Guide to the Language Arts Block CSD Curriculum and Instruction Christina School District 2012-2013
The Language Arts Block Handbook “Your Guide for all things ELA” CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Sample Components/Timeframe of Language Arts Block ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS MUST BE POSTED 20 minutes Whole Group Comprehension/Fluency(Comprehension skill; choral, echo, partner, whisper read selection) 10 minutes Vocabulary (Anthology Selection, Text Talk, Elements of Reading, Curious About Words, Read Aloud, etc.) Phonics instruction* *Whole group Phonics Instruction should only occur when the skills being taught are part of the grade level scope and sequence/pacing guide. Otherwise, phonics instruction should occur in small, flexible groups. Daily Read Aloud** **Read Alouds can happen inside or outside of the Language Arts block. They may be part of your vocabulary instruction, writing mini lesson, or comprehension skill building lesson. 45-60 Minutes Small Flexible Rotating Groups/Centers 15-20 Minutes needs based small group instruction 35-45 Minutes Writers Workshop 5-10 minute Mini-Lesson with or without Read Aloud 1-2 minute quick Status of the Class update (identify stage of writing process- prewriting, drafting, editing, revising, publishing) 15-20 minutes Writing and Teacher/Student Conferencing 5 minute Sharing (Students rotate on a Flexible day schedule) CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Christina Language Arts Block K-5 All students will receive 135 minutes of literacy instruction daily. (Reading and Writing) Word Work (15 minutes) Phonemic Awareness Phonological Awareness Phonics Vocabulary Use your Common Core and Journeys Teachers Edition to guide your word work Teacher Directed (20-30 minutes) Use the comprehension skill from the Common Core and Journeys Teachers Edition to guide the Teacher directed lesson Essential Questions listed on Grade Level matrix may differ from those found in Teachers Edition and Focus Wall. The updated EQ’s align more closely with the Common Core will provide greater depth of knowledge. May use text or passages from Journeys, Supplemental Read Alouds, Science kit readers, Social Studies textbooks, Time for Kids Readers, etc. Remember the focus is on the skill /strategy. Teachers may use instructional delivery methods found in Journeys Teachers Edition or Sample Acquisition lessons found in elementary reading shared drive \\clshare\Elem_reading. Keep whole group practice/assignments out of this block and save for flexible group time. CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Flexible Group (20 minutes x 2) or (15 minutes x 3) Students will be broken into flexible groups based upon skill. Teacher must meet with the lowest group(s) EVERY day. Save this time for independent practice work based. assign something for all other students to do based on teacher directed lesson and then pull your low group first to provide more assistance/alternative assignments for them (remember these assignments must be meaningful and not just busy work). Centers for students not working with you should directly tie to what you have been teaching from the Teacher Directed Lesson or small flexible groups. There may be one review center for previously learned skills. Purpose: extra practice on what has been taught during word work and the teacher directed lesson. Center options can be found in your Journeys Teacher’s Edition and on Literacy Links at: CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Suggested Centers Review of Skills and Strategies Previously Taught Center Fluency Center (fluency practice, re-reading, partner reading) Word Work Center (activity can support grade level scope and sequence skills and/or needs based skills; can use frayer model to help support vocabulary concepts) Reading Independently Center (Self Directed Reading and/or using the graphic organizer) Writing in Response to Reading Center (writing from their graphic organizer, answering text based questions, or making connections to text) Listening & Speaking Center (listen to anthology story, listen to key pieces of literature, recording your reading or thoughts/retellings and sharing with a partner) Technology Center (Learning Point Navigator Assignments, Kidspiration, Inspiration, Think Central,, MS Word publishing of written responses,,,, etc.) For additional resources refer to Literacy Links at CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Writing Block (35-45 minutes) Use Direct instruction (Mini Lessons) Use Journeys Teachers Edition and/or Writing Curriculum Binder Address the Writing Process Common Core Writing Priority Focus Areas How to Write a Paragraph Narrative Writing Letter writing Descriptive Writing Informative/Explanatory Writing – Structures (comparing/contrast essay, Chronological essay, cause/effect, problem/solution) Persuasive/Construct Support Research CSD Curriculum and Instruction
CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Intervention Block: http://www. christina. k12. de Tier III students get both the 135 minutes language arts block daily and an additional 150 minutes of Tier III intervention services weekly outside the language arts block. Tier II students get both the 135 minutes reading block daily and an additional 90 minutes of Tier II intervention services weekly outside the language arts block. Tier III group This group must receive 30 minutes additional instruction daily. These should be students who need supplemental instruction. Tier III students must be progress monitored weekly. Intervention done with this group must remain needs based supported by data. Strategy/skill intervention should not be switched until progress monitoring data supports further/different instruction. While this group is working, other students should be working on extended thinking tasks (ex: Literature Circles, Book Clubs, Projects, Learning Point Navigator, Accelerated Reader, Scholastic Reading Counts, etc.) CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Intervention Block, Continued: Tier II Group: This group must receive additional instruction 90 minutes weekly. These should be students who need supplemental instruction. Tier II students must be progress monitored weekly. Intervention done with this group must remain needs based. Strategy/skill intervention should not be switched until progress monitoring data supports further/different instruction. While this group is working, other students should be working on extended thinking tasks (ex: Literature Circles, Book Clubs, Projects, Learning Point Navigator, Accelerated Reader, Scholastic Reading Counts, etc.) CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Response to Intervention Math intervention Strategic—math only 90 minutes per week Strategic—reading and math 120 per week Intensive—math only 150 minutes per week Intensive—reading and math180 minutes per week 20% rule If 20% of students in a classroom are not meeting BM on any instructional screening, a school based team shall meet to consider needs for additional classroom support and strategies. 12.10 DOE RtI CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Response to Intervention IEP IEP team to consider child’s PM data when developing, reviewing, or revising the IEP Team must check for improvement to the point that special education and related services may no longer be required…school shall initiate a reevaluation. 12.9 DOE RtI I Tracker Pro Teachers and administrators will use the I Tracker Pro system to input and track student information and data. CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Response to Intervention How is I-Tracker Pro making life easier? Teachers enter data into system Some data is automatically pulled from eSchool, mClass, DCAS, Renaissance Place, etc. They no longer need paper/pencil data collection forms such as… group summary for PM RtI Referral forms I-Tracker Pro stores this data for us The Most updated RtI Handbook can be found on the RtI page of Literacy Links at CSD Curriculum and Instruction
HMH Journeys HMH 2011/2012 Journeys Integrated Reading, Language Arts, Writing Uses latest research to help students become successful readers and writers Uses the best new literature to introduce Concept of Prints, Anthology short stories, Big Books, Read Alouds, and Trade Books Strong alignment to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Balanced: Encompasses all 5 strands (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Fluency) Skills and Strategies are reinforced throughout Focus is on both written and oral comprehension CSD Curriculum and Instruction
HMH Journeys Instructional Practices Include: Clear Goals and Expectations Explicit Instruction Aligned Standards and Instructional Practices Rich practices to develop students who can read, write, and speak well 5 strands woven together Supports ELL with rich visual context pictures child friendly sentences to introduce vocabulary and connects to meaning HMH resources are Language Support and Vocabulary in Context Cards and the Curious about Words CSD Curriculum and Instruction
HMH Journeys--Pacing Guides Pacing Guides Follow the Scope and Sequence of the HMH Journeys Program One for each grade level K-5 Aligns and connects to Common Core State Standards They can be found on Literacy Links at CSD Curriculum and Instruction
HMH Journeys Differentiated Instruction: The Grab and Go Kit has an abundance of resources to support the teacher edition (Journeys) from the struggling reader all the way to the advanced reader. There are a variety of other materials available to teachers to target and differentiate instruction: Reading/Literacy Toolkit Ready-Made Work Stations (word study, comprehension & fluency, think & write) Leveled Readers (old and new) Curious about Words (extend oral vocabulary; contains weekly read alouds) Write in Readers Decodable and Vocabulary Readers Language Support Cards (pre-teach critical skills) Instructional Card Kit (vocabulary, context, and retelling cards and others to support instruction) Sound Spelling Cards (provide sound letter associations K-3) Additional materials found on CSD Curriculum and Instruction
HMH Journeys On-going Assessment: Prescriptive data-driven instruction Just think about your purpose when assigning a task—do you want to know what the student has mastered (summative) or what they still need to learn (formative)? Summative or Formative Possible Assessment Options: weekly tests, benchmark/unit tests, CSD text based response assessments, stop & think questions, graphic organizers, etc. Progress Monitoring---remember progress monitoring with your curriculum based measures helps you to gauge student progress in all strands of literacy. Technology: Comprehensive set of resources with a multitude of activities and ideas for students, parents, and teachers (online teacher community) Online modules explaining each piece of the Journeys program for teachers CSD Curriculum and Instruction
What tools should I use to target student needs? Screening and Inventories Spelling Inventory (Words Their Way) Phonics Inventory Fry Sight Word Inventory Diagnostic Assessment (1-6) Emerging Literacy Survey (K-1) Comprehensive Screening Assessment (2-5) Progress Monitoring DIBELS Next Fry Sight Word Inventory Curriculum Based Assessments CSD Curriculum and Instruction Flow chart of intervention/small flex groups resources
HMH Journeys Common Assessments Journeys Weekly Tests The 3rd weekly test in each unit is to be given. This test contains a cold read portion (skills in context) for comprehension. Only the new comprehension story portion must be administered. This score will be entered into I Tracker Pro by the teacher. ( __/10) The Vocabulary portion can still be entered into I Tracker Pro but is not mandatory. The scores will show up independently of each other. Lesson # Kindergarten in Progress Monitoring Assessments Grades 1-5 Find in Grab and Go Kits Lesson 3-4 See pacing guide Administer each of the listed weekly assessments after instruction in that lesson has occurred. Lesson 3 Lesson 7-8 Lesson 8 Lesson 13-14 Lesson 13 Lesson 17-18 Lesson 18 Lesson 23-24 Lesson 23 Lesson 27-28 Lesson 28 CSD Curriculum and Instruction
HMH Journeys Common Assessments CSD Text Based Response Common Assessments These assessments contain cold reads (obtained from portions of the grade level Benchmark/Unit tests) and text dependent responses for students. These assessments can be found in the Elementary Reading Shared Drive in a folder labeled Common Assessments. \\clshare\Elem_reading These are to be scored on the Delaware State CCSS Writing Rubrics. These are located at Rubric Scores range from 1-4. 1--BP 2--NP 3--MP 4—MP/EP CSD Curriculum and Instruction Text Based Assessment Dates Grades Prompt 1 Week of 11/12/12 Grades 1-5 Prompt 2 Week of 3/25/13 Prompt 3 Week of 5/27/13 Grades KN-5
Stand-Alone Writing Prompt One common prompt KN-5 Administered fall and spring to give teachers pre and post data Score on new DE State CCSS writing rubrics CSD Curriculum and Instruction
What Data Should I Use? DCAS DIBELS Next Scholastic Reading Inventory STAR Curriculum Based Assessments (discussed earlier) CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Learning Focused Solutions Literacy Links Journeys/CCSS Skills and Strategy Matrices (focus on comprehension) Essential Question/Big Idea Posters Acquisition Lesson Planning Templates Activating Strategies Summarizing Strategies Other LFS Resources Elementary Resources Shared Drive \\clshare\Elem_reading\LFS Graphic Organizers Model Acquisition Lessons CSD Curriculum and Instruction
Where can I go for more help? Office of Teaching and Learning Curriculum Specialist, Kathy Kelly Instructional Coaches Content Chairs Literacy Links This presentation is posted on Literacy Links for your reference in the future! CSD Curriculum and Instruction