies: Why is it important to learn about the male reproduction system, how it works, and what organs make up the male reproductive system?  Men: Why is it important to learn about the female reproduction system, how it works, and what organs make up the female reproductive system?

 What are the 3 purposes of the vagina? Sketch and label the female reproductive system without using your notes if possible (from the labia up to the ovaries).

 Puberty: ◦ Stage of growth when the body is able to produce offspring  Body is ready to have a child but are you ready?  Estrogen ◦ Hormone produced by the ovaries that stimulate the development of female secondary sex characteristics and effects the menstrual cycle  Secondary Sex Characteristics ◦ Physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty

 Develop more body fat  Hip bones widen  Development of breasts  Hair under arms and pubic area  Menstrual cycle starts

 1 out of every 2 African American girls show signs of puberty by the age of 8 ◦ Increase in obesity, chemicals in food, and sexualized messages may trigger the jumpstart of physical development.

 Bartholin’s Gland: ◦ Secretes mucus to lubricate the vagina  Cervix: ◦ Connects the uterus to the vagina  Fallopian Tube: ◦ 4 inch tube that connects the ovary to the uterus.  Labia Major: ◦ Heavy skin folds that surround the opening of the vagina

 Labia Minor: ◦ Two smaller folds of skin located within the labia major  Ovary: ◦ Female reproductive glands that produce ovum (eggs) and estrogen  Uterus: ◦ It is within the uterus that the fetus develops during gestation  Vagina: ◦ Muscular tube that connects the uterus to the outside of the body. Serves for sexual intercourse, the birth canal, and the passage way for menstrual flow.

 Reducing Menstrual Health ◦ Hot baths, medications, low salt/caffeine, and even light exercise  Pelvic Exams ◦ Pap Smear: screening test to detect cervical cancer  Breast Self-Exam ◦ Self-exam that checks for lumps in breasts (breast cancer)  Mammogram ◦ High sensitive x-ray used to detect breast lumps

 Keep a calendar  Practice good menstrual hygiene habits  Choose habits that reduce menstrual cramps  Perform monthly breast self-examinations  Have a regular medical checkup  Seek medical attention when you are showing signs of infections  Practice abstinence

 The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. Ovulation usually occurs on the 14 th day due to rising levels of LH. However, this length can vary based on the individual. What factors can effect your menstrual cycle? ◦ Environmental factors, such as stress, diet, travel, exercise, weight gain or weigh lose, illness.  Birth control pill can help with keeping cycle regular. ◦ Helps with reducing cramping and makes period lighter.

 Days 1-5 ◦ The menstrual flow leaves the body (2 ounces of blood and uterine lining)  Days 6-12 ◦ Uterine lining rebuilds itself in thickness  Days ◦ Ovulation occurs: an egg is released into the fallopian tube  Days ◦ Corpus luteum (temporary gland) secretes hormones (estrogen and progesterone) to support pregnancy  Days ◦ Corpus luteum disintegrates if egg is not fertilized

 At the beginning of the menstrual cycle the pituitary gland releases the hormones LH and FSH. ◦ FSH acts on the ovaries  Causes egg to mature and follicle in ovary to produce more estrogen