Mrs. Mase Kindergarten Room 113 Welcome! I’m looking forward to teaching your child and providing meaningful experiences to develop a lifelong love for learning. I truly want their first year of elementary school to be a position experience. The kindergarten program is designed to facilitate the development of the whole child. They will have opportunities to paint and draw, sing and dance. The kindergarten program is based on a balance of structured and unstructured experiences, which foster the children’s needs in academics and social development. It includes the following:
Mrs. Mase Kindergarten Room 113 Opening Exercises: Morning Meeting, calendar, weather, songs, poems, Peaceworks lesson, etc. Math: The math program is an activity centered program. It is centered around the following concepts. Geometry – identifying, describing, classifying, counting, analyzing, comparing & describing the position of 2D (flat) & 3D (solid) shapes. – composing simple shapes of form larger ones. Counting – count to 100 by ones and tens – model count, represent, compose and decompose numbers – understand the relationship between number and quantities – compare numbers > greater than, < less than and = equal to Addition & Subtraction – represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations and equations – solve addition and subtraction word problems to add and subtract within 10 by using objects and drawings Measurement – describe measurable attributes of objects – comparing length, height, weight and volume of objects
Mrs. Mase Kindergarten Room 113 Reading / Language Arts: The program will include the following components: Reading - shared reading, read aloud, reader response, decodable and student readers Phonological Awareness, rhyming words, syllables, discriminate sounds Phonics - constants and short vowels Words - high frequency and blend words Listening Comprehension - character, setting, sequence, plot, classify and categorize, cause and effect, draw conclusions. Comprehension Strategies - preview, predict and recall Writing - when writing first word of a sentence and I capitalized, name end punctuation, write most letters for sound, spell simple words phonetically. Speaking & Listening - discussion, conversation, follow directions, ask / answer questions, speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly.
Mrs. Mase Kindergarten Room 113 Theme: We will be working on various themes throughout the year based on our science and social studies units. They will include the seasons and weather, living and non living things, plants and animals, the senses, myself and others, my school and community, my neighborhood, being a good citizen and holidays. Snack: We will have a daily snack. Please send in a healthy snack with your child every day. Please mark it with an S so the children and I know that it is for snack and not lunch. If your child would like a drink for snack time they may bring one in. If your child would like a water bottle in the classroom, please have it be one that has a sports / sip tom Rest Time: The children will have a short rest time, ~15-20 mins every day. Recess: We will go outside every day unless there is inclement weather. Please make sure your child is dressed properly, especially in the colder months. Kindergarten Attire: If your child has tie sneakers, please help them to learn how to tie their shoes. Sneakers are the most appropriate shoes for every day. Besides the playground, students often have the opportunity for physical activity in assemblies, etc. Even with pretty dresses, sneakers are just fine. Homework: Homework will often be given on weeknights. It will become more regular as the year progresses. Homework will be stamped with a homework stamp so you know the assignment.
Mrs. Mase Kindergarten Room 113 Absences: If your child is absent please notify the school. Upon return, an absence note is required with your child’s full name and reason for absence. The same applies if your child is absent due to a vacation or family emergency. Please also include your child’s student ID number on the absent note Transportation: If at any time your child’s normal dismissal routine changes please send a note. Weekly Newsletter: At the end of each week a Kindergarten Newsletter will be sent home to inform you what we did that week. It will include any important information and reminders I need to tell you. Folder: It is very important that all children have their folder every day. This folder must be checked and cleaned out of any papers every night. This folder will contain all newsletters, notices and homework. Any homework, notes and money must be sent to school in this folder. Please put any money sent to school in an envelop or baggie marked with your child’s name and what it is for. Report Cards: Report cards are distributed four times a year. The first one will be shared with you at Parent – Teacher conferences in November. Birthdays: Please let me know in advance if you would like to send in something for your child’s birthday. THIS IS A PEANUT FREE CLASSROOM. Pease do not send in invitation to be distributed in the classroom unless you are inviting the whole class, all the boys and girls. A classroom directory of phone numbers and addresses will be provided for play dates and birthdays parties. Please let me know by September 25 if you do no wish to be included in the directory.