By: Nick Pollard
Sexual Harassment is exponentially spreading, causing joblessness,and affecting men and women all over the world.
It is a form of sex discrimination based solely on gender.
Quid Pro Quo – when employment relies on sexual favors Hostile Work Environment – actions of workers cause working conditions to be intolerable
Staring Wolf whistles Sexually explicit gestures Sexual sneak attack (grabbing breasts) Demanding (Hey, baby, give me a smile)
Displaying pornography in the workplace Inappropriate invitations (hot tub) Obscene phone calls Insisting they wear revealing clothing Inappropriate gifts (lingerie)
Hooting, sucking, lip-smacking, and animal noises Pressing or rubbing up against somebody Stalking Any unwelcome sexual advances
The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex The victim can be man, woman, same sex, or opposite The harasser can be anybody in the company or school
The victim does not have to be the one harassed but anybody affected by it
It can happen anywhere from middle school to a large corporate business. It is common in male dominated environments or female dominated places with male management.
It is illegal in employment, housing, and academia. It’s illegal in any school receiving federal money and companies with 15 or more employees.
48% of 7-12 graders have experienced some form of harassment 33% of victims say it affects them or their habits 50% of students don’t say anything about it 9% actually talked to a school staff member
Number of cases 1991 – 6,127 1996 – 15,342 2008 – 13,867 2011 – 11,364
Poor concentration Anxiety Debilitating depression Sleep/weight problems Alcohol or drug use
Increased absenteeism Vulnerability to hostile confrontations Lower staff productivity Poor staff morale
Say “No” clearly Tell them the conduct is unwelcome Document the harassment Explore company channels File a complaint