An SRF Single Cavity Horizontal Test Facility Tom Peterson, Fermilab May 10, 2005
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab2 Give High Priority to a Horizontal Test Cryostat There is a need in the US for an R&D facility for testing “dressed” single cavities in a horizontal dewar –Complementary to vertical test capabilities at other labs –Initially envisioned as part of plans for SMTF at Fermilab’s Meson Lab –With the cancellation of BTEV it now makes more sense to locate this at Fermilab’s Magnet Test Facility, Industrial Building 1 (IB1)
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab3 Purpose of Single “Dressed” Cavity (with Helium Vessel, Tuner, Couplers, etc.) Testing Check tuner and cavity tuning stability –Tuner and piezo performance –RF passband mode measurement –Verify fundamental frequency at 2 K Test and process fundamental power coupler Test HOM couplers Verify cavity performance and limitations –Absence of quenching and multipacting –Measure Q 0 –Dark current Low level RF tests Long term system tests
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab4 Based on Chechia at TTF, but Some Differences Primary purpose is tests of “dressed” 1.3 GHz cavities, but.... Include 3.9 GHz testing capability Separate cryogenic valves and heat exchangers into separate valve box
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab5 Valves, heat exchanger, and much of the cryogenic instrumentation go in a vessel outside of the cave Vessel similar to Chechia at TTF for testing “dressed” cavities at 2 Kelvin
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab6 Possible Location for SRF Facility is Fermilab’s Magnet Test Facility at Industrial Building 1 (IB1) North View South View 25 ft x 100 ft floor space LN2, Vacuum, Discharge Lines LHe Line 10 Ton Crane
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab7 Why a Horizontal Test Cryostat at Fermilab’s Magnet Test Facility? Much of the required infrastructure and personnel support for SRF R&D is available or easily adaptable, so we can put the facility together in a short time –Experienced technical personnel in design, assembly, and operation of cryostats and instrumentation –60 Watts of 1.8 Kelvin cryogenics in operation for LHC magnet tests Our schedule is available for this new activity (> % available) –LHC testing should be completed by the end of CY2005 –No BTeV no BTeV IR quads and reduced TeV testing
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab8 RF Cavity Test Cave in IB1
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab9 Horizontal Test Cryostat in Cave in IB1
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab10 Horizontal Test Cryostat in Cave in IB1
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab11 Horizontal Test Cryostat Design and Fabrication Schedule “Typical” from experience for test systems –12 months design from concept to bid package –12 months procurement, fabrication, delivery –6 months installation and commissioning –Total of about 2.5 years from start of design to operations for a test system Implications for a horizontal test cryostat –Have designs from DESY and are a few months into our own modifications of that design. –Could speed procurement with sole source and early purchase of large components, so some design in parallel with fabrication –Still 10 months from receipt of most major components –System assembly effort is significant--must figure 6 months –Could have system assembled by end of calendar 2006
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab12 Comments on the SMTF Cryo System Effort For the Meson Lab -- Accelerator Division Cryogenics Department is refurbishing the Meson cryogenic system –Three stand-alone satellite refrigerators –Long transfer line to the Meson Lab For the New Muon Lab (or wherever the later stages of the photoinjector go) -- evaluate SSC cryo plant in storage at ANL (3500 W at 4 K, the KPS/Sulzer SSC MTL plant) –Fermilab has been offered this plant –A committee has started the evaluation Tom Peterson, Fermilab, chair Rau Ganni, Jlab John Weisend, SLAC Joel Fuerst, ANL George Mulholland, consultant –Compare cost with new system
10 May 05Tom Peterson, Fermilab13 Conclusions We propose to give high priority to development of an R&D facility for testing “dressed” single cavities in a horizontal dewar We are designing for both 3.9 GHz and 1.3 GHz dressed cavities with couplers and tuners A horizontal test facility in IB1 seems appropriate –Much of the required infrastructure and personnel support for SRF R&D is available or easily adaptable, so we should be able to put the facility together in a short time –Good quality floor space can be made available –60 Watts of 1.8 Kelvin cryogenics is already in operation for LHC magnet tests Experience says that, at best, we could have the facility assembled by the end of 2006